Worst combat in the series

>Too much happening on screen at once, making it hard to tell what's going on.
>Can barely see anything because the camera is awful.
>No decent indication for when to block, can't see when an enemy is about to attack because of aforementioned bad camera.
>Constantly and randomly switches targets, even when locked on
>Friendly-fire magic is stupid.

It's a shame, because I like almost every other aspect of the game. If this had the combat system of any other more recent FF (X, X-2, XII, XIII) it could have been great.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm a casual

Try zooming battle camera out in menu. Would solve a majority of those issues.
Magic will forever suck though

Just because you suck at it doesn't mean the combat sucks

>Magic will forever suck though
Look at this clueless motherfucker. Look at him and laugh.

Silly fanboys desperately trying to defend this game.

The combat is shit. Accept it.

Just hold the block button lol. If anything the combat is too easy and cinematic.

git gut

>zoom out camera

its already hard to distinguish enemy attacks and know when to block. im not saying its impossible, just a pita


git gud

It's powerful, but fuck constantly having to remake/reequip the shit. Literally now reason to use it outside of boss fights and even then if you're desperate

>using english vo

I know Sup Forums's terrible at games but not by THIS much

>Too much happening on screen at once, making it hard to tell what's going on

get some glasses, old man

Playing right now and am 70:15:50 in and have never had this problem and the game is on the harder difficulty. If you can't figure out when to block or how to lock on or manage your camera, it's not a failing in the game, it's that you need to get good.

I'd like to start out by saying I am one of the biggest Final Fantasy fans of all time. I've played every single FF game since its conception (including the original 6 which was 3 at the time and the original 4 which was 2 at the time) multiple times each. I've cosplayed as FF characters including Cloud, Squall, Cid, Cain, and Vivi at Comic Cons across the US. I even started a league for the Triple Triad card game from FF8. So it hurts my very soul to be putting a 4/10 for this game.

>no gambits for party members

Good for you autismo

How can I stop Prompto being so squishy?

Up his defense. NOT his hp

The game and mechanics are fine; it's the story aka heart of any FF game that's shit. It's too short and was obviously cut because they didn't have enough time after scrapping everything god knows how many times. It feels like you're playing on fast forward all the time if you're not someone who does these disgusting Korean MMO quests inbetween like a fucking autist.

I'm completely finished with pretty much everything you can do in this game (story, all dungeons including Pitioss, killed Adamantoise, got all royal weapons, got the seal key and did the first vault) after 49 hours and 22 minutes.

That's pretty fucking embarassing for a JRPG.

So you've done about 30% of the content in 50 hours, huh? Good for you.

every time i'm engaging enemies i just want to go back to a fucking kingdom hearts 2 which is 11 years old
how it's possible to make such a boring combat system when they had better examples right under their noses is beyond me

It's sad because you can tell if this game had been managed properly it could have been really good. Despite all the bad parts and generally mediocrity there's a couple parts that are like "this could have been so good if..."

What content is there other than what he's done?


I'd rather kill myself than doing these mongoloid fetch quests because "it's content".

Hmm the combat needs some hours to get used to its a lot A LOT MORE strategic than you first expect ... this is NOT a solo dmc,kh or ng clone at all.

>there'll never be a comfy turn-based or ATB FF game again
>instead we get this button masher KH/MMO shit

All the sidequests? Sonia's quests, Regalia quests, Dino's quests, Vyv's quests, Holly's quests, Coctura's quests, Hunter tag quests, a bunch of other NPC questlines, the farming mini-game, collecting the upgradeable weaponry, maxing your Hunter level and conquering all the Hunts, etc etc.

The game gives you the option to ignore all the content and rush through the main storyline. Good job everyone who did it and then bitched about no content when they skipped everything else.

>tales of zestiria had an utterly shit camera
>lol buy Berseria, it will fix things xD

>Final Fantasy XV
>Camera was (tried to) fixed day one even though it still sucks

I have to give it to them, at least they TRY to fix things. Still pissed that they didnt give a fuck in Zestiria and just let it like it is despite people around the world were pissed as fuck. I just dont get whats so hard about making things that block the view transparent. I dont know shit about programming, but I know there are plenty of games that do this, so it cant be that hard for a huge company like Squenix.

>fast travel to this location and press x
pick one

So that's where I was going wrong, thanks.

>being a weeaboo faggot

>fast travel

I am embarrassed for you.
This game is about a roadtrip.

>sit in a car for 3 minutes in absolute silence
>watch prompto turn around and do an animation every now and then
I don't even think the game is terrible but you're delusional if you think that's fun

Had more fun with the combat system in this than any other FF game desu

Can the game actually become hard?

Nice autism my man. Enjoy fetching beans x500, I guess.

Yeah, especially when you start getting cocky and trying to take on challenges that they're clear are above your level.

>level 50? psh, I'm 32 that's practically high enough

>waaah its too fast! waaaah i cant keep up!
if youre gonna bitch, dont be such a cuck about it

>go to location and push button XDDD
>"content" XDDD

It's amazing how you could literally apply your faggoty autism to any other game in existence and it would be just as applicable.

blocking is not reactive.

Just hold down L1 the entire fight, hit the attack button when it pops up to parry, use potions and techniques.. that's literally it.

You don't even have to aim or anything.

They retard proofed this shit and it's meant to be played like a glorified visual novel.

So if you just follow the story, there is no challenge? No enemies thar can fuck you up? You have to be retarded and seek enemies 20 lvl above yours to get some kind of challenge? It's a shame. The combat system seems interesting though.

yes, some parts would be very difficult in fact if it weren't for summons and items
the fact that using an item on your teammate freezes everything but the tech bar means you can cheese shit easily

I get that feeling too. Kingdom Hearts actually let you chain together attacks or dodge through individual inputs, like they trusted you to actually have control over your character.

That, and they had a magic system that let you actually integrate it into battle instead of just being consumable items that break the game.

You're almost right, except this game has one critical flaw for these quests - it doesn't tell you where to go, it shows you where to go. there's no brain functions required to do this stuff. I'd have loved it if instead of an NPC said "Can you get me more gems" they said "Can you go to this quarry in this place and get me this type of gem?" Then I can go there and explore and find it and report back. But as it stands, there is no exploring, and that makes it not fun. You literally just follow the quest marker (ie go exactly where it says) and press X exactly where it says - you don't even have the option to not follow the quest marker.

>Can barely see anything because the camera is awful.
Only a problem when a bush fills the screen. You can fix this by moving the camera.

The lock-on is pretty garbage though. It really needs a toggle, and I don't mean the R3 one.

There are some enemies that even for your level are quite difficult. But a lot of the game is about what you consider acceptable expending resources on.

For example, Hunts begin to get more difficult, even when they're appropriately leveled for you. Most fights in the game you didn't really need to expend items on, but you might find some where you need Phoenix Down, possibly multiple times, or pop Hi-Potions and Elixirs. Some fights drag on long enough that even Summons begin to pop up.

So, while you're probably never going to run into a brickwall, there will be points where it was difficult because of the standard you as a gamer might hold yourself to.

For me, it's the Couerls. They fuck me up everytime.

>Yfw seeing the hanging bodies at the end

You realize you don't need to use the quest markers, right? The fact that you went into the UI, toggled it to the active quest and homed in on the location is a choice you made. Otherwise the NPCs give you some general information and you choose how easy you make it on yourself. Given you already admit you just fast travel right to it, I think we know the kind of player you are.

>Otherwise the NPCs give you some general information and you choose how easy you make it on yourself.
This is blatantly false. Most NPCs don't even tell you what item is required, let alone where to get it. Most quests are literally impossible without quest markers.

>lying on the internet

Ok. Looks like I could enjoy the game after all. Too bad I don't own a console.

>Sup Forums actually defending Ubisoft tier open world mechanics

Its MGSV all over again

>There are people who use fast travel in this game

The level 45 sewer dungeon fucked me up hardcore, even when I was at level 46, party at level 41.

The final boss of the area turns people to toads, and all the monsters in route are tough as nails.

That was genuinely quite shocking, a bit less once I realised they obviously weren't the actual bodies, considering ten years had elapsed.

But still, bad guy is a nasty shit to make stuff like that up just to fuck with Noctis. He wasn't an amazing villain overall, but I think he's one of the stronger FF villains. But then, considering how much people hype the villains, they aren't really that in-depth or well written, no matter how many people masturbate over Kefka - Kuja is probably one of the better ones. I dunno how XII fares on that aspect, as it's the only one I've not touched.

whose bodies were those even, i tried to look closer but i couldn't make anything out really

Ah that makes sense.

Are you just plain bad? I have never had camera issues and it is very easily to see when you have to dodge. Not to mention dodging into parry literally gives you prompts on when to hold down the button.
Also there is a way to lock onto only one target permanently, R1 and R3 together.
And if you have trouble understanding what is happening in the combat I suggest you go take some medicine.

hello DSP

> I'd have loved it if instead of an NPC said "Can you get me more gems" they said "Can you go to this quarry in this place and get me this type of gem?" Then I can go there and explore and find it and report back.

Pic related did that pretty well.

>Too much happening on screen at once, making it hard to tell what's going on

Reposition yourself. this is a big advantage of real time combat. You actually have to try and find the best spot to be in


>No decent indication for when to block, can't see when an enemy is about to attack because of aforementioned bad camera.

This is retard.

EVERY ENEMY IN THE GAME (i am lvl 35 doing almost every hunt i can)that i fought for now has a wind-up when attacking like you can see it coming from a mile away.

What is this your first """"action""" game you fucking casual?

I mainly use it if the travel distance is longer than 1.5 miles.

He's not wrong. All those problems are very obvious in the first couple hours. You guys just don't see it anymore since you've played for 20 hours and you've adapted. The camera is bad compared to basically every other 3rd person action game. Lock-on is also terrible by modern standards.

how is this wrong? Hold block, and then hit parry, game plays itself.

Ravus (Or Iedolas, not sure) King Regis, Luna and Nyx. Noctis probably doesn't even know who Nyx is, sadly.

I never said it's wrong, it's just very obvious that OP is parroting DSP.

Classic style overworld would be better in future titles

It dosent waste time and gets you right into relevant locations. This "wander around the map" shit is getting so lame now

I wouldn't if some of the quest objectives weren't so far from the person who gives you the quest. Dino sends you all over the fucking map but never gets his dago ass out of Galdin.

Same. I was trapped down there for four fucking days looking for the Regalia headlights.

He is completly right though. Especially with the point he had with friendly fire magic in a game with a lot of tight spaces.

>All those problems are very obvious in the first couple hours.


>No decent indication for when to block, can't see when an enemy is about to attack because of aforementioned bad camera.

This is wrong.

If you have the enemy on your sight then you know when he is attacking unless you are fucking blind.

And if you don't then you know you have to back off because he is for sure winding up to hit you and you know.

Actiong games rule number one.

if you don't see the enemy he is going to attack you in the next seconds.

Wait mode lets you see who your allies and enemies are targeting

Use the regroup skill before using a big AOE spell to avoid friendly fire. Aiming is also easier if you use wait mode.

I think if this game ever gets a Critical difficulty, using wait mode is going to be pretty much a requirement.

It literally has some if the best lock on I have ever seen.
Sorry you have hand pollio and cant hold the lock button for more than a second.

>best lock on
>can't change lock on targets
>impossible to lock on to a target behind another one
you've got some low standards


Crystal Chronicles and Vagrant Story.

I would agree if the world wasn't genuinely great.

There is a fuckton of mobs around you and treasures or quests or other shit to get.

I found a lvl 54 beast wandering around that fucking oneshooted me. Also the game is gorgerous when you are in a forest. Straight up beatiful (shame the LOD is so shit).

If you are holding r1, move around r3 to switch your locked target.

He's right, though.

>can't change lock on targets

>there's a lot to do who cares if it's garbage!
openworldfags are fucking cancer

Turn based is retarded, i fucking hate that archaic shit, especially in jrpgs, the west one is decent.

Why the fuck can't i dodge that fucking laser that is the size of a fucking micro USB cable you piece of shit game.

Desu Witcher 3 did the same thing

Games like this are designed to burn you out

Don't you feel embarrassed talking about a game you clearly know nothing about?

How did you even target that horse's horn to get Noctis's ultima weapon? You DID get his ultima weapon, didn't you?

When you start to get bored you just go to the main quest.

And XVs main quest is disturbingly lacking

You see where this is going?


Then you just go catch some frogs or find a piece of rock

I'll add to that that people need to start to also find out the telegraphed moves which CANNOT be Phased through, it's the biggest newbie trap ever.

The best way to demonstrate the kind of unphaseable attack is the fist slam that the Iron Giant's do, it's slow as shit, telegraphed to hell and gives a nice indicator of "get the fuck out of the way" and i still see retards in playthroughs and streams getting slapped to shit by it.

The thing that Final Fantasy XV lacks (in comparison to some other action games) is the audio cues, which is partly compensated by the fact that most scraping stuff and attacks can be phased by holding down the button, it's also notable that you lose on damage if you keep holding down the dodge button, along with certain attack animations cannot be canceled into a phase dodge (There's Sword Of The Father, but really few people noticed that.)

There's nothing inherently wrong with combat, but i'd rather say that they did a very bad job at putting the turtle as a "super-boss" example, when it's one of the easier bosses in terms of strategies, it's just huge so it's more of a setpiece then an actual fight.

Now two Malbodooms? That's more indicative of what to expect down the line.

Or just play better games, at this point.

>tfw AAA devs just keep failing
>tfw Nioh and Automata is all thats left from Japan until FromSoft comes out of hibernation

So I have a question about wait mode. I have never turned it on, but does it make the game harder or easier. I really dont understand from reading it what it actually does, but it sounds unfair.

I fucking love the combat in XV because it BTFOs faggot FF lovers who can't play a non-trash non- turn based game to save their lifes.

Fucking indie shit lovers.

Had fun with it for 40 hours, when they patch in hard and new game plus i'll go full retard and 100% it. It's not difficult enough for the mechanics to really matter that much. They feel pretty good, especially aerial combat, and you can definitely take no damage at all if you're good. That's all that really matters.

I accept it.

>They feel pretty good, especially aerial combat

I don't understand it, with a normal sword Noctis is easy to track and pretty smooth on land but when he goes in the air he starts fucking teleporting everywhere and just being a fucking aerial ballerina.

Are there any combos or is it just Dragon ball tier shit

The entire combat is based around

>Press circle to Awesome

You try doing that against the fucking tigers that have thunder attacks whatever they are called and you get oneshooted.

You can cancel literally anything into anything with perfect guard, that's one of the more fundamental combat things. Wish you could hold down a button to gain access to a second weapon wheel for that reason.