I saved this picture from Sup Forums a couple of days ago and realised I have no idea what game it's from. UI looks cool, can anyone fill me in?
I saved this picture from Sup Forums a couple of days ago and realised I have no idea what game it's from...
Other urls found in this thread:
crusader kings 2, its a really good game along with its counter parts which include europa universalis, victoria, and hearts of iron
Wow took 3 seconds
Thanks. Comparable to Civ at all? I'll look into it when I get back from work.
Crusader Kings thread, I guess.
hey user, that's my pic
its a strategy game where you wage war and build up your nation and interact with those around you so yea its like civ in that respect but way waaaaaay more complex and better.its just that its real time with pausing and not turn based, which i found way better also. crusader kings specifically revolves around you playing a dynasty of characters and you can interact with other people who hold positions of power in your realm (or you can play as a lesser rank and have someone above you) so its a good European feudal system/viking/brown people simulator, not just you playing a faceless country
CK2, great game
also each game is restricted to a time period and you move units by provinces instead of hexes/squares
it's pretty fun
>Comparable to Civ at all?
Not really, there's little tactics in the battles.
Yes there are. Types of soldiers, tactics the generals use, which cities to conquer, etc, etc
You fuckers needs to diversify your games.
this, i cannot push how important having the right generals and unit compisition is.
It's the reason nomads are the most broken government, you get to choose exactly what your army consists off (from good units no less)
"tactics" in grand strategy seems like a shitty point anyway, there's no tactics in CIV either for that matter.
Strategy is more important in these games, and winning that decisive battle before the enemies join forces can make all the difference in that crusade or invasion.
>there's no tactics in CIV either for that matter
Jesus christ that is as much retard as I can handle for today.
With that peace of shit? kekerino.
its strategy, not tactics you fucking mongoloid retard
If you're going to get one of these kind of games, start with europa universalis 4.
Learn what the words you are using mean.
>French culture
same goes to you
rolling good RNG when attacking an enemy unit is not tactics
>rolling good RNG when attacking an enemy unit
This is civ you're talking about right?
have you even played CIV?
battles are filled with RNG.
you can counteract it with good strategy but it's still there.
you sure you're not thinking of Total war?
that game lets you use tactics to counteract otherwise random combat results in equal circumstances.
>have you even played CIV?
>battles are filled with RNG.
Not really user. Do you actually know what RNG is?
Show liquor
now you're just baiting
you know exactly what i mean, it may not be true random but to the player it might as well be.
show me how a player can predict exactly (within the game UI) how much dmg combat in civ does to each side and i will believe it not having "random" combat.
>but to the player it might as well be
Player meaning absolute retard who doesn't know what RNG is?
>show me how a player can predict how much dmg combat in civ does to each side
Well user, each unit has an attack rating and each terrain has a defence modifier. Also you have flanking, defensive stances and each unit does less damage when they have less health.
There are a myriad factors that decide how much damage is caused, and you say the entire combat system is RNG lmao.
yea that dude is confusing the hell out of me. there is no (significant, if at all) RNG in Civ 5 combat from what i can tell.
The only good thing about tw is the battle. Paradox games with tw battle system would be my dream game.
what does this has to do with anything?
the damage is random, even if you can influence it.
it changes everytime you do something.
i guess Xcom EU isnt random either then?
I mean it also uses "random" seeds to determine the damage/if you hit.
But clearly its not random since you can influence it.
>the damage is random, even if you can influence it.
>it changes everytime you do something.
yea that is why i'm confused. the values are absolutely not random from the hundreds of hours i've invested.
>play stronghold
>castle building is fun but the tactics are mindnumbing, it makes me want to play
>combat is fun but the campaign is shit, it makes me want to play
>crusader kings
>the campaign is great but the battles are boring, it makes me want to play
>mount and blade
>the battles are thrilling but the sieges make me want to build castles again so I
it's the reason it says approximate damage and not just damage.
ill concede they have removed ALOT of the rng from the earlier civilization games, but it's still there.
Am I the only one who plays as an African county and then tries to slowly expand into Europe, eventually blacking the whole continent and destroying Christianity?
Not even memeing. It's a great challenge.
I love this game
>playing anything but European duke > King of Jerusalem > Roman Empire
this, mali is based
Too bad there's no Roman empire left after I'm finished blacking.
>implying ck2 is anything but incest simulator and autism fantasy fulfiller
Guess you'll fit right in with the target audience
Why did you convert to Christianity though?
Game is called Crusader Cucks II it's a really bad game that barely works properly, it also has the worst AI in history of video games and the only reason why people it is because there is nothing similar in terms of gameplay to it.
can't form the HRE other wise
and I wanted to marry some white christian pussy
>worst AI in history
Its from a screensaver game called CK2
And its really really simplistic and boring
My ultimate goal would actually be to start in Mali, conquer the Viking lands, convert to their faith, and the take over the world as black viking raiders.
Getting a claim on their lands + actually conquering it is a bitch though.
Berbers can raid just like Norse now actually
Muslim merchant republic are OP af, even more if you have a culture which allows raiding
I never thought I'd play brown people when I bought CK2 but damn it's fun.
there is no RNG
you know that when units take damage, with the exception of Japan, they deal less damage due to being weak? factored in with policy trees and terrain, sure it will seem different but randomness has little, if anything, to do with it
i would say CK2 is more abstract and random than Civ 5 what with the occasional underdog victory with like 2k armies fighting off 6k armies because of random martial rolls for tactics mid-battle
To the CK II fags ITT:
How does CK II compare to EUIV? I've only played the latter, and while I had really great fun the first couple hours, It went straight to zero after my first one or two playthroughts, because I realised this game has no depth at all. It is the epitome of "hard to learn, easy to master". It was all exciting and new but now that I know how stuff works it's literally just sitting around waiting for mana.
However, I've heard that CK II is a bit different and I also dig the time period more. Can anyone give me a short overview about the differences to Eu IV and the "feel" of the game?
To me EU feels like theres nothing happening unless you're at war, whereas in Ck2 you're always doing something. If you liked the ruler mechanics in EU you're gonna like Ck2 since it's the same game but instead of focusing on the state you focus on the ruler, paradox games really aren't that deep overall.
You play as a character from a dynasty ruling a county / duchy / kingdom / empire in CK2, not as a nation itself
It has a lot more RPG aspects to it - your character gains traits or lose them in result of random events, but you always have a choice
It's still a Paradox game - Very complex to learn, easy once you know the rules and there's quite a bit of RNG involved
CKII is all about eugenics and breeding management.
You have a royal family and your job is to keep power in the major branch and to expand your power through battle and politically convenient marriages which help you win battles and get you more titles. To play the game well you basically have to exploit the various quirks in the inheritance laws of your neighbors.
>but you always have a choice
This is a lie, in all the random events you have only one optimal choice that you will always pick no matter what.
This. Plus you can fuck your sisters and cuckold your vassals/liege/neighbours/male family members
I still don't know how this happened....
In ck2 you're always doing things. in eu4 you're always waiting for the next war
first one, don't be a pussy
Doesn't matter no matter which one you pick you still get the negative result 90% of the time.
how hard is this game to get into by myself? I mean without watching youtube vids or reading tutorials
you might get game over screen or feel like rage quitting if vassals try to fuck you over/blob slowly eats you.
but remember to try to keep playing, ck2 allows for amazing comebacks.
this is possibly the most newfag OP I've seen in quite some time
and now Hail Jesus!
Thats Crusader Kings 2 its dope but as another user said its easier to start with EU4 as Paradox grand strategies tend to have steep learning curves woth EU4 having a lot of things put in to ease newer players into the nuances of the game. Link related.
gotta say that eu4 is the best multiplayer paradox game.
the fucking intrigue and butthurt it creates is just amazing
I always get bored with CK2 once I've conquered Western Europe. Rest of the game just becomes way too easy once you've blobbed.
>+20 martial
holy fuck how does that event fire
Depends on how smart you are.
If you're the type to break out a spread sheet and record your results and do thing scientifically to figure out how things work, or at least open up a few game files and look at the actual math at work you can probably pick up the finer details of effecient play in less than a week.
If you're a just play it straight type and just want to absorb the game via osmosis it'll probably take you months to get good.
If you want to get good quickly the best advice is actually jump into multiplayer with a group of friends and really just play the game. You'll all be failing and learning lessons for eachothers success and failures so quickly your retention rate will be far higher than even the spreadsheet faggots.
Or you could just look up guides and optimal strategies people already have developed, that works too.
Have a ruler with the voice of Jesus attribute, then send him off as a leader of an army while at war.
Strangely he kept gaining the voice of jesus trait and then losing it again, so in the space of 10 minutes he gained and lost 20 martial about 4 times.
>Comparable to Civ at all?
you dont build things and the warfare is very abstract
CK2 is a game about diplomacy and dynasty management
EU4 is a game about warfare and empire building
You aren't losing until your last remaining male dynasty member is an eunuch, and even then you can marry a slut, get cucked and pass on your legacy even if it's in name only.
i know, but alot of new players don't know how to grow and spread their dynasty at first, so they run the risk of dying out since the new expansion made it that much easier to die.
the black death is no joke, my dynasty went from 300+ members to 150
Yeah I know, I'm just saying as clarification that even in a situation where you ltierally cannot produce any more kids you've still got a chance.
even if castrated i think you can get cucked and keep the child as your own
There is some RNG to the damage units deal but it's so small a difference you usually can't tell it's happened
That's literally what I said user, try reading next time.
sorry had a minor brain defect
Welcome to the polish empire.
>Rule most of the world
>94k manpower
yeah okay Poland nice job
Everytime I try play CK2 I get bored waiting for claims, I usually play in England as a count, any fun starts around? I rather not play as Muslims though
I'm black and I prefer the white man's bullshit religion
Use the ruler designer to play a Prussian in the Maldives
Haestein, 867 start
You can do ANYTHING with him
Pagans are fun if you're willing to reform to just rapidly expand, if you don't want to deal with reformation you could try the jorvik start in the old gods date and rapidly expand then convert and play the rest of the game as a catholic
Where is he on the map?
zoroastrians, jews, greeks in general.
Also HRE dukes can be a lot of fun with inner politics.
Honestly western european powers are one of the most boring ones in the whole game unless it's crusader period because of how stable they are. You don't get to face mongols, muslims or pagans or anything, all you do is land claim wars and waiting for crusade/civil war.
bonerlord 2 when
Right after HL3
MS Excel
If you DO want to reform, Harald Fairhair can blob like you cannot believe.
You have to be careful and use your first subjugation claim on Mr Ironside, but after that, go crazy. Just remember to raid Ireland for moral authority.
In my current Ostlandet game that i've actually decided to play the whole way though, its about 120 years in, I have the empire, and my family has about 200 living members.
Cant give away a couple kingdom titles for some reason.
I love to use ruler creator to make white, christian king in nig/sandnig/poo land and just blob here.
likely due to inheritance laws
I have over 800 hours on CK2 and only 100 on EUIV, for me that difference is because CK2 is a strategy game - but it is also and RPG.
This 2bh
>start with shattered tribal world
>begin dynasty on some remote island
>found merchant republic ASAP
>lose head merchant title ASAP
>hang out as a vassal building up my mansion and seducing
Merchant Republics are so /comfy/