Who else is hyped?

Who else is hyped?

Sup Forumshates it. All re7 threads die with less than 50 replies lately.

I liked the updated demo. Would buy day 1 if I had money

wtf is wrong with Sup Forums?

nobody OP
you are literally the only one hyped for it in this board.

I heard Capcom is only making 1 copy for you in your platform of choice

I'm very interested but have no systems or a good PC to play it on. Oh well, I might get around to that someday.

It looks like trash and everyone but you knows it.


it begins


I think shifting over to the biohazard title is a great way to reboot conceptions about the IP

Not really.

It looks boring as shit, VR gimmicky FPS mess. Though to be fair it looks better than it initially did, them showcasing weapons and classic RE-like atmospheres did wonders at drawing the attention of the nostalgic crowd, but I doubt it'll be able to hold them.

On related news, the manequin finger riddle from the demo has finally been solved, and you get a redeemable 'dirty coin' at the end, that will give you something in the game when it comes out

It does. Fucking delusional fanboy.

combat is an afterthought chucked in after people called the demo a penumbra clone. the game is doomed

I'm cautious. Probably really good for a playthrough, but that's it. Like Amnesia. Interesting the first time only and then ruined on any subsequent playthroughs when you realize where the enemies are, how they react, and the spook factor is gone.

I just don't see the replay-ability since they're focusing so much on the scare and spook factor. Yes, that works the first time. But that's it. With less enemies around players will be too bored to go through it multiple times unlike with the older games.

>unkillable enemies


Stop making shit up.

There's more kids under 14 here than there is adults?

It's a Resident Evil game in name only, and the fact that it's a numbered sequel and not an spinoff irks me more.

You either reboot the series properly, or at least stick to the tone of what made the series popular.

Show me evidence, you are fucking retard if you think they added guns,shotguns and magnums in a month or 2

Why are you even here if you literally can't even play games.

The system requirements on Steam look pretty modest. And there'll be a demo, too.

It's more Resident Evil than anything after CV, you're just a retard who can't get over the camera placement.

I'm excited but that PS Exp trailer was shit

>B-But my wife is dead, it cant be

Hmm where did we hear this before