Correctly predicted the WiiU would flop the moment it was announced

>correctly predicted the WiiU would flop the moment it was announced
>correctly predicted infinity ward would make this year's cod
>correctly predicted it would be outsold by battlefield
Why does Sup Forums hate him again?

He also said Microsoft would pull out of the video game market by 2019

God let's hope he's right on that one. I'm so sick of them, the XBONE is a disgrace and so is everything they're doing with windows related to gaming.

He said Kojima is going to do amazingly well with his new studio, and Sup Forums hates kojima for no reason.

He also said Nintendo would never change their ways while Iwata was their CEO.

Iwata dies, and now they're releasing games on iOS.

If Michael Pachter told you that jumping off a bridge would make video games great again, would you do it?

Like all such "analysts", he makes as many predictions as he could without making any of them stand out in particular. When any of them happen to coincide with real life, he points that out. After a while, it begins to seem like he can predict the future, but the truth is he can't. He's just making educated guesses that are as good as anyone's. He can't predict major trends or major successes or flops. For example, he may say somehting about the future of VR, but he is not going to predict the new Wii or the new PlayStation 1. He can not predict major ascensions like From Software's with Dark Souls etc. He's basically worth as much as any marketologist who's better than average in the sense that average guess is 50% and Pachter's is 55% chance at best.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That's not cutting to the root of it, however.

Pachter isn't stupid, if he were he wouldn't have a job as an analyst. The "analysis" you see him give is free analysis. An analyst will tell you random bullshit for free. You have to pay them for actual information, and even then you're only paying for information you want to hear if you don't pay them enough.

Pay an analyst enough and you'll get the real information.

>correctly predicted infinity ward would make this year's cod
lol this isn't even a prediction, Treyarch and IW have been alternating every year since fucking CoD3

>not mentioning all the times he was wrong

>correctly predicted infinity ward would make this year's cod

No they haven't.

Sledgehammer made one fucking game, big whoop. Literally every other mainline game since 3 has followed that cycle.

>correctly predicted infinity ward would make this year's cod
That's so hard, considering that they make one each.
>correctly predicted it would be outsold by battlefield
Wow, just like it has been the last 2 cods?

>thinking hardline outsold black ops 3
You're an idiot.

I don't know what your logic behind this decision was but you should be embarrassed.

batllefield never outsold cod
even this year cod has the most sales

even a broken clock is right twice a day

No it doesn't.

>This faggot gets paid big money
>The majority of Sup Forums could do a better job of guesswork than him

battlefield 1 first week

Holy shit, she looks like she was crying and has tissues in her hand.

How has this dude not been arrested?


What's this guy's name?

No, I think Battlefield 4 and Battlefront (face it, it's a Battlefield game) outsold the last two cods.

black ops sold twice the amount of copies of battlefront same for advanced warfare and bf4

Reminder that fappening pics showed him naked in a hotel room with Ariana Grande.

prove it

>>correctly predicted infinity ward would make this year's cod

How is this a prediction?

Activision literally confirmed CoD is on a 3 year dev cycle when they added Sledgehammer to the mix.

It goes
Infinity Ward

Next up is Sledgehammer, trust me I'm a wizard.