Face it, you were too harsh Sup Forums

Face it, you were too harsh Sup Forums

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Wasn't harsh enough desu


Ninja Theory did a better job than anybody probably expected, I would say the biggest problem is the clearly very deliberate casualization, shit like color coded enemies just plain sucks.

I would also argue Tameem isn't quite as bad of a writer as he's made out to be, the edge and hostility towards fans was a retarded move though, I realize they felt they had something to "prove", but they should have just sucked it up and not picked a fight with their demographic. Game would have been much better received.

Overall, despite being a failed reboot and having an overall inferior new canon, the game had some serious highs, I loved the intro sequence, bob barbas, and lilith's club.

que te jodan

Fuck off, Mr. Andonlades


It's true that it's better than the majority of the Clover DMCs, but it's western style edgy rather than GRORIOUS NIPPON edgy so Sup Forumseeaboos hate it.

i thought the game was alright - the crumbling environments were pretty cool and the combat was actually not that bad

however in comparison to the original series, the combat is pretty average and the developers went out of their way to outright shit on the old fans. that's just not cool

el fuck you

i agree with all of this. the hostility towards the audience for their critiques wasnt needed and would of saved them alot of peoples opinions. the writing wasnt horrible except for some forced dialogue to make it edgy that ended up making a lot more of the stories dialogue just feel more lazy then it actually was. if they had spread out some of that edge on donte he would of felt like a more cool and collected character that most people want from him. because honestly besides his attitude the way they portrayed his capabilities he did come off as cool as shit. i loved the game as much as the first one. and i compare his character more towards dmc3 like hes young and reckless still but developing that attitude from dmc1 but we wont ever see that character development i feel because of all the hate

True, but it's still not a good game.

Bigger dick.

played this game for a wopping hour and a half before I finally uninstalled it and moved on to something more worth my fucking time

>The Clover DMCs
You mean the first one?
That technically wasn't even clover yet.


No, because their shitty attitude going in ruined it, and they would not have "fixed" it if people didnt get pissed.

They are both right tbqh, but Itsuno words himself better.

What Tameme is trying to say here is that he doesn't want to put stuff in that he thinks people will like, but which he himself has no faith in.

>They are both right tbqh
Both are technically saying the same thing. Except that one killed of the series ironically


DMC5 didn't happen because Itsuno wanted to make Dragon's Dogma though. Which will probably happen now since he's back and has new ideas.

Nah we didn't shit on it enough


>DMC5 happens literally a decade since DMC4

The music was pretty good

By the time RE7 is out it will have been almost 5 years since RE6.

Video games, they take time.

Both Donte and DmC weren't bad(even enjoyable imo) but it didn't do anything that made having the series rebooted worth it. The previous DMCs are still much better.

fuck you

I tried to play it a few weeks ago and this is absolutely true.

This is the absolute written truth

DmC was a crazy good game and new Dante looks way hotter

>killed the series
>we were too harsh
every single executive that pushed for the reboot should be roped

dumb picture Dante ain't a perv

Nero wasn't as fun as Donte desu

I wouldn't blame him if he was when it comes to Kyrie's phat ass.

>dumb picture Dante ain't a perv

Is he an ironic perv?

>want to replay DMC4
>remember it's only half of a game and then backtracking out of the ass

DMC4 still has less re-use of environments and boss fights than DMC1 though.

Did they ever say what the game was suppose to be like if it wasn't rushed?

DMC1 also doesn't have you backtrack the same exact way you came.

It's a testament to how great the level design of 1 is, and how poor it is in 4. In 1 they made the reused environments feel like exploration, in 4 it feels like rehashing.

Tameem is right though, still no need to be a dick towards your audience

When a company turns the #1 gameplay focused franchise into a 2deep4u moviegame with progressive liberal subliminal messaging in it then no punishment is heavy enough.

We must take down NT


>2deep4u moviegame
but it was neither

the only reason we all hate it is because they are deliberately try replace the old Dante with him.
I mean some people probably going to like it if they call it anything else but DMC

No one would be mad just because of Donte if the game was as good as DMC3 or at least 4.

>Did they ever say what the game was suppose to be like if it wasn't rushed?

Supposedly Dante and Nero having 20 missions each, and you can assume Pandora, Gilgamesh and Lucifer were bosses and not just weapons with no connection to their respective fights.

Honestly DMC4 was just overambitious and Itsuno needs to learn to pump the breaks in time. They burned almost all the money on optimization and fine-tuning the combat that when they had to make the campaign (something japs do after they make the mechanics.) they barely had any spending money left. Even with dev time cut short DMC4 was still considered a disappointment in terms of sales.

Here's hoping a potential DMC5 focuses on making an enjoyable campaign with DMC4SE as an already solid foundation for the combat.

The game was so edgy it was actually funny. They tried to emulate the gameplay the best they could and some of the level design was really good.

The main problem was the general attitude towards the fans and pretending like the game had an actually serious plot.

>Here's hoping a potential DMC5 focuses on making an enjoyable campaign with DMC4SE as an already solid foundation for the combat.
That would imply they're going to re-use DMC4's combat, which might not be the case

they'd probably just end up making another engine again

Capcom is using UE4 now

Originally Nero was intended to be the only playable character in the game. Dante was made playable because of fan desire to see him return.

Tameem just proved that Sup Forums and many other gamers can't take a joke and gets tumblrina levels of triggered when they make jokes about Dante

MvC:Infinite and SFV uses Unreal but both those games have animation assets from SFIV and MvC3.

If DMC5 happens it would no doubt take a lot from DMC4SE, just like DMC4 took from DMC3SE.

Is that the guy who thought making a halffinished game, and then have you backtrack the levels, and have a mc who has the overpowered powerglove spam move a good idea?

A lot of the more advanced techniques in DMC4 were born from exploits of the game engine. If DMC5 were developed on a new engine stuff like Guard Flying or DT Distortion would likely be removed.

they should've gone full edge as the old concept art suggested

that way it could've been an entertaining train wreck, the way it turned out to be is just mediocre

Of course, DMC5 would be a new game with new mechanics, but that doesn't mean you can't build on what's already there.

Almost all of DMC4 Dante's animations are ripped from DMC3, but he still plays mechanically different because of new additions and balance changes.

>donte le fuck you
>fedora vergil
>red blue enemies
>every new enemy appears with cutscene
>only few enemies on screen
>wubwubwub noisia
>no actual demon form
>le huge slow bosses
Yeah, no. Fuck it. The only thing Ninja Theory is capable of is making colorful nice landscapes

t. someone who wasn't played the game but just skimread some arguments

are you talking about Hideo Kojima?

Yea nice try Tameem, i beat at last week on Nephilim, you can suck a dick with your cinematic expirience.

Timestamp or gtfo

Personally I've always felt the implementation of the style system in DMC4 (switching styles using the D-Pad) was poorly done. It requires too much dexterity to perform easily except for players with tons of practice. DmC's attempt at simplifying the style system was a positive step but that unfortunately came at the cost of depth. If a DMC5 was ever made I would hope Capcom would actually follow DmC's lead and improve upon their ideas.

And what if I already uninstalled your garbage game? I'll tell you that, it took me about 7 hours to beat.

it sucks eggs really hard, personally i hate his design only because i had drawn a similar shitty edge oc in my childhood , having fight fox news didn't help, now i hate TV and whatever this was, they tried sorta but not well in selling this, i 'll pretend its in an alternate universe.

>2deep4u moviegame
haven't actually played the game, eh

kys my dude

You get timestamps through achievements.

>he think i bought it.
What are you serious?

So you havn't played it, and you're making up excuses, opinions discarded

>the only reason we all hate it

I dont. The only thing I hate with passion is the "dmc fanbase" because they are much, much worse than shit like sonic fans because these idiots actually think the DMC games are deep in any way, turning them into the most obnoxious whiners and shitposters regarding any action game that exists or is going to be coming up

DMC1 was great. DMC3 was already lagging behind the masterpiece of its time, Ninja gaiden black


Sup Forums was harsh enough against this shitty game.



Let's not pretend DMC wasn't always broken. DMC4's Lucifer can rape pretty much anythng with just spamming it.

oh that. That is something that is intentional, takes skill (something that people who play DmC do not need), and if you fuck up you get hurt badly.

I actually really like this game.

My only gripe is why attach to DMC? But that applies to most games. I would have been much easier on the mess of Silent Hill Downpour if it wasn't a Silent Hill game.


In criticism of the game, perhaps so, but the developers were being deliberately belligerent and that cannot be allowed to stand.


Because popular title attracts much more attention.

those weren't jokes. They were outright "fuck you"s to the players/fanbase.

Thank god I only played the demo and never looked back and bought the superior action game

Use capital letters.
It's 'would have'. 'Would of' does not exist.
Go back to Facebook.

the characters werent anywhere near good enough to justify the change.

Yeah, you're just butthurt and can't take a joke, we get it

whatever you say, marketer.

>the game wasn't anywhere near good enough to justify the change.

We should have been harsher.

>and bought the superior action game


do you know the sauce of that webm? Had some cheesy music in the background

the superior of the two.

MGR has better story, writing, gameplay, and music when compared to the abortion known as DmC

Not really a problem with the PC, Ps4,Xbone port.

that's not the overly mexican video:

This is the perfect example of why nobody takes this board seriously

>MGR has better story,

doubt this even requires refuting


neither are good


mgrr is a buttonmasher QTE fest with maybe 10 prebaked dial a combos and le instant kill and heal blade mode

>and music

wow. Go kill yourself fucking retarded neckbeard. This isnt even something you can argue about when its a pure fact that DmC.s music is better in every way

No i didnt. Im just shitting on the game for no reason just like the rest of Sup Forums

It was actually a good game right?

nice bait, DmC shill

>MGR has better gameplay.

No, not really.

DmC has casualized and watered down DMC gameplay, but MGR is even more shallow.

The parry is broken, the blade mode is tacked on, cancels are pretty much useless and the overall combat just lacks depth and is very barebones.

There's a reason why MGR barely has any combo or high skill videos, there's not much to it.

>There's a reason why MGR barely has any combo or high skill videos, there's not much to it.

same with DmC

DmC can't touch high level DMC or Ninja Gaiden play but it's still better than MGR.

>but it's still better than MGR.

DmC is shallow water, but MGRR's combat is a kiddies pool. MGR is better but not because of depth, everyone knows that.