How it was even possible to make such boring and uninspired atelier game?
Even fucking ost was bad
How it was even possible to make such boring and uninspired atelier game?
Yeah, Sophie was pretty disappointing. My hopes aren't high for Firis but maybe I'll be surprised.
>Sophie was so bad it negatively affected the sales of Firis
>some child couldn't manage 2 posts without his precious platform wars
Mystery is shit, Firis bombed so hard they have to port it to steam. Gust is focusing their new project Blue Reflection.
Hard to imagine an atelier game worse than Escha and shallie
Dude I played the PS2 titles and they were steaming weeaboo garbage. Didn't touch the series since.
Gust keeps catering to casuals who complain about everything and soon its going to be too late for the series
>first atelier game that I buy because PS4 shortage of games
>absolute snorefest
I disagree with the OST thing though.
Battle theme and that bar at night when the singer girl is there were amazing.
>playing Atelier for the difficulty
If you struggled with anything later than original Rorona you might as well kill yourself.
Fuck off
>almost 2017
>OST was bad
The only Atelier game I've played is Rorona, although I plan on trying Firis when it comes out on Steam. But if there's anything that can be said, its that the soundtrack to Sophie is beautiful. How can you call this bad?
Well, try to provide examples of good tracks in the Sophie first
They had their problems, but it's impossible to call them uninspired
>plan to buy Shallie+
>can't care less about firis after Sophie and trailers I saw
this game is going to make Magic Girls great again.
But magical girls have always been great
Nights of Azure had shit tier yuri, and gameplay was pretty meh
Not sure I can trust gust after that
Put it in the fucking garbage.
Kill yourself.
>Bland characters
>Story doesn't even kick in until halfway through the game, and even then its miniscule amounts of story
>Progression is "walk around randomly and do random tasks"
>Thought Firis might fix Sophie
>Ends up being Atelier Zesteria instead
I didn't have a problem with anything else except the GODAWFUL battle system. So ugly, so messy, so shit.