"Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a bloodborne thread
"Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a bloodborne thread
Is there any point in a bloodtinge build? All it seems to do is increase gun damage, which is negligible compared to a melee attack. I'm doing a bloodtinge/strength build and have my BT up to 22. When and how does it start paying off?
I'm level 63 btw
Not much point in doing so, some weapons like the Chikage I think has an A scaling in its Transformed form. Also the Ludwig Rifle I think it's called takes out decent chunks out of the enemies health. Pretty fun to mess around with but that's on my character that has a 45 Bloodtinge
You basically have two melee weapons to choose from, the Chikage and the spike staff from the expansion (I forget the name).
I haven't played Bloodborne in a long while so I don't remember well, but I think there are gems that make weapons scale with bloodtinge.
Regardless I had fun with my bloodtinge character, the Vilebloods gun (Eleanora?) is an absolute beast, and the chikage is very fun to use although disappointing if you are used to Holy Blade levels of damage and reliance.
So now that the dust has settled, was it Kos or Kosm?
Kosm fags leave
This faggot fuck took me a shameful amount of tries to beat, purely because of the DUDE RUNNING LMAO and the kill-you-in-two-hits gank skellingtons everywhere.
Not to mention that he can kill you in 1 hit with his "explode the entire room with magic projectiles" attack
terrible boss
>VERY fast host dreaming at incredible hihg insight
He is the most memorable boss.
His crazy talk was very well delivered.
When you get BLT scaling weapons of course! Chikage and Bloodletter are the only two, and oh boy are they amazing both.
I've tried pretty much every build in the game and Chikage+Evelyn BLT is by far my favorite. Deals tons of damage due to nothing in the game having blood resistance, looks cool as fuck and has great moveset. Try it nigga
So in the end, who was the villain of Bloodborne?
>fight him for the first time
>what the fuck's happening
>spooks everywhere
>he's pretty harmless huh
>2nd phase
>oneshot with a call beyond
Such a great boss really, love him
what did he mean by this?
kos, some say kosm
The fucking college and church. Couldn't leave well enough alone.
People always complain about A Call Beyond, but if you stay right next to him he'll never cast it. Literally. As soon as you drop into the second room, rush him and just spam him to death. He'll use Augur which you can easily sidestep. Other than that he'll do his pussy ass melee attack. JUST STAND DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIM FOR THE DURATION OF THE FIGHT.
Better ask who was not.
>Healing Church is fucked in the head
>School of Mensis is fucked in the head
>Gehrman and Doll are Moon Presence's bitches and so is good hunter
>Cainhurst were just your classic perverted aristocrats
Willem was probably the least "evil" guy in there.
When you die in the dream, you are severed from it and forget it. You then only have a vague recollection of what happened, like in the ending where you let Gherman kill you.
He won't be waking up though, he hasn't realized his body is also dead.
You're absolutely right, and you can easily prevent him from casting by shooting\throwing stuff at him, but how can one know this before entering the room?
Once you get to know him, he becomes the easiest boss in the game, which is also true for half the cast, yeah, what's your point?
I've seen many posts about people stuck on this boss. No one will figure out every boss on their first try, that's understandable. My post was more aimed at people who can't beat Micolash.
I see. Yeah I agree with you, it should be pretty obvious after a few tries for sure.
Unlike the fucking orphan of kos and his god damned fucking projectiles.
Either Laurence for causing the scourge by circulating beast aids, or the school of mensis/Micolash for invoking Mergo and causing the events of the game.
Laurence is the ultimate villain of the setting but Mensis/Micolash are the direct cause of the game's hunt.
>Just beat Celestial Emissary
>Found out about breakable window without any guide
>What the hell is that?
>Approach cautiously
>No reaction
>Holy shit is this Alium Stone Dragon?
>Can't talk to it
>Use the "Make Contact" gesture, maybe it's like the dragon gesture in ds3
>No reaction
>Throw pebble
>It's a boss
The shit really started when Byrgenwerth found the Pthumerian labyrinth and started sending people down into it. They found the old blood down there and started experimenting with it.
From there, several people made several really bad decisions. Byrgenwerth sent Gehrman and Maria to decimate a whole whaling town because they heard some great one might be there. They brought the fetus back to study and it cursed them, creating the hunter's nightmare. Laurence left and founded the healing church which used old blood after Willem EXPLICITLY told him not to fuck with old blood. That brought about the beast plague. The School of Mensis was an offshoot of Byrgenwerth that ended up beckoning Mergo.
A lot of people are at fault but it all goes back to Byrgenwerth
I accidentally rolled into the window in my first playthrough. Considering that I never read guides or watch playthroughs of souls games untill I beat them at least twice, that felt really good.
What is it with Fromsoft games and there always being dolts that fuck with "ANCIENT EVIL POWER, DO NOT TOUCH".
It's only human to commit a sin
It's literally one of the oldest narrative devices of our species as a whole
Because humanity itself can't resist touching the big red shiny button out of curiosity over what it does.
It's more like everyone's trying to reach posthumanism in the dumbest ways possible that might work while throwing good will under the bus.
Gehrman was already MOONED by the time they fucked up the hamlet, though, he was forced to watch helplessly from his perch in the Hunters Dream as his students fucked themselves over forever
Childhood is saying Kos. Adulthood is realizing Kosm makes more sense.
I always feel really bad about attacking the alien bosses like Rom.
Does anyone know this artist? I think I've seen some Witcher stuff from him too, he's really good.
Rom's a retard so it's OK. Ebrietas did absolutely nothing wrong and you basically murdered her.
Rom was concealing the nightmare ritual that either turned 90% of the city's population into giant corpse amalgams or fused them to the buildings as they tried to get to safety.
It had to be done so it could end.
Oh wait really? I always assumed he was part of it.
the timeline of events is very vague
W-wait, you're saying that those statues in Yahargul used to be people???
Holy shit, I always thought the statues sticking out of walls was just really bad clipping.
Rom a cute
Gehrman must have been around at the time of the hamlet purge. Maria was still alive.
The original doll is present in the healing church workshop, and he didn't make it until Maria killed herself out of shame over what happened in the hamlet.
If you're rocking str/blt the gatling gun is an absolute beast, and your primary weapon will be bloodletter
Take a close look at them. They're people scrambling and climbing over each other to try and get through doors and into windows. Nobody would build a statue like that over a functional doorway.
Drawing from real life
You know there was a handful of scientists who feared the first nuclear detonation might start an unstoppable chain reaction that would destroy the atmosphere?
Or that the first upper atmosphere nuclear detonation was to see what it would do to the magnetosphere, just for shits?
Even the smartest humans are dumb as fuck
Gehrman and Laurence beckoned the MP long before the Healing Church was founded -- we know this because there are ex-Dreaming Hunters in the Hunters Nightmare who came from before the Church was a thing. Therefore, they must have done it while Laurence was still in Byrgenwerth.
Now, we also know that Byrgenwerth was giving the Hunters some pretty hardcore assignments. In addition to doing D4C like removing fishman, they were also spelunking down to Depth 5 of the Labyrinth to bring back Great Chalices. Keep in mind that without the aid of the Dream, the Hunters would be attempting to do this at BL1 with permadeath enabled and rally HP regen disabled. I say that the odds of them doing so consistently is low as all fuck.
>"but user! Gehrman and his students were just that badass!" You say
This is a story about how humans are puny squishy worms in comparison to the Cosmos and how people were jumping on top of each other to become something more. The potential of even the most talented "base" human in the world means jack shit when faced up against an enemy with serious Eldritch patronage. You absolutely require a Great One on your own team to stand a chance.
The Hunters got walled by the Labyrinth during the time of Byrgenwerth, or maybe by the Hamlet itself (those shark guys don't fuck around), and so Gehrman and Laurence summoned a Great One to get help
Oh shit that's neat as hell. i was always confused about when/where/how/why the MP was beckoned
Explain pls.
>who was not
Suspicious Beggar did nothing wrong
How the fuck do you deal with this 2nd phase? I get by the 1st phase without ever getting hit but I don't even know when he has an opening in his 2nd phase. And if he even hits me once, he combos into another bullshit and instantly kills me.
Anyone else love the sense or urgency some bosses give of when they're low on health? Like when Amydalga rips off its own arms in a desperate attempt to kill the Hunter, or Laurence's second form when he's flailing around, spewing lava everywhere. Really makes you realize these bosses are no longer fighting from a sense of strength and power, but for a last ditch effort to survive against something they saw as a lesser being.
I did a run with a the bloodletter. With 50 blt and crf runes shit one shot nearly everyone and you could beat ng+ bosses in a few hits it was cash. Also bone marrow ash for repeater pistol and blunderbuss was fun when you ome shot some fool who flies to close to the sun
No, that is not true, Gehrman made his doll while Maria was still alive. Here is why:
Because we see the Doll in the Old Workshop, Gehrman must have built it before summoning the MP. This is obvious, and requires no further explanation. I will now show that Maria was still alive when Gehrman summoned the MP. This implies that Maria was still around for when Gehrman built his doll.
We know that Maria was alive for Gehrman making his pact with the MP because the Hunters Nightmare sucked Dreaming Hunters into it along with Maria when it was first made. This implies that the Hunters were already dreaming at the time of the Hunters Nightmare creation, which shows that Gehrman had made his pact already by the time Maria killed herself.
We know that the Hunters were already dreaming when Maria pulled them in from several sources. The first of these is the Old Hunters Bell, which states that the Hunters trapped in the Nightmare are all ex-dreamers. The second is the description of the Old Hunter Set, which states that when the Nightmare was first made, legions of Hunters were literally teleported into it off the streets. Third is the weaponry used by these same Hunters who were sucked in upon the Nightmare's formation: the Beast Cutter and Saif both reference "the earliest hunts," and are prototype workshop designs, which imply that were dealing with Gen 0 Hunters. If that weren't enough, the Saif Hunters have Old Hunters Bone permanently active, which means that they were Germans direct students. Furthermore, these same Hunters would have had to level up at least once with the Dolls' aid to use that spell.
In conclusion, because the Hunters were dreaming at the time of Maria's suicide, she was alive for German making his pact with the MP. Which in turn implies that she was alive for when Gehrman made the Doll.
So any argument based on the idea that Gehrman only made the doll after Maria's suicide holds no merit
Was that with korean gems?
Simon's bowblade is also excellent for hybrid skill/blt builds
Yep. I basically shit myself the first time when Gas can transformed into his beast form and the music changed.
>explode the entire room with magic projectiles
>not using the lock shield
>this is obvious and requires no further explanation
It most certainly does require further explanation, because the point you're arguing against is that the Doll was built before Maria died. Nothing else you posted has any relevance, and instead addresses the completely unrelated topic of Maria being around when Gehrman beckoned the Moon Presence.
Please explain how we know the doll was built before she died, instead of glossing over the one part of your post that was actually relevant.
Yes korean gems.... havent played in a long time and just thinking of those grindy hours spent running from the lamp to fight /watchers/brainsucker/amygdala
i spent so long on my first playthrough trying to find something interesting to do with rom
hes definitely not hard so if you died a lot youre a scrub
with that said hes still a shit boss
Aaaah, bees. Or as some say, Beesm.
When Gehrman struck his bargain he was imprisoned in the Hunters Dream and is never allowed to leave. Therefore, anything that is left sitting around his IRL workshop was made before he made his deal, because after he got MOONED he wasn't able to return to the waking world to build. The doll exists IRL, the MP just fashioned a copy of it for use as a levelup slave in the Dream. Now, after making his pact with the MP, Gehrman wasn't allowed to return to his IRL workshop to build stuff, he was stuck in the Dream. Therefore, the fact that the Doll exists IRL in the first place means that he built it IRL before summoning the MP, before he was imprisoned in the Hunters Dream by it
>how can one know this before entering the room
hes a pussy ass scholar why WOULDNT you be whaling on him
i love beating up nerds
>want nourishing gem
>have to farm either amygdala or rom
Why would Gehrman make a doll of Maria if not in memoriam?
Actually, Rom is an infant child. A baby human that was given eyes and ascended to Great/Old One status.
its nice, but its still not as good as the melancholy bosses like sif and gwyn
He's obsessed with her.
Rom was actually holding back the nightmare ritual, not concealing it. That's why the nightmare ritual begins (the moon turning red) after you've slain Rom.
You'd think Maria would have noticed that obsession if he'd built a doll of her while she was alive. The game says she was unaware of it.
19th century waifufag only he waifu'd 3DPD
Recall the book "how to woo fair maidens" in his workshop
He knew how to hide his powerlevel when it counted and Maria was also a chunni sperg with no social skills
Prove it
Naw man. The ritual happened long before you kill Rom. The ritual was the cause of the game's particular Night of the Hunt.
Everything that goes down in Yahar'gul happens too suddenly and on too great a scale for it to have just kicked off after you kill Rom. Notice how withered and dessicated all the Mensis Scholar corpses are; that shit happened a long ass time ago.
>knew how to hide his powerlevel
>makes a realdoll of one of his coworkers and leaves it on display in their shared workspace
O i am laffin
It moves and looks as if it were a juvenile creature and is even docile until you attack it. And if I recall correctly, Rom is described as having an empty mind before ascending. Which, admittedly, would make you think of a retard, but a newborn baby makes more sense as it would have the emptiest mind of any human. Retard or not. Now if you want to argue that Rom was a retarded newborn infant pre-ascension, I could neither agree nor disagree.
No villain per se. It's like saying Lovecraft stories had villians. It was just beyond-our-comprehension forces, like how a natural disaster is not a villain.
Some of Lovecraft's stories do have villains though. Joseph Curwen for example. In that same way you coupd consider Lauremce or Byrgenwyrth/Mensis villains.
The second phase and it's cinamic from Ludwig is probably the best moment in gaming history.
It just game me chills in awe from magnificence and horror.
But wait. How do you explain Eileen? She was a hunter who still had impressive higher-than-BL1 abilities during the Hunt but was no longer dreaming. As well as Gatling man in Old Yahrnam. Do hunter's retain their abilities and experiences after being cut off from the Moon Presence's dream (unlike nightmare of Mensis where Micolash assumes he'll forget everything upon waking up)?
I like how it's stated that the hunters' high speed fighting style was a result of Gehrman teaching others his own fighting style. He could do that Old hunter's Bone dodge innately too.
How'd he get so acrobatic?
What did he even do for a living before he hunted?
He hunted.
Hmm. Maybe. Tho i feel that point is debatable. The ritual may have begun and caused all the craziness we see in the beginning of the game, got to a certain point and was then halted by Rom. You kill Rom and the nightmare ritual continues onward. Idk. Not trying to argue. Just trying to make sense of it all.
Related question: what the hell is the One Reborn supposed to be? A failed birth of an Old One?
I really wish I could play this game at 60 fps.
Why / how invoke mergo? I've beaten the game, working on the platinum but I still don't really get what mergos deal is
is there any point to doing chalice dungeons and getting gems now that online is dead?
How come Bloodborne gets threads all the time, despite the 'lack of build variety and replayability' according to some, while Dark Souls III, which has many more weapons and the so-called replayability and variety (and is a multiplat), doesn't?
The One Reborn is a successful birth of a Great One. The citizens of Yharnam were sacrificed to create a body for the new Great One, and you're there to kill it at the moment of its birth.
I finally managed to get rakuyo and pumped skill to 50
this thing has no right to do this much fucking damage
I think One Reborn is the Pthumerian Chime Maidens' attempt to summon a proper body for mergo.
They can summon reanimated corpses so they summoned the dead Yahar'gul citizens and grafted them all together, hoping mergo would be able to inhabit it.
but i'm not positive about that