Games that aren't as good as you remember.
The platforming, combat and camera in Kingdom Hearts are shockingly mediocre.
Games that aren't as good as you remember.
The platforming, combat and camera in Kingdom Hearts are shockingly mediocre.
Other urls found in this thread:
git gud
>tfw replaying KH2 FM recently
It's even better than I remember
nigga, i 100% it as a kid
Camera and some platforming I'll agree with. Combat was fantastic though and holds up. I never played it as a kid and played it recently and its a fantastic game even without nostalgia goggles.
I was more surprised at how small the worlds are compared to what I remembered.
Wonderland is like... 5 rooms.
It depends on the world. Neverland is rather large.
i forgot how smooth the combat is and how fucking amazing the soundtrack is
anyone else going to actually contribute?
BBS is a shitty game that requires zero thought
Apparently I made the mistake of playing in normal mode with the original release. And because of this, I consider that the game is fucking shit in pretty much all regards.
But the fanbase says that the game becomes genuinely good when you go with the hardest difficulty and with some Final Mix mode enabled.
I'll hold up for now and wait to get the new compilation for the PS4 to see if this is true.
KH2FM is miles ahead of Vanilla KH2 that the west never got
Mostly because of critical and limit form
Also KH2 was miles ahead of KH1
Mostly true
>KH2FM is miles ahead of Vanilla KH2
This is a fact
>Mostly because of critical
>And limit form
>KH2 was miles ahead of KH1
This is an opinion
>a vastly accepted opinion
No not really
Many people prefer the story and gameplay of KH1
I don't see why. Even though the story is overly-convoluted and silly after the first one, at least it's kind of interesting. KH1's story is almost too boring to bear until the last parts, and even then its pretty dull.
Literally where is this opinion held
Only SOMETIMES do I see it even on Sup Forums
At least for gameplay.
Just because a lot of people have the same opinion doesn't make it fact. If it worked liked that Sup Forums would rule the world
Well that's just like, your opinion, man.
Common reasons people cite as to why the story was better in KH1 include: Disney villains being more involved and relevant to the plot, Sora relationship with Kairi and Riku being more pronounced, it isn't unnecessarily convoluted.
Sup Forums isn't a lot of people
And I never said it was fact
Yeah but imagine if Sup Forums ruled the world
Meant for
Only the camera is bad
Sora controlled like ass
Are you legitimately asking that? You answered it yourself.
>I only SOMETIMES see it on Sup Forums
Well right there, retard. Anywhere there is a group of people discussing KH you'll find some who prefer 1 over 2. Sup Forums, /vg/, youtube, plebbit, gamefaqs, whatever.
You can deflect but your nostalgic memories don't make it less true
KH1 is the only good one. It was a holistic creation where every part fit together. There was actual exploration. You had an enemy with clear motivation and clear power. And the Disney characters were a crucial part of the plot.
None of this is the case with any of the sequels. They lost focus and lost ambition.
I just played the original and did a level 1 run not too long ago
He controls fine
Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix are incredible action games with few faults.
They just flow so well, and thank god you can skip cutscenes.
I like how no one is actually contributing to this thread and just sperging out about KH.
OP triggered old men who haven't touched the game in twenty years
Nobody in the /vg/ prefers KH1
Nobody on gamefaqs prefers it
You are the first person I've ever seen even IMPLY that KH1 had better gameplay
Which was on Sup Forums
You god damn contrarian
Even if the villains are better and the relationship makes more sense, you have to sit through hours of "Is Kairi here? Nope, let's try the next world" and friendship drama, which is pretty stupid by itself, but they manage to make even worse. Later games have dumb friendship drama too, but at least its in the context of something more interesting going on.
OP has made this thread about KH every day or almost every day for the past couple weeks. He wants to talk about KH or get people arguing, he doesn't want to talk about games that aged badly.
I don't think you've actually been to /vg/ let alone Sup Forums newfag
OP here. you're wrong.
OP here, you're right
I liked Final Mix 2 better than Final Mix 1
I just want the Disney guys to have a bigge rimpact on the story for KH3. I also want them to ditch worlds like Agrabah that have been in every game. I also want a Frozen World.
Even as a kid I knew the camera was shit and the platforming was nothing special
>Nobody in the /vg/ prefers KH1
>Nobody on gamefaqs prefers it
>You are the first person I've ever seen even IMPLY that KH1 had better gameplay Which was on Sup Forums
Lurk more then, faggot. FFS user, there's multiple people in this very thread who are saying they prefer the gameplay of 1. Fuck off.
Then why start the thread with the same game and nearly same text each time?
Ah, so you admit it.
Would you torture a mini clone of Xehanort? He has a tiny keyblade
Final Mix is a different version of the game, not a mode. It includes more content, rebalancing, new abilities, etc.
KHFM reorganized the difficulties so Normal and Expert became Beginner, Final Mix (equivalent to Standard in the other games) and Proud.
The 1.5 version of KHFM also added EXP Zero which lets you do a LV1 playthrough on Proud Mode.
The game wasn't designed for low-level play so it's actually very frustrating.
Overall though, KHFM isn't that much different of an experience compared to vanilla. It helps make the combat smoother, and the changed controls in 1.5 do help a bit as well, but overall you may wind up with a similar impression.
You're probably thinking of KHIIFM, which pretty much transformed the game from a 6-7/10 into a 9/10.
>lets plays
>oney lets plays
>They lost focus and lost ambition.
No, the focus and ambition are, if anything, even more concentrated in the later games.
It's just that they're focused on ambitions that you don't like.
Platforming had never been good in Kingdom Hearts. That's literally why FlowMotion was a thing in Dream Drop Distance
until that LP is done. these threads will keep popping up.
I'm on /khg/ every day and I can corroborate that they're pretty much sold on the opinion that KHIIFM is the series high point.
You sure about that?
The majority might think that but they've also resigned themselves to the hell that is mobage so I wouldn't take them too seriously, do a strawpoll on /khg/ and find out
It's extremely obvious if you aren't a memer
Sure, but that dude was saying he's never seen the opinion anywhere that 1 was better than 2
Nomura's been going whole hog on his vision for Kingdom Hearts ever since BbS, so yes.
I don't think so. Major complaint about the series is that the story went full Wilfred-tier retard after the first game.
It went from an adventure about the power of friendship to a bunch of nonsense about how everyone is a clone of each other with dark hearts and light hearts that create bodies of no hearts that do have hearts.
Yeah, you got me with the KH2 part.
This series is so confusing with its names and modes.
So I assume the best way to play them is with the FM re-release and do Proud mode?
If you have a PS4 get 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 and you're caught up, it's that simple. Don't listen to any opinions on Sup Forums and form your own.
Nomura has also said that games should be open enough to accommodate fan speculation, so no.
And BBS was shit.
>Nomura has also said that games should be open enough to accommodate fan speculation
Where did he say this? Can you provide a link?
>BBS was shit
subjective but still post the link
But the story is still about the power of friendship
Yeah. All you really need is 1.5+2.5, because KH1, KHII and BbS are all the FM versions in that, and KHFM and BbSFM have control improvements.
I don't know if you really need to play Proud Mode for those ones, but it's fine. BbSFM has some extra content that will be much easier to unlock if you play on Proud or Critical.
Critical is basically the only good choice for KHIIFM.
But it's not the focus. The focus is nonsense.
>Go to play this
>Winhiip not recognizing my hard drive
>Forgot my DVD drive was broken and thats the whole reason I did the iso shit in the first place
Any downsides to picking up a PS2 slim besides no hard drive and no multi tap support?
>When we were kids, we always thought that ”there’s not enough given to imagine from this” when reading manga, watching anime or playing games, and I thought that was strange. Whether it’s game, anime or manga, there should be a place where you can speculate things.
So he wants to make a story that drives the audience's imagination.
>I was troubled for a very long time on whether I should show the letter’s contents or not, and in the end I decided to let people speculate it themselves.
And the speculation ended with coded so it's not like Nomura is hellbent on leaving questions unanswered.
I don't really know how this was supposed to be a counterpoint to Nomura having a concrete vision for his series, anyway.
Why even bother when you clearly haven't played them?
m8 based off of that interview you twisted his words hard.
digimon world 1 and 3.
3 is like shit version of pokemon because
>combat is turn by turn attack with only 1 attack unless you use techniques which are meaningless
>entire game is go to place a-b-a-d its a chore similar to pokemon except pokemon do it in a fun way because theres pokemon to catch and people to vs
>Easy as fuck making it seem like a total grind for no reward every boss is easy ect unlike pokemon where you actually have to think about types of pokemon to use.
>you have 3 digimon to use but can unlock more, but theres no reason to use more then 2 at most
>Fantastic premise can be great fun actually training own digimon
>COnstantly end up with shitmon evolution nunemon (pic related)
>could have been so much better if done well
>combat was shit and your digimon constantly shits and you end up with one that eats shit if yours shits in public a few times.
>You finally get a good digimon, hell you digivolve twice! too bad your digimon dies of old age!
I loved digimon as a kid but its no wonder they lost so hard to pokemon, digimon could have been something great.
Oh god. What have I done? -OP
Odd. I don't recall this Disney fanservice ever being anything but a reminder that Squaresoft shot their own face off.
>Squaresoft shot their own face off.
By making them lots of money?
You are both ignoring this part
>That’s why I don’t like revealing everything and saying “This is the answer.”
The story became convoluted after 1 because he didn't know what he was doing. BBS patched things up only to have DDD make it all stupid again.
>y-you just haven't played them!
It's fucking nonsense man. Why does Kairi have a keyblade? Why does Axel have a Keyblade? Why does killing the nobody and the heartless bring back the original person? If this is the case how does someone die? Does that mean Roxas is coming back? How did Roxas and Sora exist at the same time? How did Xehanort get the ability to travel through time? Why can't Xemnas use a keyblade?
Every game after COM spawned a million questions because the story made no fucking sense anymore
Good game, but there's a ridiculous amount of backtracking in multiple segments of the game. Chapter 4 in particular is something I loved the first time through, and dread playing it now.
Never liked Chapter 2 though.
Please kill yourself
What about the digimon guy a couple posts above?
>Why does Kairi have a keyblade?
Inherited from Aqua. BbS.
>Why does Axel have a Keyblade?
He went to Yen Sid and fuckin' asked for one. DDD.
>Why does killing the nobody and the heartless bring back the original person?
Because that's just how it works. You split something in half and put it back together. Re:coded.
>If this is the case how does someone die?
Loss of soul. KHII.
>Does that mean Roxas is coming back?
Only if he grew his own heart and only if there's a body available for his heart to be housed in. Multiple games outlining this concept.
>How did Roxas and Sora exist at the same time?
Kairi purified Sora's Heartless of the darkness returning his heart to normal. KH1.
>How did Xehanort get the ability to travel through time?
By forfeiting his bodily form. DDD.
>Why can't Xemnas use a Keyblade?
This one is still speculation.
>Every game after COM spawned a million questions
And nearly all of them are answered either in the game they were asked for shortly thereafter.
Just because you either didn't pay attention or are too dumb to put the pieces together doesn't mean the plot is nonsense, that Nomura doesn't know what he's doing, or that things aren't being answered.
It really is not that hard to figure out what's going on in Kingdom Hearts.
We don't know
>killing heartless and nobody
That's the way it works in KH
being killed or dying of illness/old age/a rock falling on you
>Sora and Roxas
Sora is a heartless until he reunites with Roxas
We don't know
He's Xehanort's nobody
yeah anyone have anything to add to my thoughts on digimon?
Aero fighters on the otherhand is a game that has stood test of time.
Im really good at FPS like i smash BF pubs easy(despite being a noob) but i went back to aero fighters and man that games hard.
Even mario was really hard for me like i couldnt finish one level (i was drunk) how can i beat real players so easily but get wrecked at mnario a game i smashed as a kid?
>Why does Kairi have a keyblade?
She touched Aqua's keyblade, unknowingly performing the inheritance ritual
>Why does Axel have a Keyblade?
He went to Yensid to see if he could be able to wield one. Probably to see if he can use it get roxas back, exact reason will be revealed in 3
>Why does killing the nobody and the heartless bring back the original person?
When a heartless is destroyed, it's heart goes back to the body. If the person is strong enough to have a nobody, then the heart waits until the nobody is destroyed.
>If this is the case how does someone die?
>Disney game
In all seriousness, probably when their soul dies
>Does that mean Roxas is coming back
He's one of the people Sora has to save, Yes
>How did Roxas and Sora exist at the same time?
The same way Ansem SOD and Xemnas did
Sora's heart was strong enough to remain sentient when he turned into a heartless
>How did Xehanort get the ability to travel through time?
Ansem SOD told him
>Why can't Xemnas use a keyblade?
He can
Are you new, and are
also you?
A thread going its own direction shouldn't be surprising. Lurk more before posting.
Look at the differences in the answers between the three of you. KH story is a meme for a reason guys.
Only the middle one had sort of different answers
In one of the Ultimanias Nomura is asked why Xemnas doesn't use a Keyblade. He gives a vague answer and suggests that maybe he chooses not to.
The soul is defined in the Secret Ansem Reports of KHII, where Ansem specifically says that losing your soul is how you die and stay dead.
Everything else is in the cutscenes of the games.
>not only do you have to play three spin off games but you also have read secret journal entries to have the plot make even a little sense
I haven't played DDD in a while but I remember there was a lot more shit I had questions about. Xehanort's whole plan to turn everybody into himself doesn't make sense when he can just time travel and grab a version of himself that exists at any point in time. And the whole sigil of the recusant thing where DDD was part of the plan and Sora had to become Xehanort too?
Also, remember how in KH1 the keyblade chose it's wielder? Then how in BBS you get a keyblade just by touching it? Or apparently in DDD by just asking for one?
You really think this isn't nonsense?
>someone voted for DDD
>most people prefer the gameplay of KH1
No. No they don't. Story I'll give you as a possibility, but KH1 plays like ass compared to KH2.
Well then how the fuck do you lose your soul?
If Nobodies actually do have hearts then when Axel sacrificed himself for Sora wouldn't that count?
There's so much bullshit speculation and story elements that contradict each other.
>spin off
>lore documents in an RPG
Heaven forbid!
>Xehanort's whole plan to turn everybody into himself doesn't make sense when he can just time travel and grab a version of himself that exists at any point in time
He's doing both.
>And the whole sigil of the recusant thing where DDD was part of the plan and Sora had to become Xehanort too?
The Recusant's Sigil is just a marker, it lets Xehanort track people. It has no direct consequence on Sora being possessed by Xehanort.
>Then how in BBS you get a keyblade just by touching it? Or apparently in DDD by just asking for one?
Both of these are the Inheritance Ceremony, and once you have done this, your Keyblade will only come to you once you're ready for it.
Think of it like applying for a job. You send your resume in (perform the ceremony), and if you're deemed fit for the job, the Keyblade will choose you as its wielder.
Case in point, Lea's Keyblade doesn't appear for him until after he saved Sora and the others, despite having spent time training to use one.
>how the fuck do you lose your soul?
Pretty much any normal way to die.
If it isn't a Keyblade or a Heartless you're probably just dead. Xehanort in BbS fears that he will die of old age, for instance. Clayton got squished, Lady Tremaine got immolated.
>If Nobodies actually do have hearts
They don't, but they have the capacity to grow a replacement. This can only happen in an environment that promotes the growth of a heart (e.g. being around other hearts)
>Xehanort's whole plan to turn everybody into himself doesn't make sense when he can just time travel and grab a version of himself that exists at any point in time
He did both, and time travel is more complicated than just infecting other people with your heart
>And the whole sigil of the recusant thing where DDD was part of the plan and Sora had to become Xehanort too?
Xenahort interfered with the MoM exam from the beginning to keep track of Sora. Sora was his third choice, Riku and Roxas were his 1st and 2nd
>Then how in BBS you get a keyblade just by touching it?
Sora didn't touch a keyblade
>Or apparently in DDD by just asking for one?
Lea went through Yensid's training
Wait, nevermind your opinions are trash
Well it's better than 1 CoM or BBS
Re:coded, 358/2 days, and Unchained are all spin-offs, yes
In RPGs that have good stories, lore documents expand upon the universe and give backstory, not shittily try to clarify the shitty plot.
Xehanort isn't doing both. He's out of time, or something. His time travel plan failed in DDD, wasn't really clear why. It also wasn't clear why he need to make 13 copies of himself if he could travel through time and grab versions of himself that existed at any point.
Yeah, so KH1 keyblade rules were retconned in favor of fanservice
Clayton was a heartless before he got smashed, maybe he survived. But probably not because they can't get the rights for Tarzan again
>people have different opinions than me
DDD is objectively the worst
>never played Days: the post
user, that's been this whole thread.