Meanwhile there is companies releasing FREE DLC
Meanwhile there is companies releasing FREE DLC
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>there ARE companies releasing free dlc
GOTY edition when?
Sup Forums doesn't love this game sad desu
Like Nintendo sometimes.
And other companies.
Oh cool, the overrated indie darling of the current year.
>current year
>>current year
Release date(s)
June 26, 2014
The devs are cool folks. I wanted to back it when it was still on Kickstarter but never got around to it... just recently decided to actually buy the fucking thing and got this in the mail earlier today.
I talked with the devs at Comic-Con in I want to say... 2014? Anyway, they're nice people.
>King Knight last
For what purpose
>nearly 2017
>playing amiiboshit
And yet here we are still talking about it in current year.
Nothing is free you faggot, you pay for it when you buy the game. Without the promise of future the expansions as great as the game is, it wouldn't be worth more than $5.
I should know, I bought the game after completely ignoring it's existence for years because Specter Knight's trailer looked awesome as fuck.
>Vita version
The only proper way to play this game is on a 3DS. I guess Vita could be second best though.
vanilla shovel knight is worth more than most $60 dollar games.
> not playing on pc you guys are fucking disgusting
Also best theme
more like a whole fucking games with some reused assets
I wonder what his schtick will be. I found Plague Knight's potion customization to be kind of difficult to get the hang of.
they are under obligation to release it faggot, we already paid for it with kikestarter
>That music
>Wall jumps into up slash for mobility
>Revamped levels
>That flashback color palette
>Fucking slashing cannon balls in half
2017 GOTY right here
tell that to melee fags
I went with the Vita version because I like collecting for the system and there are only 5000 copies of the Vita physical out there. Once they've all been sold, that's it.
Not really, it's really good don't get me wrong but the game is like 6 hours long maybe 10 to 100%.
But there's nothing that would justify a price tag higher than $10 (and that's pushing it for me) for the base game with no expansions.
>Playing on PC
The disgusting person in this thread is you my friend. I can't imagine playing it on anything that isn't a handheld.
mfw this music
tfw you bough physical, then bought the amiibo, extra points when you didn't have a Nintendo product but still bought the amiibo anyway.
>Losing million USD because they have to uphold their promise to release all DLCs for free.
Kikestarter was a mistake and a blessing at the same time. I except them to crash once they're done with Shovel Knight
>promised kickstarter rewards that are coming out several years after release
Sup Forums really is the most cucked board, isn't it?
i would fund them again if they went bankrupt
>Losing millions
This games minecouldn't have exceeded 500k in actual costs and that's me being generous, it probably was half of that. And again, the cost of the DLC is included in the price if the game, they are as a free as 2 day shipping with Amazon prime.
How many DLC will this game be doing? Should I buy this game? It looks fun but I haven't bought it yet.
You don't judge the worth of a game just by how long it is, do you?
>Couldn't have exceeded 500k in actual costs and that's me being generous.
>"We spent about 1 million dollars developing Plague of Shadows over the course of a year.
We made zero dollars selling Plague of Shadows. Whoops!"
I wonder who is right, you or the dev?
There is one released already and two are on the way, and that's only for the playable bosses. I'm more interested in gendered swap mode and all the porn that gets created
60 bucks games are shit but Shovel Knight isn't that good either
Because it's still getting content, you retard
>Judging a games worth on its length
Man the new final fantasy must be worth 300 dollars then. Heck skyrim should be worth 1k at least when you factor in mods and "infinite quests"
desu it's better than any AAA release I've played in the last 16 years
Wow this sounds a lot like yngwie malmsteen. Might actually play this game now
Aren't they kinda expected/obligated to since stretch goals? Not that I don't commend the effort they put in such that each knight has their own spin and not just reskins or other hackjobs they could have done.
>>"We spent about 1 million dollars developing Plague of Shadows over the course of a year.
Jesus fucking Christ did they do blow every day or something? There is absolutely no reason a retro pixel platformer character addition should cost a cool 1 million.
>I live in a world where everyone works for free and maintaining an office in Santa Clarita costs no money.
Is there companies, is there?
Why does the logo look like the dark souls logo? same font?
1 million is nothing for development
The first Tomb Raider was 100 million for development alone
t. autistic cocksuckers
Yea if you consider a dogshit resolution adding to the retro style, I just consider it a dogshit resolution. PC a best, use any controller you want.
Yeah but I'm sure they made more than a million dollars from game sales
How much does it cost to make a video game nowadays? seems like a very expensive industry to work in
But Showel Knight has sold over a 1.2 million copies. Even though they wont get all of the money from the sales, at $15 per copy they still probably made almost 10 million
>Playstation gets Kratos fight
>Xbone gets Battletoads fight
>Nintendo gets amiibo Knight and Street Pass Arena
>PC gets ?????????????
The game for "free".
heh heh heh
You can get it for "free" on the 3DS too, so it doesn't even have that.
It's not dlc though it comes with the game.
Shovel Knight has Shield Knight.
Plague Knight has Mona.
Specter Knight has ???
Don't you have to use a PC in order to even do that?
whats the fucking holdup
at this point the ssssslllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwww release of this seems like the devs are just showing contempt about having to release free shit
Trailer shows he had a partner..
They go above and beyond on the stretch goals is the point.
thought he was a she.
>dev does what they're supposed to do
>going above and beyond
Get off their dick already.
Yes, they're supposed to make all new assets, more intricate and deep mechanics, and full blown new stories for what they could've just done as pallet swaps. You jaded fuck.
What they were supposed to do
>Make some of the boss knights playable and have different controls/weapons
What they did
>The above
>An entirely new story based around the new character instead of just having Shovel Knight be able to take on their clothes, even bothering to have the new quests be canon to shovel knights story.
>Complete alterations to all character interactions to match the new hero
>Many level alterations, and COMPLETELY new levels in Spectre's case
>A couple new bosses for plague and completely revamped fights for spectre
Not to mention they polished all of the above a shit ton, there was definitely way more to how Plague Knight played than I expected
I agree with you.
any news on when the dlc will hit the 3ds version?
i like the streetpass feature so much its fun.
>what they were obligated to do
Just a new character to play with unique mechanics
>what it's expected of them to do
New characters and new levels (with reused assets) OR new story with some new assets
>what this is giving
new character
new assets
new levels (reused assets)
new enemies
new bosses
new story
It's A LOT more than they needed and was expected of them, Plague was more of a normal DLC, this however is big enough be called an EXPANSION, hell all of the other knight fights are remixed
>triple plague knights
>moving ground king knight
>flying plataforms propeller knight
>jelly mole knight
>waterless treasure knight?
>ice pillars polar knight
>run fight with tinker knight
>black knight and his new pet
>that electric guy new stage
That is A LOT of new boss battles.
Like Overwatch?
I didn't know SK had streetpass on 3DS. What's it do?
I was kinda hoping he would play like Zero from megman X?, where instead of getting new guns from bosses, you got some kind of new ability.