How's that game of yours going, Sup Forums?
How's that game of yours going, Sup Forums?
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I'm not saying, don't steal my idea
I give up. 6 years of my life tinkering with jack shit. Fuck game development.
Talk game design with me.
What is the point of the live counter in video games anymore, if the game is not arcade focused and a game over allows you to continue where you left off rather than clearing all progress?
The very concept of lives is a legacy mechanic from the arcade generation when lives were literally a means to force you to keep putting in more quarters to continue.
Most modern games have gotten rid of them already. There’s no live counter in Dark Souls, because it would be an inconvenience that adds no positive benefit to the gameplay experience.
In the remaining modern games that still use lives (mario, sonic etc), the flow of gameplay is this:
>go through level, get a checkpoint or two
>die a couple times
>lose final life
>game over
>replay the level you were on from the start, losing the checkpoints aka a few minutes of progress
The “punishment” is too insignificant to feel punishing, and instead comes off as an annoyance that demoralizes the player.
If you’re a hardcore Sup Forums user you might think “muh challenge git gud” - but to a vast majority of players, they would be thinking something along the lines of
>But I’ve already done this part, now I have to do it again
>this fucking sucks I’m going to stop playing
As a designer, is this really the type of emotion and response you want to be eliciting from players?
What does this punishment add to the gameplay experience? Is it positive?
The more recent mario/sonic games go out of their way to minimize the chance of you getting a game over - they start you off with a shitton of lives (and give you a shitton after a game over), provide plenty of lives throughout gameplay and even include special “cheat” powerups like the invincible tanooki or Sonic LW’s “jump to the next checkpoint” powerup that all appear after the game detects you’ve died a few times in the one spot.
So the designers clearly see an issue with game overs as a mechanic and actively try to help you avoid ever getting one - but they are still too scared to get rid of them completely despite serving absolutely no useful purpose.
So why the fuck do lives still exist in games?
The only exception to this logic I can think of is true “arcade” games that are about seeing how far/how many points you can get with a limited amount of lives. Any game that allows you to continue where you left off after a game over has zero purpose for lives.
mario hasn't dropped the lives for the same reason they haven't dropped the coins
they feel really nice to collect even though they mean jack shit
Added an actual better camera to my game.
lighting looks pretty
what engine is that?
Is Autodesk 3DS Max really that much better for creating 3D models than Blender is?
new enemies that attack you and your boys
Is the guy who made Madness still lurking here? How is the new game going?
>made nice progress lately
>not at home where all my webms are
Can anyone think of an example of a game that is already released that allows you to modify parts of your main character but does it in such a way that you are significantly altered?
I'm having trouble explaining it so I can give an example:
>Robot game where you can swap out your normal bipedal legs for reverse-joint legs
>This would drastically change any animations
>Even two reverse-joint legs might not be the same size and would require different animations
And just to filter out stuff I am NOT concerned about stuff like Oblivion where you just swap armor isn't the issue because the underlying animations are just executed on the player's rig.
I'm beginning to think this is an unsolvable problem.
How is anything an unsolvable problem? The leg example seems trivially easy to do.
I cannot think of a game that does this since it requires far too much time to be done which could be better spent elsewhere
Doesn't really seem unsolvable senpai
Why doesn't just swapping animations work?
What do you think?
gogem stop posting this
doing a thang.
Its unity! No bully...
The goal here is to cut down on the amount of animations needed. Each part has a parent IK driver that is responsible for controlling the parts but even the IK targets would need to be controlled by some sort of system that would need to adapt to different dimensions of parts.
That is my thinking.
Maybe don't give your game the same name as an iconic developer.
Not great, our gameplay demonstration got pushed back.
>each leg type has an animations set
>rest of the body attaches to a point on top of the legs and doesn't give a shit about the legs' animations
I'm not seeing what the issue is here
>What is the point of the live counter in video games anymore
are we in the 90s? they're from arcade games, nobody uses them anymore
bugs, bugs everywhere. These days I spend more time trying to correct them than advancing the code.
way past late. not too worried tho.
How do you determine IK target animation for two different legs where the difference can be as small as a slightly longer limb or as extreme as a different number of joints?
I won't bully, I want to know how the fuck you pulled that off
are those shaders from the asset store?
Mario and sonic still do
they don't really have a purpose since they do everything possible to prevent you from ever getting a game over, but what says makes complete sense
soon will get liquid pouring in and then this'll be actually fun
What was the last good mario game
I played 3D world and it made me want to blow my brains out
>japanese games
no point in discussing game design there seeing most of them just do what's traditional without thinking about it at all
That's an interesting point actually
can't think of any non-arcade western games that still use lives
Does yooka laylee have lives?
nope its unity standard shaders for everything and normal lighting. I did make a cubemap though.
I have never managed to make unity default shaders look that tolerable
whatever you've done you've pulled it off
kickstarter games are nearly as bad appealing to nostalgia
Undertale was a kickstarter game and is generally regarded as a masterpiece. Even if you disagree with some things in the game, it was well done.
it's good lighting and decent textures, don't delude yourself into thinking there's a magic shader that makes everything look good
Would you play a 3D platformer mixed with a japanese shoot em up Sup Forums?
do you think nostalgia is a valid reason to use lives?
I was thinking of having a 'standard' mode with no lives and a 'traditional' mode with lives, since from previous discussions I've gathered that some people still like the 'challenge' that limited lives enforces (even though the only punishment these days is you lose a checkpoint or two which amounts to a couple minutes of progress - it's almost purely psychological but they still defend it)
I'm not sure how that's related to the topic, undertale is barely a game, there's no game design to discuss, although it certainly does appeal to nostalgia
the bullets would have to be a lot faster than that desu
wew that's not relevant in the slightest to what's being discussed
nostalgia can be used to justify absolutely anything, do you consider it valid? There's no point in having them at all in non-arcade games. People stopped using lives in the early 90s
In megaman games I love the lives + continues system it works great, having to start the level over again after failing some times It really adds to the challenge, getting to the boss with only 1 life and having to do it again.
>Making first game && learning to code
>Unity C#
>Super simple game
>Code looks like a fucking rats nest because I was learning as I go
Where can I learn some Unity best practices/proper architecture? I have no idea what I should be writing into new scripts vs keeping local, when something should be a child or new gameobject, etc. I'm primarily an artist/designer, so I don't need my code to be fancy, but I would at least like to know what the proper way of doing things is so I can standardize.
>there's no game design to discuss
Every boss does a different 'creative' thing with bullet hell gameplay
jumping like a platformer, u/d/l/r blocking, answering questions, etc
It's not exactly an opus of innovation but to suggest that it's completely devoid of game design is pretty arrogant tbqh
Making enemies sense walls and obstacles and move around them sensibly is a fucking headache I'll tell you what.
Physics.Linecast if else new Vector3 transform.fucksake
undertale is basically a visual novel with some light game elements tacked on. game design doesn't mean 'innovation'
I think it can be valid given you're aiming for a niche. There are people who still like lives like - but at the same time if you want to appeal to a wider audience it's simple logic to not have lives. That's why I was thinking of doing both since it's still early days and I could design stuff around it from the start. I could just turn lives into some meaningless shiny trinket counter in no-lives mode since that's basically what they are in mario now
How to make a game engine?
Are you suggesting that there was no game design involved though?
Even in the puzzles they follow a basic 'teach mechanic in controlled environment then build upon it' method. It's clear that legitimate design thought was put into the gameplay even though you're not wrong in saying that the narrative is undertale's main focus
you don't
install visual studio
Perfect code and best practices are a myth. If it works, it's fine.
Keep working on things you want to be making, google shit you don't know how to do, and every now and again you'll come across ways to improve your structure, but chasing "proper architecture" is a good way to stop making forward progress and just get lost in pointless minutiae.
>Its unity! No bully...
Show me somebody who will bully based on which game engine a developer uses and I'll show you somebody who has never made a game.
Why do you want to?
>Are you suggesting that there was no game design involved though?
less than 95% of games at least, to the point where it's questionable if it's even a game or not
>is basically
no. don't even try to counter argument as long as all you do is fallacious comparisons like that. Facts or shut up. Keep the false "smart" one liners for your mom and subreddot
Don't. There is already something that does everything you want it to do and anyone who tells you that you need to start from absolute scratch is a fucking career nodev.
>If it works, it's fine
Almost finishing the final assets for the demo release.
It might be a bit short now, but at least it´s a hentai, so let´s see if my Patreon free-to-download works.
Haven't touched it in weeks because I have a bunch of other projects I need to handle
Every game ever released has a few examples of laughable nonsense code in there somewhere.
Developers that write no nonsense code never end up releasing anything.
If it runs, no one important will ever care.
why is everything scaled so wierdly?
how are those cannons gonna fire shells that are almost as long and twice as wide as the barrel
Key word being "a few"
Sometimes shortcuts are necessary to finish shit off, but when building the foundation of a game you should have higher standards or it can and will come back to bite you
>Every game ever released has a few examples of laughable nonsense code in there somewhere.
mine don't
install gentoo
this is fine though
you'll enjoy this then
good thing im an indie developer and dont have an arbitrary schedule to meet
Trust me, i believe you won´t be worried by any of that.
So catching up on algebra, geometry and trigonometry is a waste of time if you're looking to get into game development?
engine dev yes, unity dev don't bother
Not at all
How does Sup Forums feel about RPG Maker VX Ace?
I'm not gonna play some shitty hentai game, so you're right about me not being worried about it
That barrel looks absolutely atrocious, that's not how perspective works
And the anime chick's face in the sprite looks like a comedy option
not in the slightest
trigonometry basics are absolutely crucial if you need to do anything that involves rotation
algebra is probably just so you're used to referring to numbers by abstract names, don't get caught up on this
geometry would be if you're writing your own collision algorithms
Trig is absolutely necessary though
algebra means linear algebra ie. matrix transformations
>I'm not gonna play some shitty hentai game
Then fuck off, faggot.
>algebra is useless
are you a high schooler?
This has potential
What does GameMaker: Studio Professional give you that the free version doesn't? Is it worth $150?
sure they don't, buddy
Useless to spend time on because I'm making the assumption that it's a simple enough topic to catch onto without external practice
except if it's stuff like which is only needed if you're doing more advanced 3D stuff or low level graphics drawing
Trying to learn haxe
Send help
"strange girl" reminded me of this
Honestly I've yet to see anything outstanding from RPG Maker. It's always the same generic JRPG with the same top-down view and default menu system.
Is it possible to swap the Y and Z axes in Unity? I intuitively think of Z as being up/down and Y being along the floor perpendicular to X, plus that's how Blender uses them, so I keep getting mixed up.
Did you ever play Space Funeral?
Yume Nikki
beautiful. Say that its a dwarven or viking tavern. That way you just need to model a variety of helmets and bears to make customers seem unique.
>bearded men in skirts
Gay bar simulator?