I want anime game

I want anime game.

Also include tit if possible


Demon Master Chris

that's a very uncomfortable doggo

Pic related.

me likey

Post the rest of the doggers

marvel vs capcom 3

Pocu no Bico

Moero Chron

jokes on you i like traps

>Haruhi never fucked Kyon
Anime sucks.

Granblue Fantasy.

You're welcome.

Make sure to pick your waifu at the start of the game

Dumb Suzumiya poster.


Borderline normalfag who's only ever seen relatively mainstream anime. Haruhi was surprisingly big at the time and managed to cross over for some people.

Sewer Side

What could possibly be recommended to a dog?

>tfw you will never get to cum in her face

just give me anime tit fukcisnd

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is the most anime RPG out there


Guilty Gear