>Incredible cast of characters who grow and bond over the course of the game
>Excellent villain which the game makes you sympathize with
>Incredibly well crafted world with endless amounts of content
>A well delivered story that is guaranteed to make you cry
>God tier soundtrack
>Amazing combat system filled with tons of depth and customization
So tell me Sup Forums, how is this not the best Final Fantasy game?
Follow thread from
Final Fantasy XV
Other urls found in this thread:
I still want to impregnate and marry Aranea
>well delivered story
But the second half of the story felt rushed as fuck
I agree with all your points OP, and I think it really might be my favorite Final Fantasy game. Granted, I haven't played all of them. But this game does have flaws. It's one of those flawed games, like Drakengard, that you can appreciate past an objective score. Drakengard 3 may be a 4/10, but it's still my favorite game for a reason.
Shouldn't that be the other way around?
>>Tell me Sup Forums, how is this not the best Final Fantasy game?
Call me when I can romance Cindy. No seriously.
anyone else get really sad when you get pictures of the old crew Prompto takes? I happened to have a young crew selfie right next to an old crew selfie, and it really hit me in the feels.
user you're really insistent on me doing those in a specific order. does it really matter if both of them reach the same ending?
>romancing Cindy
>coming between her and the Regalia
how can you even compete?
What picture did you choose in Insomnia?
>You guys...are the best
>not cumming inside of her while in the back seat of the Regalia
>not wanting to impregnate your wife on consummation night
Um why is the King of Dragons not a dragon?
You're right, I want Aranea to impregnate me and marry me
Compete? You have the ice breaker right there. Invite her for a spin. God why is Luna even a thing. I don't even want Stella, who the fuck cares about them, Cindy will be my queen.
One of the most well done scenes of any final fantasy game imo.
I chose the pic of everyone together before you get on the boat. Figured it would be the most fitting, since most everyone was there. Although it was funny hearing Gladios reaction when you choose a pic of Iris
Any one else just tap the attack button regularly instead of holding it down? It gets the same results and just feels way more satisfying to me. Plus I feel it makes it easier for me phase cancel and jump into air combos.
This game angers me. I'd rather have Final Fantasy XV be bad like Final Fantasy XIII than its current mediocre state. At least FFXIII was so bad it was entertaining. I can replay FFXIII because I like seeing all the awful elements that game has and I like asking myself "what the fuck were SE thinking?" You can't do that with FFXV, its just a bland installment.
What pisses me off more than just the fact FFXV is bland, its the fact it could have been the base for a really good game. If SE pushed it back a year or two, it could have been better. They could have used all the elements from Versus XIII that made Versus XIII an interesting concept. They could have improved concepts they showed in trailers a few years ago like how radical the leviathan boss fight was.
Following this game for ten years, its obvious switching Nomura to Tabata was a terrible idea. I don't think Nomura is all that great, but Tabata just viciously mangled FFXV. He changed so many things while keeping in previous things, not caring what he kept or what he got rid of.
Citizens of Lucis in Versus XIII hated Regis because he ruled Insomnia like a gangster, not like a king. In FFXV, he's a fucking saint. Yet, in Kingsglaive, we see his people hating him? And for what reason, something involving an immigration policy?
Stella was an antagonist and fought Noctis. We saw in the Omen trailer something similar to that where Noctis attacks Luna, but that's just a trailer. Nowhere in the game does anyone bring up Noctis fighting Luna. Whats the point of the Omen trailer?
Prompto is an MT in FFXV. This is an artifact of Versus XIII ages where he's a foreign spy. We never find out how Prompto knows this and it has no effect on the story. . .
There's thousands of other things to list, but I won't waste my time any longer. Basically, fuck Tabata for ruining what could have been one of the best games of all time.
Was expecting more XV hate from youtubers.
>implying it's you she's getting off to, not the car
Literally everyone picks this one and I just went with the four guys in front of the Regalia with based Cid in the background.
literally who?
they're interchangable for me. I'm glad they let you tap it if that's what you're used to. I find it easier to get directional moveset abilities off when you tap it also.
>7.9 user score
Top fucken kek. Even Tomb Raider was better received.
I played it with my sister, and we both cried at the end.
>not picking the Cup Noodles pic
Oh come on, even with the short story the game is at least a 4/5. People are so spoiled nowadays.
as long as I get to finish inside of her I don't care if she's infatuated with the car
for some reason I only tap in difficult battles but I'm just glad they gave you a choice.
>amazing combat
Even the FFXIII combat system is miles more interesting to play
How do you jump into air combos?
Just jump and hold/tap circle? I've got the Airstep thing, though I'm not sure how to us it.
I agree that it could've been better, but despite it's flaws I applaud SE for taking a chance and getting out of their comfort zone. There were ideas that worked great, and some that didn't work at all. But at least they have that feedback and will be able to make a better product in the future because of it.
it's usually back+attack, depending on the weapon type you're using. You can get into it from warp attacks as well if the enemy is large enough. You need the 333AP unlimited airstep ability to really make full use of it though.
You just hold a direction and press the attack button and Noctis will sort of airdash the way you held and continue the combo. It's not that useful until you get airdance which is pretty damn fun to use.
>playing a bro trip simulator with your sister
XIII has the best ATB implementation though.
Didn't see there was a new thread, so These threads remind me of why Sup Forums is so much better than /vg/. All that place is is 12 year olds trying to troll, waifufagging, and some occasional talk of various FFs
>not X-2
Say what you will about x-2, they have the best implementation of the ATB system thus far, hands down.
OP of all four threads and just want to let everyone know I'm going to bed so someone else can make the follow thread if this gets 500+.
What? I was playing it by myself, and she walked by and became interested.
I do because it feels reminiscent of Lightning Returns were tapping the button with good timing would increase the damage. That does apply here but it's habit
>you need the 333AP unlimited airstep ability to really make full use of it though.
>It's not that useful until you get airdance which is pretty damn fun to use.
New Game + can't come soon enough.
Kill yourself faggot.
>implying she's not in it for the manservice
Couple weeks away user (supposedly)
Kill yourself.
>that feel when a song went from cheesy in the beginning to really emotional when it was played again in the end
I didn't think a game would get to me emotionally with Stand By Me of all songs
>tfw you broke down in tears at the end of the game
The story was mostly incoherent, and I honestly think that I would have preferred Nomura's vision, but fuck me if I didn't care about the characters. That campfire scene made my heart die.
Also, what was the point of having such high-level monsters in the world of ruin? There's like a level 72 wall daemon at one point. It's not even feasible to beat that if you're at level 40 like I was.
Likewise with that level 80 or whatever spider thing hanging out in Lucius. I wasted 20 High-Elixers trying to fight that thing and had to run away anyway.
Me too.
Kill yourself.
thanks for the threads
Hey come on, that guy put a lot of effort into making these 4 identical threads
How does the time travel in this game work?
If he's capable of time traveling to begin with, why wouldn't he go back to before Insomnia fell and saved his dad?
god that campfire scene really, really got me. Haven't cried like that in years. I don't know how they were able to convey so much emotion like that, it's genuinely remarkable.
Also, best pic Prompto took from my playthrough. Felt so bad for him...
If you're talking about the dog "timetravel", it's not timetravel, it's merely Noctis dreaming and reliving past events
Because OP it has a shit ending.
There's never any actual time travel in the game, only a timeskip. When he's hanging out with Umbra, he's reliving past events through dreaming.
What's more important: HP, or defense?
AP skills.
Good games.
You don't need both if you can evade ;)
I personally prioritized HP during my playthough, but defense might be the better option. There's just more HP accessories early on than defense ones, so I went that route. I recommend getting the vitality stat perk that raises it with your level. Really helps out Prompto and Ignis
why's he dreaming about their past selves in Kingsglaive outfits then?
The main four are alright I guess. It would have been cool to play as them individually instead of just Noctis, though I guess being just in the shoes of Noct goes along with the theme of how he depends on the four greatly. There's really not a whole lot of conflict between them, outside of when Gladio gets mad at Noct, but I really feel like this part was hamfisted. I mean, Noct lost the love of his life, his father, and his kingdom. Ignis loses his eyesight, which he shows he gets used to, even if he preferred to still be able to see. Ardyn is an alright villain when he's on screen, but it would have been better to see his backstory more. This is pretty much the criticism for every plot point desu. There's no backstory for anything, or the backstory is horribly explained. The lack of cutscenes really ruined this game's story. I don't know what SE was thinking of not having cutscenes, especially since we see a lot of cutscenes in trailers that have been removed from the final product. Rest of the cast is bland, though I do like Aranea. I feel like she was Lightning done right.
Horrible. I beat Adamantoise and I still don't fully grasp how to go about the combat. It just does not feel right. How is it that in six months of creating this combat system, no one thought "you know, this combat kinda sucks big time, maybe we should scrap this and just go with kingdom hearts, which literally all of our fans enjoy and are expecting since this game was versus xiii"? Enemies are damage sponges, holding a button to do endless combos is boring, too many QTEs which are impossible to miss, would have just liked a real parrying system like what MGR has, magic feels like an afterthought and is also horribly broken, summoning is absolute shit.
Go to your gear tab and changer their outfits then
The world is decent I guess. Was not expecting fantasy american south at first, but it grew on me eventually. Kinda sucks the rest of the world goes by so fast. The lack of diverse settings doesn't make this game feel very FF-y, but I do enjoy this choice. It makes FFXV far more unique. Its not a simple level progression like plains -> desert -> snowy mountain -> space where you fight an evil god like so many JRPGs do. I do however really hate the NPC and quest design, fucking MMO bullshit. And the loading times SUCKKKKKKKKKKKK. Dungeon design, in contrast, is great. Easily the best part of the whole game is finding secret dungeons and getting a new weapon for Noct after completing it.
I don't know about you guys, but for me, the music was fucking broken. I don't mean it was bad or anything, but the songs kept stopping randomly and no music would play for the rest of the game. The only song that worked for me was Cidney's gas station theme. Hammerhead?
Overall, I'd give it a 6 out of 10. I think I give it a lower score than usual simply because SE promised so much over the few years and didn't deliver on anything. Also, the game is a tonal and storytelling mess. I didn't understand what I was doing a lot of the time. I felt this way about FF13 as well, but that's because FF13 has a database in the menu to explain all of its keywords, where as with FF15, its just a mess due to its horrible development and terrible director.
Probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a video game, and I was excited for Brink.
dunno, no one mentions it though, so I don't think it matters much.
>Noctis literally tells them that he loves them in the Japanese
F-fuck man.
>You guys.. are the best
>That stand by me in the credits
I didn't ask for these feels
Prompto took a lot of really emotional photos. There were so many that I wanted to use, but I ended up using this one.
The fact that Noctis is dreaming all of it makes it even sadder. He will never relive those moments again. This game really hit my existential feelings like a ton of bricks.
What does vitality even do, anyway?
Or spirit, for that matter.
>Beat the game in 23 hours
>Want to talk about the ending with my gf
>She hasn't beaten it yet, and the last time I spoiled a game for her she got mad because I just assumed she had already played FFX
>She's only on Chapter 5
And for them to completely nail it on both the Japanese and the English VO? Amazing.
This game has 0% re playability if the DLC doesn't address the ending.
Who's going to put another 50+hours into the game again only to have the same bizarrely contrived ending?
Vitality=phys. def
Spirit=magic def
Same picture I ended up using. It really is the best shot overall I feel.
>japan already have all time low birthrate
>play this game
>Make precision based puzzle
>controls are as responsive as an anesthetized gorilla
I'd fuck Noctis any day full homo...
The ending made sense, though
>adoption rates skyrocket
Did anybody actually feel bad when she died?
My girlfriend is interested in playing it now, but she hated it before it came out.
Because there were no playable female characters, and because I skipped a date with her to go play the Duscae Demo at my friend's house
Thanks. Yeah. Even if I didn't care for Talcott or whoever that guy on the left is, I knew that it would be a very emotional image for Noct.
Get a vagina.
>bizarrely contrived ending
huh? they explain it pretty well if you're paying attention. Bahamut literally tells you exactly what ends up happening
The only female I became invested in is Aranea
Boi Pucci's count to user
What really happened at the end?
Noctis and the crew rock up at the Citadel, Ardyn kills (?) the other three, and then they appear outside the gates after the final battle, then everyone ends up in the void?
How do I get a better rod and reel than what i can buy at the vesperpool?
And you know the best thing about the combat? Everyone and their mom are praising it as an amazing combat system that should be adapted into many more games like for example Xenoblade Chronicles
I really do not understand.
I felt happy when the two of them were married in the not-afterlife/other timeline
i felt far worse watching ignis try to get around after going blind
Can you get S rank in report cards?
>not getting feels seeing Talcott kept the cactuar figurines you got him
I did. All she wanted to do was be with Nocits and laugh and smile again but Ardyn had to be a bitter fuck and ruin everything
Just build for defense, when you kill the adamantoise you get an item that caps your hp out regardless of how low it is.