What game can make me feel like the sorcerer supreme?

What game can make me feel like the sorcerer supreme?
Is lichdom battlemage legit?

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Dragon's Dogma

Lichdom would have been an amazing RPG. Best of the Mage centric ones.

Which makes me mad solely on the merit that it's technically an FPS. "With RPG elements"

Lichdom's pretty shit sadly
Dragon's Dogma has some impressive spells


None, as someone who always play as a wizard in RPGs, none of them make you truly feel that way

Pillars of Eternity is nice though, I have high hopes for Divinity Original sin 2

serious answer, skyrim with mod is the only thing.
other games with more sophisticated system always feel the need to balance themselves or they either have time/space/enemies manipulation or elemental damage combos. Never everything together.

>Have the chance to really mix up the formula
>Keep it mostly unchanged except for great visuals and an inversion of the traditional Marvel ending

thinly veiled marvel thread?

Roguelikes. You can't really see the result of your spellwork though.
Tales of Maj'Eyal has graphics and some neat classes (and make-your-own-class class), unfortunately I didn't play much of the rest (aside from Crawl which doesn't fit request), but look up Angband/Poschengband and Nethack.

I take it you never tried Two Worlds 2?

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

I had that on the ps3, it was shit

I'm so glad I saw Hacksaw Ridge instead of this.

Guild Wars 2 has some legit fast paced magic with Elementalist and Mesmer

Sadly Elementalist is nowhere near as powerful as it was closer to release. Also I think you're now shoehorned into a single spec for most classes because of the addon.

But during release, man did I have fun in pvp as a dual dagger elementalist.

soul sacrifice delta

baldurs gate 2.
the high level mage (and cleric, too) spells are absurdly powerful


another good one

Lichdom turns into a farm fest for spell sigils midway through the game. While casting the destruction spells is satistying in of itself, the spell crafting system and requiring to debuff enemies with chaos spells hobbles it down a lot.

plus, no one even plays the god damned game, the hardest difficulty achievements are sitting on my steam profile's rarest achievements, and they're not even that hard to get.

>Have the chance to really mix up the formula

It's an origin story, there's only like 3 or 4 different ways they go down

DA Origins, mage class is overpowered once you get good destruction spells.
Plus Blood Magic leecher.

Anyone hyped for GOTG v 2?

this is probably one of the best game to fell as an awesome sorcerer, the only downside is that is vtta-only, but is probably the best game on that system, excelent draing and setting, and looooooots of magic and creepy monsters

Think big. RPGs will never let you be a real mage of real power. You're doomed to casting shitty cantrips in small scale skirmishes.
What you want is Master of Magic and Dominions 4.

>RPGs will never let you be a real mage of real power. You're doomed to casting shitty cantrips in small scale skirmishes.

No one acknowledge you as a mage, you can't even roleplay properly in that game since you're just walking around with dolls

you can also combine your spells in battle with your comrades, pretty dope, you can also level up speññs or create new ones fusing your own spells, as well as combining them in battle by yourself, you can also test your builds and spells in a training mode, as well as customize your character non-stop. then there is a thing called black rites...


Also, some monster designs are creepy as fuck

Mass Effect


>Sleep someone in Icewind Dale
>proceed to beat them to death with sticks
Best way to play