He was "giving" her the gun...
Prove me wrong ProTip you can't
He was "giving" her the gun...
Prove me wrong ProTip you can't
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This is genuinely painful to watch, it's so bad. Is everyone who works at Bioware half blind? The watched this train wreck and thought "yeaup, this is a great example of what we've accomplished".
They didn't have an animation for him losing the gun so they move the camera so it doesn't show the gun clipping through his hand when she magically spins it around.
Some poor animator was probably really happy about being able to pull this scene off with his trickery.
Clearly he was giving her the gun
This is a SFM porn video right?
This isn't actually a thing they're actually selling right?
>lips moving at mach 10 while the rest of her is motionless
>crime boss or whatever's right hand won't sit fucking still
>turian just lets go of the gun as it phases out of his grip
>"You first" as there are still two krogans pointing guns at the back of her fucking head
When a customer points a gun at you but you've been serving the counter for too long
>prompt says Disarm, not Take
>"Giving her the gun"
Doesn't change the fact that it's all complete and total diarrhea.
>This bullshit is going to bomb hard
>Dragon Age 4 never
kill me
>hey chris MoCap is a thing now right
>oh cool now we can fire all our animators
And thus concludes our story
>Ryder: I'll take that!
>Female Turian: O-okay..
Kek'd till the end of time
was this the the first gameplay debut?
I know this scene gets a lot of focus right now, and believe me it deserves to be ridiculed, but has no one also noticed that the female protag's running animation is the laziest shit ever? They literally just recycled the animation for the male protag model. She looks like an 80 year old man running a marathon.
so whats the deal with this place anyway? You're the pathfinder, that's spent hundreds of years in stasis to travel to Andromeda to find new worlds to colonize. But you get there and a bunch of krogan and some human have already set up NeoOmega
This game looks like something those Risen developers would have made. (Bioware somehow managed to be worse)
Game's gone through multiple lead devs and been delayed a few times. Probably a clusterfuck of contradictory ideas at this point.
well that explains the why it's shitty. I wonder why they didn't just scrap the whole project.
I don't know, it could be better, but I don't know if its as bad as this thread is making it out to be. It's certainly better than some of this shitshows they have put out. Like the Inquisitor kicking the assassin out of the window. Or like what reminded me of. I played a female elf, but they used the human male rig for that scene where you're waking up in the bed at the start, so my hand is "resting" about a foot above my chest
what if he's actually her friend working for the bad guys undercover
That doesnt excuse shitty animation user
>Generic-ass turian with basic armor, basic gun, no facial markings
Nah. Poor Garret Vakarichek here is as disposable as gang-member grunts get.
So are the Krogans which are behind her at gun point?
If the Turian and the Krogan just said "Its my first day..." Id actually let this shit slide
Bioware hasn't written a decently funny scene in years. Mass Effect was full of stuff like that, but it makes black crime lady seem weak, and that doesn't follow their new dogma.
New Dogma?
hey fucking facial expression
itts just so WRONG
i dont get it
Does she like krogan cock?
Bioware still thinks they have writing chops to carry them. They're dead fucking wrong, only thing keeping them viable is casuals and gamer gurls.
Is anyone who worked for Bioware a decade ago (Mass Effect 1 development) still working there?
>likes ____ cock?
user, it's modern Bioware
>It's a Sup Forums ruin another meme by overposting the same shit again and again episode.
Those who weren't kicked out were moved to SWTOR team
Why is Shepard such a mouth breather?
this is very poorly animated
Nope. All the decent writers have fled. A few devs with integrity stayed on for ME2, but by the third game no one with enough skill or balls to make a difference remained.
It'll be people thinking they are going to get another ME1, when in reality they are getting Dragon Age: Space.
likes 'white' cock
doesn't really meld with bioware does it?
>Bethesda discovered eyebrow animation before Bioware
It's funny in a bad way.
Fucking Bioware
why would you want dragon age post gaydar lore rape?
>mom says it's my turn to save the galaxy
he got them all.
I hope its an alpha version of this scene cuz its really basic. I mean the animations look like they are from something low budget shitty cgi film.
This was the game I wanted so badly in 2016.
This was the game i thought would save 2016 from having the tittle 'year of the shittiest games'
This was the game I would build a new rig and replace my toaster.
But no thank you.
Ill stick to my old games then.
Because people will buy it anyway.
>This was the game I wanted so badly in 2016.
Ugh. Surely you mean genderfluid parent, right shitlord?