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Penis, penis, penis, penis, penis!

>getting a game so late in its life cycle that it already has an expansion

What a bich

>Haven't seen this show in years
>Still re ad it in his whiny voice

Great portrayal of whats its like having autistic family member

How is Dementoid anyway? is it a good game


Sell Toby!

it's decent, endgame is pretty boring

>All those unreleased episodes

>Kevin was supposed to accidentally walk in on the set of a porno, which Kevin's parents would end up watching
>they take Kevin back
>Andy is happy, he has the place to himself now
>everyone else misses him
>One is supposed to expect Andy to realize that things were better with Kevin here. turns out the exact opposite happens and Andy's life is better without Kevin fucking it up
>meanwhile Kevin is happy to be home before realizing just how coddling his mother really is, gets driven crazy by her and wants to go back to Mission Hill
>his dad just wants to get laid
>Both end up calling Andy begging him to take Andy back
>tells both of them no
>later agrees for 5000 dollars

Don't be a dick, Kevin

Fuck you Netflix, give me more Mission Hill

>no mission hill season 2
>no undergrads season 2
>no moonbeam city season 2

>no clone high season 2

>no clone high season 2


why did you have to remind me

>no mission hill season 2
i loved this show so much

Undergrads wasn't really good but that ending was such bullshit I fucking hate it.

>no more downtown

>pirate the original game
>install the expansion and use that code

what's the problem nerd?

>road trip episode
>the pink eye episode
I would love to see those two actually get animated and VO'D

Kevin is a 100% moralfag, he doesn't even masturbate.


Yeah, let me just fire up that ol' 56k.

I'll see you in a year.


>No Oblongs season 2

Oblongs was okay, but not great. The writers thought Helga was way funnier than she actually was, she should have gotten as much screen time (IE, as close to zero as possible) as the sagging ass boy.

Pickles was a fucking treasure, though.

What I found amusing is that when she dressed up like a Debbie to get in with them, it worked until her wig fell off.

Sup Forums has made some incredibly cute images of Creepy Suzie.

Creepy Suzie is a tragedy of the universe!


undergrads wasn't a bad show and the ending just lead to more but it never happened

Friendly reminder that Creepy Suzie doesn't understand how to deal with human emotions and the one time she got a crush on a boy, she killed him and scooped out his brain.

Penis......penis, penis, penis, penis, penis, penis.....

moonbeam city is shit desu

did the same people that make clone high make sheep in the big city?

When does this get funny

>No season 2 of 3 South

Such a great show as well.

Just kill me


>tfw no creepy suzie gf

>someone else read the book that she originated from
my nigga

>all new cartoons are animated in flash

Why must you hurt me so

Dunno. That wish-ball segment is something that has probablyactually happened and is the exact reason I refuse to attend orientation courses.

>New waifus are created every day thanks to the creation of the internet

It's a difficult world to live in.

Samurai Jack soon

they said 2016
the year is almost over

>potentially naive
Did they design this to appeal directly to my dick?


Who is this semen demon?

there's nothing special about her




Delay is fine with me

I've waited a decade, I can wait a little longer.

Just trust Tatravosky, he has never failed us before.

Ya cheap gay bastard! These things are gonna fly right off!

>245 years old

it's minus 245 years old, as in she's come back in time 245 years before she was born
She's potentially naive because she knows nothing about the current time period


fiona apple pls

This shit was actually really good.

That also means she's criminally underaged.

I knew you were incompetent but I guess I overestimated you
It's nice to see somebody make this thread besides me.

Can't wait 'til morning. Going to get malt liquor and a bag of bugles (can't find a box anymore)

I really liked the first episode (and that rarely happens. only pilots I like are Mission Hill and Oblongs), but like with Clone High, I'm going to take it slow. maybe an episode a year.

made this .webm a while back, still having issues with adding subtitles at all, let alone timing

Bing bong

can girls have autism?

She's from OK KO, an upcoming and decent looking Cartoon Network cartoon.

>this whole thread
Sup Forums, you're so fucking Kafkaesque.


I didn't like the kids as much. I guess Chip and Biff were okay, but Pickles and Bobby-O were always good. I'd drink with both Pickles

S2 when?

Goodness that episode 18 would have been the perfect ending. Just FIVE more god damn episodes to go
love the bit where when Kevin is gone, Andy is living it up like he was before Kev moved in, he doesn't miss him at all.

>implying that will be any different
it will be done in flash as well and you know it

>flash automatically means it's bad
this is the worst meme

PLEASE tell me there's a torrent of the TV version somewhere

It really sucks that the DVD got fucked over by copyright

because flash is bad and should not be touched at all by animators, especially TV show animators who should not need it

Flash isn't inherently bad. Lazy animators would make bad animation even if flash didn't exist.

Someone have the Heathcliff panel? Wearing a helmet that says "kafkaesque" and the caption reads "please, no meat touching ma'am"

>if you watch the Real World episode on DVD, at the end everybody starts singing "everybody hurts" for no reason
Does that make it a better joke?

stroker and hoop hurts so fucking much

I could have sworn these motherfuckers had blue hair

Why did they spin this as Kevin being the douche?
That's how videogames work; Andy is a dumb fuck.

If you want to get someone something specific in the realm of their hobby, educate yourself first.

got you covered

Because of how Kevin reacted. He's a sheltered little douche who is used to having everything handed to him. Andy actually tried to throw him a pretty interesting birthday and Kevin acts like a dick because it didn't go exactly like how he wanted

How to properly react to this

>Oh, the dementoids expansion pack! This is really great Andy, but I need the original game too. Still, thanks

That's like saying using a game engine is bad because a real dev should be able to code it all themselves
There is literally nothing wrong with using the tools available to speed up the process and/or make it cheaper, especially if it means we get content we wouldn't otherwise (because it's now cheaper/faster)

Blue day, black night

Because he is a dick. Even if you can't use it right that second they spent money on a present for you. Deal with it you little shit, they've still saved you money when you get the base game so you no longer have to buy the expansion pack. And if it's really a big deal take it back to the store, get a refund without opening it and use the store credit to buy the vanilla game. Yes it's more hassle than a person wants but this is what a non-autistic person does and doesn't sperg out on people because they made a mistake while trying to do something good for you.

Yes. A friend of mine back in highschool was an autistic girl.

[Spoilers]She had some OC character she made that was my name with one letter changed. I never wanted to know what she did with that character.


No, they've made The Lego Movie, the new 21 Jump Street, and The Last Man on Earth.


I'm glad they stuck with the second posey holy shit

>tfw no Jim friend

I feel like Moonbeam would work a lot better if they played down the comedy a little bit and moved it to something like Adult Swim. Kinda like Black Dynamite but 80's.

Shut up and eat your ass cake, Kevin.

It was ridiculous, they had ONE more episode to go to fix everything.
great show, I recently found out that the guy who voices Stroker is the main character in the mask on Delocated
>fabric softener, it goes in the dryer

>still passive aggressively telling your brother you need the basegame

way to be a piece of shit, in reality you ONLY thank him and don't mention the fuck up at all

are you guys retarded, oh it's Sup Forums


All you have to say is thanks.