Prove me wrong.
No One Deserved GotY More Than Overwatch
I can't prove you wrong, i haven't bought anything else this year. I think im losing interest in video games.
me too. Damn thought I was the only one. Just for reference to myself how old are you? Just turned 26 here. Job, gf, apartment. Can't get into games like i used to. I just play mindless shooters like Overwatch or nostalgia trip over Wow private servers for a few weeks. Just don't care anymore
Project X Zone 2 was better.
Overwatch is barely half a game, it shouldn't have even been nominated.
I would've also added that OP is a tasteless faggot, but yes, /thread
25, i'd rather just draw now.
pokemon go
I guess so. A sort of Frankensteins Monster that was created from a failed mmo known as TITAN.
a boring game with no content that should of been $20 or less maybe even f2p
There is a reason it's called Game of the Year and not "Best Game"
Game of the Year recognizes the most influential games of the year or the most popular games that will stay in the consciousness of the gaming community. Overwatch is that game.
>$40 now
>23 heroes
>13 maps
>9 modes
>2 seasonal events with brand new game modes (soon to be 3)
>All future dlc will be free
Is this argument ever going to end? 2020 will roll around and people will still be complaining about muh "lack of content."
No game with a map as bad as Hanamura deserves GOTY.
?23 heros
>of which 75% are complete shit vs the most common used heros
It's funny how tracer is the face of the game but is the most useless/
street fighter V winning was worse
Yet tracer is one of the easiest heroes to carry yourself to grandmaster along with roadhog and genji.
Ive wrecked more shit with Tracer than Widowmaker or Symmetria senpai, but I get your point
>most influential games of the year
>generic FPS
top fucking kek
because it's actually a shitty casual game created by greedy, servile hacks
I'm surprised people still play it honestly. it was all but ded before the shitty halloween cash grab.
> 9 modes
This is the biggest fucking fanboy reach of the century.
Theres 1v1, 3v3, and 6v6 with different rule variations. Thats fucking it.
People have plenty right to complain about a game that had one game made at launch and failed miserably to implement their competitive mode in a game that includes no single player whatsoever and forces lootbox grinding down your throat to shill out more greedy money for shit you shouldn't ever have to pay for.
>75% shit heroes
thats why you are still stuck at bronze to low platinum at max, because you dont know how to play the game and how good even a symmetra or torb can be in high elo (3500+). There is no useless hero in this game.
>no story
>not a single new idea or mechanic
>generic fps to the max
goyim plz
no new idea but all good FPS ideas in one game, seems pretty GOTY worthy to me
>a game has to have a story to be GOTY
When will this meme stop?
>but all good FPS ideas in one game,
>copied all the good idea
wew lad
>When I first did placement matches in Season 2, my internet kept crapping out and I disconnected from all but one of placement matches
>ended up in sliver.
>thought I could a fresh start for S3 and nailed my placement matches with multiple medals, only two losses, and a POTG,
>got ranked in BRONZE this time
>implying online only game should get awarded
>No Limits
>All brawls (which is always adding more brawls)
>Mystery Heroes
And yes, competitive counts. It plays entirely differently from quick play.
>nailed my placement matches with multiple medals, only two losses, and a POTG
>got bronze
kek you were playing against bronze in those matches and it didn't see a reason to put you up
>75% are complete shit
>tracer is the most useless
Please, back up this bullshit opinion. All of the heroes are viable in different ways.
Not him but if you're winning placement matches it should put you against higher skilled enemies.
Not keep you at the same rank. Otherwise what's the point of placement matches.
I know, and there was nothing I could do about it since the ranks don't reset each season. No wonder it was so easy
LUL there are actually ppl under gold rank?
>placed 1900 season 2. Fought all the way up to 3170 by the end.
>loose 7 placement matches. Get placed 2800
This system is a joke
same for me, lost 6, did nothing in the other 4 i won and was placed diamond. then i play seriously with my smurf (which i keep around 2500), win all 10 matches by absolutely destroying the enemys and carrying the games (had gold kills and dmg in every game) and get placed around 2400 LUL. Exactly where i ended last season...
>Multiplayer only game
>Literally a carbon copy of Team Fortress 2
>Gets boring after the 5th game.
25 and I feel the same way I still buy some of the new games but never actually play them, I usually end up back on Overwatch.
thank GOD theres finally a cuckold thread up, ive been wiating bros! what took ya!
Is forced 50% winrate still a thing?
Uncharted 4 did
no ones more brand loyal than a blizzcuck. they didnt even care when activision bought blizzard. theyre okay with paid subs, they pay full price for ''''expansions'''' with garbage minimal content. worst fanbase, buncha cucks
Nothing deserved goty
>No One Deserved GotY
FTFY nigger.
This. I wish that all forms of entertainment did this. Last year was so bad for film for example that they should have just said "nothing deserves to win this year, we're sorry, but you all really sucked". 2016 is vidya's year for this.
I'm sure you watched all the films released in 2015 and played all the games released in 2016, champ.
What game do you think deserved GOTY? Please show me how shitty your taste is.
No u
Just because you're shit with tracer doesn't maker her useless.
Kys my man
24 reporting here, same m8. What the hell are we gonna do!?
Overwatch is just a very great game. Other games are less enjoyable after i started playing OW.
Sup Forums was wrong again. don't let the memes get to you
"keep 'em out for Harambe" - Jeff Kaplan, overwatch meme man
Overwatch has spawned a disgusting amount of memes, which is enough in my book.
It also got my girlfriend into the game and now I'm getting McCucked but that's another story
Rabi-ribi was better.
i stopped playing video games and moved onto pinball and music
needs a name
>Wins Best Direction
>Characters are literally just "indian woman, asian woman, cowboy, old guy...
>Any personality given to them have been determined by the fans shipping all the heroes
>Weekly balance patches completely changing how heroes play because they don't know what they fuck they're doing
>Best direction
>no ovaries in sight
>Blunder of the year
>When SC2 think they're getting an announcement at blizzcon but its Overwatch again
roger that
>Eddie Adams Pulitzer Prize journalism
DOOM deserved it this year.
Maybe if actual videogames are dead for you and fnd impossible to enjoy anything but bland, generic timewasters that are designed only to keep people adicted.
considering how shitty this year was for videogames, i'm fine with it. Overwatch is a nice game, not the best fps around but it serves it's purpose.
sonyponies are mad because uncharted got a shitty award
and you white trash piece of shit rednecks are mad because the game has more skin colors and women.
Didn't like Overwatch all that much honestly. I'd personally give it to Enter the Gungeon, Stardew Valley, or Civilization VI.
I don't think anyone's mad because of colored people and women, user.
overwatch is shit desu
When Firaxis does something about the AI, then they can get GOTY(AY). They can look to what Blizz is doing for SC2 for ideas.
the AI isn't a concern for me in modern Civ games, it'll always be shit. I only play multiplayer.
lmao, meanwhile I
> mmr 3500 at end of season 2
> do badly in placement games, win 4 out of six
> end up at 3650 mmr, HIGHER then what i had before
feels good man
Dark Souls 3 wasn't even mentioned kek
21 here but similar, video games becoming progressively less interesting. Reading is way more fun
Maybe multi-player GOTY. But the true GOTY is Dishonored 2. The gameplay and level design blow ever other game that came out this year.