The more I play this, the more I love it.
The more I play this, the more I love it
Another "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BUY THE GAME" thread for TF2 so soon?
Stop posting these aimless threads, you know it triggers people and I'm starting to think you're the one guy on the site that thinks everyone who likes the game is a shill so you're making false flag shill-like threads.
so I havent played it but i here people complaing about tone all the time. whats the deal
>tfw can't git gud at slide hopping
>tfw can't play until finals are over
>about tone
literally what?
Tone is easy and noob friendly, so people use her alot. Also, she's OP.
People will get mad over anything
I am a Tone user, my main weapon is the volt
I use smart pistol too
0 risk and 100% reward.
Compared to the other Titans there's no downsides to playing as her.
She has a fuckhuge shield that blocks any lane, and if she has the kit that buffs it, you might as well turn around and go away. Meanwhile Northstar gets a crappy tether which barely helps because of how fast they break.
She has a tracker for no particular reason other than to give her a free lock-on.
She out-snipes Northstar in every single possible way, not to mention compared to the railgun, her 40mm has a huge as fuck hitbox with splash damage and little to no drop off, not to mention it's practically a hitscan, but it counts as a projectile.
A single shot of the 40mm does more damage than an uncharged railgun shot.
She gets to fire 6 missiles every time she has 3 locks on a target, adding to her already huge burst of damage.
Her Core launches a fuckton of homing missiles, while Northstar fires a fuckton too in the air, but most don't even hit their target, and they don't do nearly enough damage as they should.
Also Alt > Volt
I do think it's good.
Meanwhile at a Siege
>The more i play the better i need to get
>please buy the game
why the fuck would he need to shill a free to play game?
>mfw I'll shill the fuck out of this great game for free and Sup Forums gets more mad because they can't afford it
Truly best girl
Of all the currentyear shooters, this seems the most decent, aside from overwatch ofcourse
Use your brain and think about what thread you're in
Same, just got gen2.
Use your brain and think about what board you're in
Which is funny because it was $30 for awhile, but Sup Forums can't let their unfathomable hatred for Origin die, and Sup Forums refuses to accept that it actually plays rather well on consoles.
More like a fucking whore that everyone uses because they can't possibly be original and use a Titan they actually want to use, no, they need to play the meta.
>TFW you be majoring in something useful; at least then you have an excuse to not be getting gud and dropping Titans on niggers.
A decent Ion player RAPES tone. Legion is also an effective counter. Tone is pretty good at handling everything else, it works well at separating decent players and useless randoms
I've raped a number of Tones with Ronin, too.
Most Tone players are shitters that don't know how to properly play, and when someone's up close to them, they don't know how to react.
Executing Tones is like an addiction.
>Enemy pilot trying to escape and gets vaporized by the laser
Oh hey my ex-colleagues trying their shilling here daily, how is marketing boss treating ya this year ? no year end bonus so you have to shill here ? come over to Bethesda mate.
the shilling never stops, despite the game being irrelevant even after being free for the weekend.
So do you guys actually think you're being funny or something? Genuinely curious. It's like reading porn comments.
activision plz. people are done with cod.
Its an easy win against an ennemy who isn't confident enough, Tone has the adventage of distance so the FIRST thing you should do is go up close and personal with her, but of course most beginners tend on the other side to stay away and get inevitably blown up because they dont have as much poer at range, I dont think Tone is OP because once you know how to deal with her you wont have nearly as much problems dealing with her, once again confidence is key.
How do i get good with scorch?