Have you ever played a handheld game with a stranger?

Have you ever played a handheld game with a stranger?

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One year at comic con I had a sign that said "Challenge me to a game of tin-pin slammer", I played with some cool people, but almost always lost.

The game is called Super Mario not Super & Mario little girl.

I let some kid I didn't know play my GBA when I was a kid. It didn't even occur to me that he could just steal it, but he gave it back after 10 minutes.

psyduck is a shit pokemon and only shit people like him

I've played pokemon since Red/Blue came out, and only earlier this year did I learn that Golduck was not part Psychic.

They would just Esem, not Es and Em.
Does anyone say Are and Es or Dee and Pee? Fuck this retarded ass joke of pokemon S and M I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.

Better than SuMo


>be 9 years old
>challenge random kid from my school to yu-gi-oh
>kick his ass
>as we clean up, he swipes my chaos emperor dragon into his pile without me realizing
>catch him later using it against some other kid
>slap him across the face mid-game and take my card back from his field
fuck you faggot

Did you make him your personal healslut later on? It's the next logical step

Until I just replayed Plat this year I thought that Luxio and Luxray were part dark and had thought this since my first gen 4 playthrough.
>mfw it took damage from a psychic type

Do you think she's the sadist or the masochist?

>4 seconds apart

That was me, I made a typo that messed up the message.

I fucking love S&M!


...go on

at the pokemon s&m launch. He had shitmons so I had to cripple myself heavily and lost as a result.


SuMo is great because it makes Sup Forums unreasonably mad. I make a point to use it as often as possible for that reason.

super and mario

your little sister's cuter than you

かにかま Kanihamiso. Some twitter person.



Sun and Moon.

There were a ton of people playing Sun and Moon at PSX. While I was waiting for Capcom Cup to start, someone next to me was playing. We struck up a conversation and I ended up hatching and trading over the two starters he didn't have.

No one was down to battle though, which was pretty lame.

>No one was down to battle though, which was pretty lame.
They're scared of getting shat on because they don't know what the meta is and are too prone to just going to smogon and finding it there that they can't work it out for themselves.

Probably. I was just down to use my playthrough team though. Just wanted to have some casual fun.