Weaponfu thread

Which vidya weapon would main? I'd bed with this little tart, too bad I can't find a higher-res pic.


I'd use it to order my enemies up an ass whoopin

>Not all american

Always and forever. Too bad most games treat it like a slightly longer axe.

It's like Rapiers. if you're not going to make them stab, why even bother.

I am but a simple man.

>strong as fuck
>amazing backstory
Survivalist's Rifle all day

I always go for a longsword that isn't flashy gilded garbage but still has that hint of class and style.

Which brings me to this baby.
>Not the balder shitter sword, so when I'm using it I actually stand out from every tom dick and tryhard
>has a nice bit of weight behind the swing
>good for buff carrying
>stylish as shit.

The Zweihanders in the Souls games, the Sword Of War in Mount And Blade, Siegfried and Knightmare in Soul Calibur, I am a big fan of that great sword.

Guns wise it's always gonna be the super shotgun from Doom 2. Though the G36 assault rifle comes mad close considering how much STALKER I play and how I also tend to pick the weapon in everything from generic military shooters to The Matrix games.




I can accept all kind of weapon design except one, the kind with extra ornament that make it hard to grab.

I'm playing Dark Souls for the first time now and I love this gun so much


>tfw ywn learn to play a real Hunting Horn
Damn, it would be so fucking cool.

>unzips edge


Too bad it doesn't appear in most games.

looking at that painting still upsets me because i can clearly imagine what kind of person that little hispanic woman is; she thinks she is a great painter still to this day
anyway, this. my runner up choice is the simulor from warframe
