It's Official

This game sucks.

Are you surprised? When will people understand what development hell does to a game?

It was too hyped.

It seems like the majority of critiques are not on actual gameplay or design decisions, just finickity and uncooperative controls and camera movements
still going to get it

>actual gameplay
>he dislikes the climbing
>he doesn't like the beast control
What else is there?

kek, this shit looks so bad

>uncooperative controls
>uncooperative camera movements
Seems like pretty big problems to me, especially compared to Ico and Colossus.

no it doesnt.

>those dislikes


>Looks worse than fucking Bad Company
>Runs like shit
>Bad Controls
>Bad Camera


It took over 10 years. Was there even any doubt as to the end result?

I meant the "You have to have him standing precisely in the right spot or and facing the right direction to get him to cooperate and solve the puzzle, even if you've already figured out what you're meant to do. If he's one step to the left or 10 degrees to the right he won't do it." part, and the "You often get a camera filled with feathers and fur." thing. Not intentional gameplay decisions, just general laziness from the devs, or time pressure from the publishers. They can probably be fixed with a patch.



Yes it does, you whiny crybaby.

Years ago, I said to people hyped about the game that it's probably not gonna be that great.
Gameplay snippets we saw back then weren't impressive then and the game didn't change much in its release state.
I don't understand why this game got so much hype.

I know, that's way too long.

>10 years
>turns out to be shit
no fucking way

does the animal thing die at the end?
I don't want to play it if it does. It's a cheap way to invoke the feels.

Duke Nukem, The Last Guardian... Every game that comes back from development hell turns out to be shit. Why do you guys expect that it will be diferent with Half Life 3?

holy shit for a bunch of contrarians you guys sure do act like you care about mainstream video game reviewers.
Fuck off

No it doesn't. The kid gets grievously injured in the final part of the game. Trico gets attacked by other Tricos for protecting the kid. The kid manages to shoo them off by overloading some magic radio tower thing, then passes out. It takes the kid back to his village, but can't stay with him because the villagers view him as a man-eating beast. The kid weakly orders him to go away (you do this manually) and he flies away forever. The post credit scene shows the kid grown up telling his story to the village kids. He holds up the shield thing you pick up partway through the game and it zooms back to the temple where you see the opening area and a pair of big eyes opens in the dark.

The ending is actually really great and is probably the best way they could've finished it. Lots of feels.

>I don't understand how games are judged
Are you one of those retards that post that pictures that compares review scores of Wii Babies and Godhand?

Gone Homo is a great interactive walkabout, so it gets high score as a walkabout.
Last Guardian is a mediocre puzzler, so it gets mediocre score as a puzzler.
It's that simple.

what is the problem with this review? what are the technical failures GH suffered from?

FFXV wasn't as garbage as people were expecting.

This is true

Is there a story reason why the kid looks so out of place and almost cell shaded?

then why is FFXV so good

>Ico was trash and ran like trash, but some people loved it so it became cult classic
>SotC was trash and ran like trash, but some people loved it so it became cult classic
>LG is trash and runs like trash, but some people will love it so it will become cult classic
Nothing new here.




>game is good
>has some issues
You can never talk about Team Ico games on Sup Forums

>nothing but lowpoly kid and blurry poorly textured wall on screen
>24 FPS
Sasuga japs.

Who is the last guardian? Am I the last guardian? Is Trico the last guardian?

Jesus. It makes the days of him complaining about the DA: Awakening expansion of "15 HOURSERSURSURS?!?!?" seem not so bad by comparison.

It is not going to be released, kek.

This desu, the only difference is that this game took much longer to come out

I mean, at least they didn't promise a universe or something. They just delievered a game that probably should have been canned.

Sorry for triggering you, I'll put a warning next time.

But the people who have played it say they have had fun playing it and that it's good, even the video in OP.

Piss off Jerry.

No one is the last guardian

>Gone Homo is a great interactive walkabout, so it gets high score as a walkabout.
Walking sims are essentially the opposite of Meier’s ethos of games as a series of interesting decisions; by the very nature of their design, one could even reasonably assume that there are no interesting decisions to be made in them.

Consider Gone Home, a game where your parents moved while you were away on summer vacation, and you arrive home to your family’s new house, only to find it abandoned. You explore the house, traveling room to room, listening to voice overs that play in each room and reading various notes left around the house until you learn where your family went.

That’s it. That’s… all you do.

The story is that a girl explores her house until she finds where her family is. There’s a bunch of back story too, but that’s not the story. It’s all setup or lore, and while there’s some great characterization to be found by exploring the house, the actual story being told is just “she went into this room, listened to audio, interacted with all the objects, and moved onto the next one, until she found the one audio log that led her to the key to get into the attic where she listened to the final voice over.”

Even now, I find myself questioning the value of Gone Home. It’s got a host of technical issues and the weak backstory (the game seems to want us to sympathize with a high schooler who ran away with her crush; it might’ve made sense if her family hated her, but no, they all love and adore her, so she’s just a bad person), so what you’re left with is… some good environmental storytelling, I guess? [cont]

Yeah, it was worse.

Basically, the game does a good job at being structured so you always go exactly where it wants you to go, and when you’re there, you’ll find plenty of interesting things, like VHS-recorded tapes of the X-Files. If you want to know how to do environmental storytelling without the traditional video game cliche of someone writing messages in their own blood, Gone Home is great at characterization through detail. Even then, it still resorts to telling most of its story through audio logs, another bad video game cliche. People tell you details you have to know through voiceovers.

Y’know that storytelling rule “show, don’t tell?” It exists because people are more likely to believe you and become invested in your story when you show them something (she kicked the dog) vs telling them (“she is bad”). Every room in Gone Home has a tremendous amount of detail that gives you insight into the personality of these characters, but most of what you hear is just the game playing a voice over at you where the character basically just explains what is happening. It’s Bad Storytelling 101.

The same thing happens in games made by developer thechineseroom. Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, Dear Esther, and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture all convey their narratives almost entirely through voiceover that tells you everything that happened. Occasionally, you may be tasked with solving a light puzzle, like “replace this fuse,” or “fuel this car,” which is more about going back to where you saw something, picking it up, returning to where you were, and clicking an interact button.

There are no meaningful decisions in these games, the narratives themselves, both in terms of the actual story of your interaction and the voiceover story being told at you, suck… it’s like… heck, what value do these games possess? Why should I care? Why do I want to care? What value does a walking sim possess besides being cheap to develop?

>some contrarian reviews the game: the post
Mindblowing, truly.

I feel like I'm on bizarro Sup Forums

sure it does


I did not need this first thing in the morning

>oh no, where are my bandwagoning underages
No matter how much you try to hide from reality in your special little world of denial, Gone Homo was critically acclaimed and positively received by majority of "critics" and players alike. Learn to live with it.

I can't be the only one who can tell a game is shit weeks before it releases.

>Why do you guys expect that it will be diferent with Half Life 3?
HL3 will never come out so it can't be bad. MASTER RACE WINS AGAIN

Everyone has been saying this since 2015. you're not a special snowflake.

You are like a baby. I know years in advance.

>those giant fool proof UI prompts for basic actions

From what ive seen everyone is meh about it.
after all the hype its a real shame,maybe thats why it was the soft launch.

You can turn them off.

>Sup Forums has gone full circle to the point where people now are actually using IGN reviews as reference to a game's quality

We have to go back.

>game sucks
>according to one review


>7.9 user score
So it's worse than FFXV? Sonyggers BTFO harder than Nintendrones this year. At least Nintenedo stopped embarrassing itself after Color Splash.

You shouldn't have been hyped about it if you don't like ICO. Everyone has been hitting anons in the head that it's an ICO spiritual successor.

>Every game that comes back from development hell turns out to be shit.

You people will hate literally anything.

Tell me how long SotC was then? Are you really THIS RETARDED not to see your own hypocrisy? You whine about camera movement? Camera movement in SotC was pretty fucking annoying at times too but does it make the game bad? Of course not because it came out when you lot could actually appreciate something instead of being fucking contrarians for the sake of it.

Finished the game in 11 hours, The controls and camera are not that bad to be honest. The only problem with this game is the frame rate on some areas especially near the ending. Also Trico can be fickle as fuck, I'm not sure if I could route this for speed run.

Content, gameplay.


I went through an uploaded playthrough and couldn't find an explanation for the barrels. Did I get rused or are they really made of kids?

Wrong game you're thinking of


7.9 user score is amazing with console warriors like yourself posting fake reviews on metacritic to get the score down.

We have gotten Final Fantasy XV, (fuck off Versus fags: it counts), and The Last Guardian.

Aside from pic related, any other games we've been waiting for for nearly a decade?



I like SotC. It's in my top 9.

TLG is shit. I don't blame Team ICO. I blame Sony.

>83 on metacritic

Shadow of the colossus came out 11 years ago you daft fuck, you can excuse certain things when it comes to a game's age. This came out TODAY.

The difference between SotC and The Last Guardian is 11 years and 2 console generations

FFXV got blown out by an ex-Square dev working on the budget of half of CD Projekt Red's tracksuit and noodles budget on the weakest system this generation.

I can still forgive it for those problems if it's a fun game.

Why do you faggots rush to call something you haven't played yet shit? Does your pisspants contrarianism know no fucking bounds?

Is that why Undertale, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Bayonetta 2 rank incredibly low?

They don't?


reviewed by compensated sell-outs pushing an agenda

you are implying that it is impossible for someone to enjoy SotC today if they were playing it for the first time
which is bafflingly incorrect

Limitations? Tell me about those fucking limitations. There are old games that take 100 hours to complete. There are old games with good camera controls. Literally the only thing that is shit about TLG is low fps. You can like it or not but contrary to what Sup Forums might tell you there is middle ground between a masterpiece and a completely shit game.

Long development doesn't mean you immediately have to judge the game differently. Judge the experience itself, what the fuck does it matter to you how much money they spent on it.

>bizarro Sup Forums
go back to your basement, Sup Forums belongs now to sjw!

>someone was mad enough to make this post

Sony sold anpother 2 million PS4's this week not counting the 2 million PS4's they sold last week.

TLG already ahead of expected sales from pre-orders alone, they ordered a second printing just to fill demand of the CE.

Say it with me President Sony!

>Team Ico game sucks

Stop the fucking presses.

I'm not talking about development time you idiot. A PS4 game from 2016 shouldn't be having the same basic problems that a PS2 game from 2005 had.

Shut the fuck up, sonycuck.

>muh SJW conspiracy
That's really the best excuse you could come up with? Well, whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Some people just can't handle reality.

The common opinion is not always the correct one, you know.

Did everyone in this thread ignore the video? The reviewer still liked the game, he just got frustrated with it. No need to go apeshit over it.

>then why is FFXV so good

looks like a skyrim tier game; playable time waster
might pick it up on sale or something
graphics are terrible, some if not most ps3 titles looked better

People are selective about what they hear. Anything that goes in opposition to their own little world is ignored.

XCX was great but not as great as XV

>watching the video
The only thing that matters is the score idiot.

Of course it'll review poorly, gamers are uncultured mouth breathing swine who would know art if it slapped them in the face. A beautiful piece like this is entirely above them.

I like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Will I like this?