>pick Dan Backslide
>you can go back at level 10
>don't learn backslide until level 40
why the fuck would you level this shitty character for so long just to unlock his actual useful skill
>pick Dan Backslide
>you can go back at level 10
>don't learn backslide until level 40
why the fuck would you level this shitty character for so long just to unlock his actual useful skill
Other urls found in this thread:
>fozzy bear doesn't learn how to wokka wokka until the final boss.
fuck off with that shit, I swear i'm going to hear that in my nightmares
>Maining Pacha
You can get there faster if you spec into knock knock jokes.
Its actually scripted not to unlock even if you go into knock knocks. It just stays locked even if you have enough job points. What's real bullshit is Gonzo learning canon fire before even the first boss.
>Main Dr. Rabbit
>knows black monstersand sticky substance at level 1
>nobody plays as him anymore
>he's too "OP"
>super star moves
>Dora Standpipe continues to be broken as shit and stomps every matchup
Why the fuck is this allowed?
>Tom demands me to unhand her
>game didn't have a tutorial on how to unhand anything
fucking bullshit
>actual useful skill
Scrub detected. Backslide isn't even in his top 5 best skills if you use them right. I bet you haven't even used Sneak of Roquefort Hall once. That shit is a game changer if you can learn to use it right.
Where my HARK boys at?
Its because of the skill floor necessary to do those throw combos. If she even drops one frame you can punish her 100-0 easy.
The fact that the Dinner Blaster is even allowed to EXIST shows that the devs care NOTHING for balance.
> dover boys DAN BACKSLIDE! calls still stack if you use three different classes
> faggots camping outside faction pvp gate masterbuffing until a poor fucker walks out and gets oneshotted.
makes me consider playing a class that's secret butt fun instead.
literally just steal a roundabout, did you even watch the tutorial? heres a hint
no one will ever know
Honestly, half of the strategy of Dan Backslide is just taking some fucking risks and not being a pussy.
I swear, it's like they don't even go for dear sweet Dora Standpipe while she's alone and unprotected.
Guys how do I unlock the university?
You'll need to invent blueprints first, I think I'll do mine tomorrow.
Hey guys, I need to find DinoTime for a quest, where the hell is it?
>tfw someone else picks your main
Post the best stage themes
Is Mama Luigi still viable? Used to be the Mario of the roster, but I feel like these new guys overshadow him.