Fav boss fight?
Fav Weapon?
Are you hyped for the new one?
Fav game in the series?
Fav moment?
God of war thread
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Artemis Blade
Kind of
Second game
Punching Zeus's face into oblivion
exactly the same
do u think what they have shown of the new god of war is an isolated situation?
That section was definitely made to be shown in a press conference. I expect it to be in the game, but maybe changed somewhat.
I'm actually really bothered by what was shown. I don't want Kratos to be interacting with the kid the whole game.
The gameplay looked too slow/scripted, but most of all the camera was really bad.
They go for really close low-angle shots while in previous games it was the opposite.
It's like the focus is not on you or the general arena, but on the enemies, which feels weird.
Really wish SSM updated the textures in the "remaster" of 3. They're really showing their age.
I'm hoping his kid dies,so we don't have to be with him all game and we can go back to the old kratos.
hopefully the camera zooms out,I don't want to play the whole game like that.I've heard that there will be 100 enemies on screen so unless it doesn't get zoomed out,maybe they are talking about a cut scene.
kratos still looks nice
I wish they did 1 and 2 remake on ps4
>100 enemies on screen
>on the PS4 that can barely reach 1080 60fps
I like this series but I really doubt that will happen.
>kratos still looks nice
Parts of his model do. Other not so much.
>go back to the old kratos
Really wish developers would stop trying to make their games win some kind of award for most emotionally mature writing at the expense of fun.
on my first playthrough i was punching him for like 10 minutes until i realised you have to stop mashing to finish him off.
>hoping his kid dies
>Spartan rage meter starts to fill when Kratos yells at him in the trailer
Maybe he snaps and rips the kid in half.
>Fav boss
Hades. Honestly though, every boss fight in GoW 3 is amazing.
>Fav Weapon
Eh, I always liked the standard blades. I think the ones in 2 were my favourite.
>Are you hyped
Yeah, definitely.
>Fav game in the series?
2 or 3.
>Fav moment?
Burying Deimos in Ghost of Sparta.
Spear of destiny
Not really
Protect your family boss in 1
I'm expecting him to die and kratos just go crazy.
that would be great to see.
anyone else want the blades back?
especially kratos who was angry as Fuck and the fan Base loved him for that
I actually like the axe. While the trailer had a worryingly little amount of gore, they could do some pretty nasty things with that axe.
>Protect your family boss in 1
I hate the part on God difficulty.
My hands were ready to give out once I finally completed it.
if you can throw it quite quick I can see it being pretty fun.
who can kratos kill in norse mythology?
Norse gods, of which there are a lot more than Greek.
My problem with the blades is that I end up using just Plume of Prometheus 95% of the time.
GoW should have took the Darksiders way. Too bad they are trying to make him The Last of SJW now
killing thor,odin and loki Could be great.
Both Darksiders games have no idea what they're trying to be and completely fall apart in their 3rd and 4th acts.
>implying they're not the same fucking gods with different names
is ascension any good?
how's the story?
>inb4 retards show up claiming GOW isn't a good game because it isn't DMC
I haven't played any of them, are they akin to Devil May Cry gameplay wise?
Which one should I start with? I assume the older ones are a little dated now, not that that's always a massive issue.
It's the worst Gow but it's ok I guess
I had more fun with them than I did with dmc.
but the gameplay is more shallow.
I see god of war as a crazy ride of just killing gods.
2 is the best one,most people I know flip flop between 1 and 3,most people will probably choose 3 over 1 tho.
this is what I keep hearing.
must be worth a couple quid
especially just for more kratos fun.
2D Zeus fight near the end of 3.
Default Weapon for each game (Blades of Chaos/Athena/Exile)
Indifferent until I can see more of it
Second game
Helios head rip
If you can find it for that low of a price, sure.
Just go chronological and play the first game. You don't need to bother with the PSP ones.
Are they on PS3/4?
All Gow games are on ps3 even the psp ones don't know about ps4
All including the PSP ones are on PS3. Only 3 is on PS4.
Nemian Cestus
I'm pretty hype because I know the norse mythology idea has been in the works for a while
When you're on that horse statue heading to the isle of creation
Boreas Scorpion or Thanatos
Athena's Blades
No, I would if it was a new IP or main character tho.
>A Spartan never lets his back hit the ground! Right, brother?
pretty sure they are all on ps3 except handheld.
I just emulated 1 and 2 tho
Emulation sounds like a good idea, I'll probably get 3 on PS4 afterwards.
I'm selling my PC soon though because I'm moving to Norway in 2 month, will probably play them once I've rebuilt my PC over there.
they ran perfectly on my i5 4690k
on the ps4 I'm pretty sure 3 must run it great
have fun with the games
Played only the first game
>Can't remember any worthwhile boss. The fight against the Kratos clones was cool.
>Whatever I could upgrade and max first, which was probably the chain blades
>Nope, no PlayStation console beyond the PSP and the PS2.
>Going through the same area twice, but with a twist. Walking into Athens, seeing the grave digger, killing monsters and stuff. Fast forward, literally climb your way out of hell, out of the grave, now you're walking through the same scenery, same street, but now it's destroyed, until some fallen column blocks the previously walked path and you go some place else. That shit was fucking cool, the reusability of the area in different ways.
ares boss fight was great.
prob my personal fav
I bought a ps4 on friday and finally am able to play god of war 3. Having so much fun right now, been dying to play this game.
Hercules is my fave fight
Nemean cestus is my go to weapon
Not quite hyped yet but im definitely keeping an open mind until more info is released
2 so far
The Icarus battle
First Zeus fight in III
Blades of Exile
No, the announcement footage was incredibly underwhelming. Doesn't mean I can't get hype if things improve though
Murdering Poseidon
Yep, I've only played III
Had exactly the same problem. Even turned my PS3 off & reloaded my save thinking it was a bug. Boy did I feel stupid when I stopped pressing buttons for just two seconds
i would highly recommend playing 1 and 2
Castor and Pollux are the best boss fight. People don't even seem to want to try playing Ascencion but it's great.
Oh, and I want to see hardcore heavy metal shit in the new game.
is it just me or does his body seem weird
Its the asymmetrical clothing making his weight shift & giving him folds. Kind of neat actually. Also I'm surprised at how much I like bearmode Kratos
His torso is wider than before. It also bothers me that the devs fucked up on the placement of his scar.
man kratos was ripped.
this new one looks quite flabby compared to him.
He's not nearly hairy enough to be in bearmode.
Should he be in his 50s/60s by now. Not really a surprise he lost some of that muscle.
would be cool if when you beat the game you can play as another kratos model like god of war 3's model or old man kratos wearing the golden fleece.
hopefully something happens to make kratos really angry again.
i dont want to play the whole game babysitting his son.
What's up with the complete lack of gore in the gameplay trailer?