How do I git gud with this fucking twig of a titan? I truly want to like Northstar, but no shielding options leaves me getting rekt by every other titan except Daddy Scorch, and Flight core often means flying up and getting melted by the nearest Legion. Tether traps also never seem to trigger. Buff when?
How do I git gud with this fucking twig of a titan? I truly want to like Northstar...
Not sure user. I gave up on using it. Tone seems to fuck your shit up pretty handily. Ronin can just run up and break your shit. Legion is legion. Even pilots can do pretty well against it.
Lurk far away behind others and take potshots from around corners. Run away at the first sign of danger. Don't use it on close range maps like the crash site and facility.
Engage on your terms or not at all with every titan.
Thanks bby, I'll remember this.
Hide behind your teamates like a pussy and hope you have more meatshields than them
Maps really work against northstar desu cause there's multiple routes everywhere, on almost all of them I can peck off their health easily with Ion.
You pop around corners with your gun fully charged. If you are out in the open, you are doing it wrong. Also use enhanced payload on the missile and use that as primary fleshbag killer.
Northstar is best at single target damage, but you can still use your cluster missile to fuck up groups.
Sounds like a lot of effort.
You might as well just be using ion and her laser shot imo. But hey some people like northstar for the angles jump jets can give you. The biggest thing is never let the enemy dictate the fight, running is always a valid option with every titan.
Northstar and Scorch probably take the most effort to be good with, but they have their uses.
Scorch is much better though due to being extremely good at mid/close range. The beefiness is good too.
Though I have to say I fucking hate playing with disorganized randos that decide to lone wolf it against 3+ grouped up titans.
Yeah, a lot of people fundamentally don't understand how to play Titanfall
I have never seen a scorch do well, ever
Because they don't know how to be sneaky Scorch
scorch fucking destroys people's assholes in the right hands
>get close to them with shield perk
>burn a full-health titan to none before your shield runs out
>they have to sit there and take it or run away, cant even damage me
whats the cookie cutter "best" all around pilot loadout
I've just been running CAR with threat sight and stimpack but there's gotta be something better than the starting equipment right?
Car is pretty legit, it's a great little gun. The only absolute best thing you should always have is low profile. Everything else is basically personal preference. I'd drop the threat sight and slap on quick reload or gunrun and tactikill myself.
You can only really use him when your whole team is using titans and everyones too distracted to notice you taking potshots. Youre better off switching to a sniper as a pilot and not using a titan.
VOLT(and maybe Alternator)/EVA
Anti-titan of choice
>Using boring ass assault rifles.
call of duty is that way.
>assault rifle
You should try the game first.
Don't act like the Car doesn't act exactly like one.
No you are right
it is basically an AR with perfect hip fire accuracy
Considering it hipfires like a dream I'd say it's not like the assault rifles. Unless you mean "it shoots bullets how boring" in which case just use the volt.
CoD-likes always make SMGs feel like rapid fire assault rifles so yea
What I'm saying is the other smgs don't feel like the ARs.
Cant say I can relate. The smgs all feel very similar when hipfiring on stims. They mostly go where you aim unlike the rifles. Never put much thought into it. As long as the bullets go where I'm aiming from the hip I'm happy enough. Why bother complaining it "feels" like anything else when the effect is all that matters.
heh have you seen player count in live servers? really low. guess some loud minorities saying its good when its not like maps they all are badly designed but they wont admit it. fuck you vincent you made bad game.
Would you like a comma?
Maybe an extra period?
Scorch is all about the wombo combo. Individually his skills are trash, but together they're really powerful in sheer damage.
MGL launcher is the best anti Titan. Low Profile is a must. Otherwise it's all preference.
Don't listen to people who say stim only. The grapple is actually really versatile, and can get you into and into titans much faster and more reliably than alternatives.
I've been using Northstar a lot recently and he's actually really fucking good.
You get two dashes if I remember, I'd add the extra dash perk if you can. Since Northstar is low dura, but high damage and mobility it's incredibly useful.
Pop a tether at chokepoints. Then get as far away from them as possible. Aim at their critical point and use max charged shots. That can usually bring down like a bar and a half of durability. It's fucking amazing. Or you can save your tether for a cqc fucker like Ronin who is Northstar's worst enemy. Pop down a tether and dash the fuck out of that shit.
Cluster missiles are incredibly useful against infantry. If you have some fucker with an anti-titan weapon shooting at you from around a corner, pop a cluster bomb at the edge and watch him fucking blow up when he tries to take another shot. It's really great.
Hover is good for when you want to peak over a building or something. It can also be used to kind of evade if you get the hover mobility perk.
The ult is the most underwhelming part. I'm still trying to figure it out, but it seems better for anti-infantry than for Titans.
My main issue with using the grapple is that there's no feature that let's me just zip right to where I shoot it (kind of like the Batman Arkham grappling hook). Sometimes I pop it out at a friendly Titan only to swing right by and into enemy lines with a battery on my back.
Just picked up titanfall, and now i can't go back to overwatch, it just feels like shit.
Gotta get my buddies from work to bail on boring slow overwatch and hop on titanfall.
Anyone else have this happen?
I really enjoy Overwatch and liked it quite a bit, however, TF2 is definitely way more involved and has a greater skill curve and reminds me of the old days of Tribes, Quake or Unreal while still feeling fresh.
It's the most fun I've had all year. I've told all of my friends and coworkers to get it and the ones who have are already hooked.
yeah the auto grapple is relatively finicky especially with friendly titans
I take grapple anyway just for sanic map movement
I got Overwatch but stopped after awhile I had more fun n Tf1.
>mfw wallruning as Lucio
agree even though the .2 second TTK in titanfall 2 gets grating sometimes
almost feels like going fast is pointless when i just get gunned down by an smg camper every time
that said i still have 1000+ kills with EPG
northstar is a skirmisher, you're supposed to duck and dash and take quick peeks over buildings. if someone gets too close use smoke and tether trap. use cluster bomb to create space too.
How do I get good at this game?
I keep trying different weapons but no matter what I can't fix my shit aim.
At least I can go faster, the movement in this game is so good.
Yeah i feel you, i am enjoying having more room to perform well
Yeah the TTK was a off put at first, but once i learned the key was to see them first or react first, i kind of started to like the pressure it put on me.
I would say play Tribes, but that game is pretty dead if I remember.
I guess just dick around with the sensitivity a bit, find what's more comfortable for you. Then go hit the campaign or go play a slower game with your pref sens.
Get the Coldwar
Go fast and shit on groundpeasents