>tfw no date to the Flower Dance
I thought video games were to help me escape these feelings
>tfw no date to the Flower Dance
I thought video games were to help me escape these feelings
Other urls found in this thread:
>give a woman an egg twice a week for a year
>she marries you
>all girls are shit in their own way
I thought video games were to help me escape these feelings
Seems legit.
I'm sensing a negative energy from this post.
I believe Haley is the only one who is even possible to get for the first flower dance because she's the only one with a birthday before it and the affection multiplier from that pushes you over the edge if you gift correctly.
I do wish HM and its clones would find a better way to win over girls other than showering them with gifts.
who worst girl and why is it Emily?
It's Maru
>no date for flower dance
>danced with emily on 2nd year
>married her a few days later
Isn't Shane also single?
Isn't that how real life works? You give women the fruits of your labor until they lust for you
You can't buy love user
It doesn't work if you're autistic
Not really, that's usually how you become a beta orbiter.
Chads don't really give up much for sex, they're just alpha males and women want their genes.
>can't marry Jas
Nice game losers
Good choice. Married her my first play through, went with Emily second time around.
There are mods.
No, you give women the fruits of your labour until they marry and have two kids you then realize you're a huge cunt and they are completely unhappy and divorce you
>download link redacted
>"sorry we don't permit child marriage mods"
>not best girl
TOP KEK! bitch just gave me a fucking stardrop
I like Leah
Fuck off hippie
What's this
>fishing is boring but makes the most
>mining is fun but makes the least
>farming/foraging is pretty much always a side job and you can't really "focus" on it
>Haley goes from complete cunt to housewife
Is there anything a good dicking can't fix?
You fish to get your winery operation going. Then you will make enough to stop fishing. Once you get a seed maker and one (1) ancient seed you start making ancient fruit wine. Once you have the greenhouse up you then proceed to drown in money regardless of season
You're supposed to put the written number in parenthesis, its for confirming the number is not a typo
there isn't anything to buy with all that money
the building from the wizard tower are absolutely pointless
>mining is fun but makes the least
Fucking how, the minigame in fishing is more fun that smacking rocks all day while shit occasionally flies at my dick. The combat sucks, there's no bosses even.
I really liked the game, but it feels like you hit a giant wall once second year starts. Doesn't feel like there's really anything new to do.
Honestly it's because the fishing makes we want to fish irl
But there's not nearly as many treasure chests
River farm > Hill farm > forest farm > spoopy farm >>>>>> plain farm
I can relate with Shane, it hurts to see him go through what he goes through.
I stopped at winter, literally could not go further
So fucking boring
No, that's not the proper way.
>allows you to collect shit automagically
>allows you to teleport over and over again
I stopped even earlier. The game feels too jobby.
Because there isn't. Time permitting, you can finish everything the first year, for the second year there's only some new seeds and a new character
>marry shane
>his room is a giant mess with muddy footprints and spilt beer
I was hoping he would clean up his act a little more after marriage.
Yeah I wish there would be events that would only happen in certain years one time in these games to shake things up.
Like say in year 3 a war starts or something and then the army occupies you town and forces you to grow crops for them for little to no pay. If you don't, they wreck your farm or something and you have to deal with them for a season or two until they move on.
Harvest Moon/SoS/ect has alswys had a good gameplay foundation. The farming mechanics are as engaging as they needs to be without being too complex where it starts to be annoying, but they don't give you enough story/setting context to bother doing it.
wtf is his problem?
He got to Thicky Marnie before I could. I'll report him to the townspeople
>second Shane event
>Shane waking up to everyone staring at him while he's at his lowest
>including me for some reason
>Marnie asking him when he'll get his shit together
>Shane confessing that he hopes he dies before he ever has to
that one hit alittle too close
There's literally a war going on. Kent lost lots of friends on his tour. He tells this after he got PTSD when his wife was making popcorn. Im hoping they tie that in the next updates
see, that was the autist's problem: he tried to feed her all the eggs at once. you have to spread the eggs out over months, or years. Thaaaaaat's romance!
Is that supposed to be Jo2uke?
>not downloading the marriage mod and pounding that thick cunt