Why do so few games feature the purest achievable form of love?

Why do so few games feature the purest achievable form of love?



Am I the only girl around here who likes yuri?


I wish gays and straight people that were attracted to gays (lesbian roleplayers and fujos) died right now on the spot.

Not everyone can be as perfect as Remedy, user.

another quality video games thread


God I fucking hate fucking anime posters so god damn much. I wish upon a star that I could kill them all.

Because girls can't love other girls, user!
Really because it's too patrician for most people. In the current climate, particularly for Western games lesbians are only acceptable if they're ''realistic'' which means ugly/quirky/tumblr

No, my best friend absolutely loves yuri

>straight people that were attracted to gays


ayo gurl u wnt sum fuk? lemme git up n dem gutz

Yuri is the cancer killing Japanese game development. It can fuck right off.

I report and sage so god damn much, I should apply to be a janitor

fuck these off topic threads

dumb frogposter

Yuri threads are legitimate board culture. After all, they're our sister board.

Because two women going at it isn't inherently more pure. That's just your autism making you think it is.

more like INCEST board XD







I utterly despise anime posting degenerates but I know its a waste of time to get angry.

These degenerates are all overweight perma losers, I couldn't fathom what sort of neglect they must confront on a daily basis for them to have to use Sup Forums and spam anime images for the smallest of attention.

>still frogposting
>in 2016


You take that back.

You mean missionary, for the purpose of procreation only, right?
Why is pic unrelated?

>saying that on a weeb image board

no it isnt
yuri is girl on girl relationships which arent vidya
games with yuri are porn or visual novel "games"

People who say vn's are games should stay on Sup Forums, /h/, /d/, /u/, and whatever else im missing
picking dialogue and watching cutscenes is not gameplay despite how much you may be attached to the characters

the only actual vidya example with yuri I know is undertale, so yea, not worth talking about on Sup Forums

>preferring 3D
Literally kill yourselves fampai


you can actually touch real women. 2D hags will always only exist on paper

literally end your life

actually worse than jojofags

nothing pure about homos

Stop trying to make people vomit up their lunch faggot.

>touching real women
Absolutely disgusting.

Do you even know where you are kid