What did you play today

what did you play today

Dead Rising and Runescape.

Color Splash! It's actually alright.

I hacked my Vita and put a shitload of emulators and PSP games onto the card.

Played a few different games. Sonic 3D Blast, Crash Bandicoot 2, Loco Roco among some of them.


Dragon's Dogma and Mount and Blade Warband.
I'm so bored with video games.

FFXIV, FFTactics, The Witcher 2 and Battlefield 1.

Just got through with a bit of Ocarina 3D and can't believe I've never played that game until now. Need to get another 3DS or something so when one goes dead I can pick up my other one and keep going.

Far Cry 4. It's far cry 3 but the main character isn't pondscum.

Just pokemon

Battlefield 1 and Overwatch.

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Pokemon Moon

hi toast


I think I'm finally getting into it.
Too bad most of it has been spoiled for me.

dragon's dogma and final fantasy vi

I bought Bloodborne 2 weeks ago but I haven't even taken the plastic off. I haven't played a video game since I got the Dead Rising remaster on release, and then I played it for 40 hours in 5 days.

I'm thinking of buying a Famicom/NES and an Everdrive, I feel like I need to get into some of the most basic and arcade-y games to get out of my slump. Anything that isn't flicking the power switch and immediately playing just takes too much energy for me.

I had my 26th birthday yesterday and want to kill myself

Final Fantasy 9. I had gotten to disc 3 a long time ago but my friend accidently saved over my data and I had no desire to redo it all. But now I'm finally replaying it and I'm loving it. Everyone always complains about the battles being slow and I 100% agree but it's so good despite that

hi fag

still playing ultima online, for poker
still winning too

Shitposting in the draw thread and Animal Crossing. Fucking retards in in that thread and it's the funniest shit.


>Finished the Mass Effect trilogy again
>Only 22
>Realized how pathetic and meaningless my life has been so far
>Not sure what happened, just hit me like a ton of bricks
>Feel like i'm too beta and incompetent to change anything
>Even simple things like driving and being a wagecuck seem terrifying now
>Decide to keep playing games just to avoid this horrible feeling
Fallout 3 is still kinda fun i guess

Happy Birthday. Mine 26th is coming up too. Wanna double suicide?

>Fallout 3
>not New Vegas
Yeah, you are pretty pathetic.

I borrowed it from a friend and I was fresh off of Chrono Trigger and I was bored as fuck by disc 2. Gotta borrow it again to finish it since it's the first FF I played.

Bookworm is one of the best Mario Party games in the series.

Catalog is your friend user.

Any recommendation on how to do it?

Draw threads are so easy to troll

>create draw fag thread, first to roll a 6 gets a drawing of whatever they want
>tell first person to roll a 6 you draw what they want because "it's to gay"
>repeat with different excuses ("no" usually gets people upset)
>when you get bored tell someone you'll draw their picture
>wait 15 minutes then post a stick figure fucking another stick figure in the ass with a third stick figure
>label the one fucking "me"
>label the one getting fucked "your mom"
>label the one watching "your dad"
>say something along the lines of "here's your drawing faggot" and leave

Bullet or slit wrists but make sure it's vertical not horizontal else someone might find and save you.

>Gave away New Vegas to a friend because I hated it
>He didn't like it and gave it away to some random chick
>Now that I don't have it anymore i wanna play it again
Thanks for reminding me user...


I just keep telling this tripfag to kill himself.

A better version of Star Ocean 5.

Played some Pokemon Moon earlier, currently playing around on Kronos II.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement

Let It Die and some EDF.
Wing Diver is fun and holy fuck I can't stop dying by being an idiot and getting cocky in LID.
The atmosphere, OST, and all that is incredible though. Combat is pretty basic but still challenging GIVE ME A FUCKING SWEEP MOVE FOR CROWD CONTROL GOD DAMNNIT.
Currently taking a break from the game with DUDE WEED and some tunes before I jump back in.
>Tfw only one monitor so have to switch between using my PS4 or computer.

am very tired right now

Doesn't have to be. I loved Star Ocean 3 when it released. This gives me the same feeling.

I have SO4 as the only game for my PS3, It's great but I've already beat it several times so not going to do it again probably

Which version of FFT you playing? I'm debating whether to do a run through the classic PS1 version or the PSP remake. I've heard the PSP remake still has slowdown though which kind of puts me off. Both would be through emulation.

Might hook up my old Xbox play something or ps1 and get back into Crash 2 since remake.

Fucking backlog man it's a slog sometimes and occasionally just wanna replay shit instead.

At what point do you stop being a poor ass motherfucker in Morrowind and actually git gud? I would always drop the game around joining the Fighter's Guild in Balmora and struggling to kill rats for old ladies.

Recently playing through System Shock 2 for the first time however is making me want to play another story heavy FP-RPG.

Rise of the Tomb Raider.

It's okay, I guess. Not feeling particularly motivated to play it at the moment.

Finally started Persona Innocent Sin

I gotta get back into SMTIV but the map is fucking trash.

For me it was picking a character that matched how I was going to play and using a weapon I had points for. I don't like using magic and stealth is tedious, so I just played as an Orc with heavy armor.

suck my fucking dick single player autists

I want to start the SMT series eventually. Have you played the previous games? Do you like them?

playing megaman v and metal slug 3 off and on
recently got some dental work done so im high drugs and enjoying these games thoroughly

I played xenoverse with my friends. Even if some of them are leaving it was great while it lasted

SMT IV is my first SMT and it's basically the same thing as Persona, gotta pick up Apocalypse down the line.

Classic PS1 one. I have it on my phone at the moment. It is emulated.

>Try playing Dragon Age Inquisition for some plot points and characters that I like
>Reach the Hinterlands
>get bored
>think of other plot points/character I wanted to check out
>make new character
>get to the Hinterlands

I did this shit 3 times before realizing that I'll never get beyond the Hinterlands. I really god damned hate Inquisition.