

You like 2 the best?
That's a first.
And honestly, how can you say PW is better than 5? the story was better but the gameplay was PSP tier shit.


2 was when the series jumped the shark, it's anything but the best.

2 and 1 are pretty equal for me.
mgs v gameplay is nothing to write home about either.PW also have much better bosses


Excellent taste op

Pretty much correct.



If V was a bunch of GZ-like missions it would be the best.

>mgs v gameplay is nothing to write home about
The gameplay was its strongest feature. I would argue it's the best in the series.

Yeah, okay I get it 2 is a criticism on video games and virtual reality as a whole. It came after The Matrix and Kojima got inspired by those themes.1 is still a superior MGS game.



The gameplay is very repetitive and piss easy with shit ai.being it's strongest feature is only cause the story was atrocious.

The stories in all metal gear games are, for the most part, atrocious.
Most of the time it's the meaning behind the stories, or the whole universe behind it, that really elevates the games.
Kojima almost exclusively introduced the player to new bosses or characters via cutscene, just about the most anti-videogame thing you could do.
If kojima wasn't so excellent at writing the characters, the whole francise would be shit.
People always cry about MGSV and how bad it was, yet forget that the gameplay was by far the best out of the series.
If someone thinks the gameplay of MGSV is bad, then that's saying a lot about the other 4 games.

Started with 1 and loved it, going to begin 2 soon.

Anything to keep in mind?

the whole shooting in mgs v is the best but but as a whole GZ was better.
totally agree with if he couldn't write characters,the series would be quite bad.
2 is great
3 is great
4 is good
then stop

>2 > *
Pretentious faggot detected

>then stop
As much as I disliked TPP, I can still enjoy messing around Camp Omega in GZ. I think it's worth playing. But then if you play GZ you'll wanna play TPP and you kinda gotta play PW and you're falling down that dark abyss of a rabbit hole of regret and despair.

1>3>2>5>4 desu senpai

>Not wanting to play the best MGS games

If I ever make a series of games I'd like it if future anons debated constantly over which ones were the best and never came to an agreed decision


I agree with this list except PW is the worst.

>Anything to keep in mind?

2 is shit.

You play as a whiner, Roy Cambell is an enemy AI, nothing in the game matters since MGS4 rectons/fixes most of the shit in MGS2

3=PW > 1 > 4 > GZ > MG2 > 2 > TPP > PO > MG1


I agree, although I had more fun with PW than 4.


3 > PW > 1 > 5 > 4 >>> 2

there's too many horrible things in MGS2 that keep me from enjoying it. Hell, MGS2 was basically the only MGS that I never went back and play for a second time because it was that bad


Why the fuck someone would like PW more than V


Objectively correct list coming through


Venom didn't care about Quiet.

No I am not Venom and neither are you.

What a retarded ass thread.

1 > 3 > 2 > V > 4 > PW


fuck you. PW was fun as fuck


>Hell, MGS2 was basically the only MGS that I never went back and play for a second time because it was that bad

Sounds more like you got angry at Raiden and now prefer a worse game because you can't get a grip on your emotions.

What a garbage opinion.

You can tell who to listen to about the MGS series by seeing if they complain about story or gameplay. If they avoid talking about gameplay as if it seems to be a vague and complex concept to the person, they typically prefer MGS3.

1 = 2 > 3 > 4 > 5

>too young for mgs1
>too stupid for mgs2
"mgs3 is the best!"

I'm neither, and MGS3:S is still the best.


2 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 1


You're right.
I'm Big Boss.

1 >= 3 > 2 > 4 > GZ > TPP > PW

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > PW > 5

Venom and Big Boss are one in the same, and neither cared about Quiet.

Simply perfect

3 > 1 = 2 > 5 > 4

If you liked the story in 1, you're going to hate it in 2.

The gameplay is mostly the same but it's more refined and has a bit more backtracking overall.

You can technically skip 2 and go on to 3 if you want, since it's a prequel. The story is much better and the gameplay allows you to do much more, although it is a bit janky at times.

1=2=3 > 4 > not worth discussing

>If you liked the story in 1, you're going to hate it in 2.
>I hated the story in 2 therefore everyone else must too

2>1>>>V>PW>>>>>>>>>>>All other vidya

Mgs2 >>> mgs3 >> mgs1 >>> pw >>> mgs4 > tpp

Op is an underage who played 4 first

Pw has second best story with worst gameplay while tpp has second worst gameplay & story

MGS2 > GB > MG2 > MGS3 > MGS > GZ
the rest suck, who cares


Peace Walker belongs at the very bottom of every list.


Fuck off.

Why do people like 2 so much? It's ok, but it was mostly just overly pretentious garbage.

my play order was
1,2,3,PW, 5,4

The ice


Many like 2 the best outside of pleb circles
The ai is better than tpp you imbecile
Youd be obectively wrong
>mg2 in 3d
I like you
>regen health, effectively infinite ammo/silencers, trash tier alert system, pleb slow mo, buddy wall hacks, zero depth pointless base mechanics, no coop, joke of a sniper boss, repetitive side ops
I could go on forever

It has a fun, interesting story and the best arcade stealth gameplay second only to Ghost Babel.

It has a better story than any mgs not called mgs2

t. Hot Coldman
fuck off, PW was retarded and only served to undermine MGS3

>People liking 2.
Yeah I had so fun walking around in the same small building all the time and backtracking every 5min. It also had the worst/least memorable bosses of all the games.

And the story is just retarded.

>undermines a mediocre metal gear story
Who cares

>hot coldman
Its kojimas version of dr strangelove, which had characters named jack ripper, king kong, and bat guano

>worst/least memorable bosses of all the games
Solidus alone > all bosses in tpp

fatman,vamp and solidus are decent if not great bosses

It's still better than 5, at least it has a fucking story. It's still shit even compared to 4 though.