What games let me play as a communist?
What games let me play as a communist?
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Hearts of Iron series
please post this thread every day
Red Orchestra, CoD WaW
Communism is the 9gag of political ideologies
Said the funnyjunk ideologist.
Autism simulator
Fuck off leftypol
Capitalism is the worst thing that happened to mankind and will be remembered as the dark age
>unparalleled era of exponential scientific growth and industrialisation
Man it's a good thing so many communists countries that don't have a track record of human rights abuses managed to thrive into the 21st century to prove that it's such a viable alternative to capitalism
Victoria 2
World in Conflict
scientific growth and industralization can happen in communism too, in fact is more efficient since they serve the people instead of monetary profit
>>unparalleled era of exponential scientific growth and industrialisation
Yeah, I can see that, that's why every major scientific field is state sponsored in every country.
Tropico series
Gommies get out.
Fuck off Commie, I bet you grew up in a middle class family.
>Play first game ever as Korea
>Colonise the shit out of Africa, cock blocking Britain and France
>Allow communist rebels to take over for shits and giggles
>Become Best Korea
>End game as #1 great power
>implying stalin didn't purposely start all that shit.
>since they serve the people instead of monetary profit
You can't be that deluded
How this thread made it this far without Red Alert being mentioned is beyond me.
It's only a matter of time before the depraved capitalistic system will be abolished for the glory of communism. It already starts to show its age
This is very poorly put together.
eve i guess 100% corporate tax
>state sponsored in every country
Are you talking about research grants? Now pray tell who do you believe those are given to? Where do you think these labs are located where said research goes on?
Quit being delusional.
Yeah but often disastrously as history has showed. Also undisputed higher standard of living f a m
Meanwhile Russia and China have pretty much completely ditched it and are world powers.
Dont bully PSOE, they are in horrible shape and Podemos is worse
USSR was much more powerful than current Russia and China is only world power because of the US.
Communism destroys your soul,that's why some zombified people in the west adore it so much.
>he's not an ebaumsworldite
kill thyself
The 3d effect just makes it hard to read. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of words on the page.
Very poor quality meme image.
go back to smoking your bong hippie you need more happiness.
>using the most memed anticommunist porpoganda to prove your point
Most of the disadvantages of the communistic society with planned economy can be answered with automatization and technological growth of AI systems. That's why the first true communistic societies will probably began on small scale and in places with high-end economic models: city-states or small countries, probably european, assuming it would still exist. It's never late to immigrate to Switzerland, commie bros!
Yes, let's support communist, that went out so well last time
>Quit being delusional.
Yeah, except that to gain any kind of benefits they need state sponsorship, hell even NASA, once it got fucked over by the US state, now has to send it's pilots to the ISS via Russian ships.
Lockheed both takes orders from the state and takes money for research from the state. The only difference is that they can also take money directly from others, but even then when they want to make something for private faces it's only in limited capacities and even then the state watches over it all.
>Yeah but often disastrously as history has showed.
Consider this, WWII and how quickly the USSR was able to regain itself, considering the mess that WWII had left behind and the fact that it was a period of transition from one power to another. It actually is amazing that it managed to go up so quickly.
This is a nice, even though somewhat flawed point of view, in my opinion: youtube.com
In a libertarian society people are allowed to live in a communist community if they want and don't force others to do so.
The other way around it would not be possible.
Red Alert 2 as the Soviets.
I hate corporations probably more than anything else EXCEPT for communists.
I hate committee, board room thinking and think marketing/advertising is pure evil but you had have to be a monumental retard to think throwing the baby out with the bath water is a rational alternative to corporate skill druggery. Corporations are sometimes evil as shit whereas command economy communist governments are ALWAYS evil as shit.
The answer is usually somewhere in the middle and nowadays corporations are more of a manageable nuisance. Would 1,000% rather live in somewhere like Amurrika where corporations have much more free reign to do whatever they want than fucking Cuba or China because corporations don't have military goons to stomp out my teeth for googling "tiananmen square 1989". At worst they'll put pollutant s in my water that'll kill me in a few decades or advertise shit
Fucking autocorrect
I love the irony of this guy. He speaks about propaganda whilst being a propagandist himself. Totally a true and unbiased opinion, here's your shekels for the interview, goy.
Communists should be autobanned considering they are all underage
>Capitalis dogs are this buttblasted
Where's your love for free-speech, brother?
Ask Stalin,Castro or Pol Pot,oh wait.
WTF is this threads on Sup Forums about communism ? i mean you see this shit everywhere and full on /pol , raid from reddit or something?
Dungeons of Dredmor.
Black Ops 1 multiplayer
>asking the corrupt societal models made by power struggling politicians
I'd rather not
Actually yes. Commies have been really enthusiastic about shitposting on Sup Forums since Trump got elected.
I've seen screencaps from reddit and chan planning some sort of commie raid and i am seeing it everywhere too. I guess it wasn't bullshit.
Yeah. They started will Sup Forums for an "inside-out" takeover but they're probably spreading to other boards in order to gain supporters.
They might have success on /lit/. I know that board loves to take quotes from the party faithful and use it to prove that Communism is amazing.
Devil May Cry
What? Dante wears red, can't figure out capitalism, and is openly annoyed by upper class.
/lit/ is already a leftist cesspool,same as /his/.Thankfully they are small boards that nobody really gives a shit about.
No shit, nigger. Everyone always comes here to propagate something. Why do you think /n/, /new/ got deleted in the first place? I'll give you a hint stormniggers.
simply ebin
Russian roulette
>b-b-b-but it would work that way
The only way for communism to """flourish""" is through a complete dictatorship
You know I'm right, you pathetic money hungry whore. Too bad you're too intalented to actually make big money and not be another parasite on your family tree
Sometimes I wonder what's worse, the Tankie Communists or the Bernout Socialists.
It doesn't work because it completely ignores human psychology and denies nature. You're fucking embarassing.
Get out of here leddit.
This does.
Why are so many people that identify as communists and socialists mentally ill trannies
communist scum go back to russia
You mean western "socialists" and "communists"?
You do realize that they're the creation of the same old private investors like Soros and Rothschild, right? The same ones that poured huge money into taking down the Soviet Union to begin with.
Nobody takes commies seriously,socialists are worse because a lot of people still take them seriously.
Why do bongs refer to middle east mudshits as asian.
Every C&C game. Play as NOB.
>There are living humans with the mental capacity to type "4 chan" into Google that don't understand how shit communism is.
There's only two situation where communism will ever work:
1.) everybody is voluntarily participating in the system, i.e they actually voted for the changes instead of changes being forced upon them by majority.
2.) you get cloning pods and start making stormtroopers that are equal in every aspect and thus equality of everything is natural to them.
>write the communist manifest
>get buttblasted when there is no revolution
>instead of accepting communism doesnt work write das capital
>communism dies again and again
>faggots still try to make it relevant
Communism would possibly be great if it was deployed under democracy or constitutional monarchy, but so far only dictatorships tried it.
>It's a /leftypol/ tries to raid boards on Sup Forums because they're butthurt about Sup Forums episode
I see right through you filthy commies
Communism is such a failure of a system that it CAN'T work in a democracy unless we are taking very small countries into consideration.And by very small i mean Monaco/San Marino sized countries.
>changes being forced upon them by majority
But that's literally democracy. An uneducated mass of voters deciding who should be in power. Go read what Socrates thought about democracy.
Cause it is a retarded system. Revolution is not a solution. Your best attempt at communism, yes is ironically the Nordic Monarchy Socialist states. And we all know they are being fucked, especially Sweden, by the SJW movement as it is now.
But I never said mob democracy is good. Fortunately the average voter embraces capitalism over communism otherwise US would be a shithole like europe.
Tell me ONE country where communism did work.
>And we all know they are being fucked, especially Sweden, by the SJW movement as it is now.
Exactly because socialism makes people weak,i mean why should you improve yourself if the government is giving everything to you "for free"?
That's why we don't live in a Democracy, but a Republic.
The fact that communist Russia had a government and contemporary China has a government proves in every single facet that communism will never work.
That's not the main problem, the main problem with communism is
>oh you're doing well? well you got more than Joe here, so we're gonna give your 'excess' to him
It encourages mediocrity by punishing exceptionality
>Fortunately the average voter embraces capitalism over communism
Where exactly do you have a communist party in the US? I kinda missed out on that one.
>otherwise US would be a shithole like europe
Europe isn't communistic though, if you haven't noticed. I think the word you're looking for is "authoritarian."
>i mean why should you improve yourself if the government is giving everything to you "for free"?
Because that's not socialism? You should read upon what is socialism to begin with.
Yes and if you haven't noticed it, it's the private banks and their biggest investors who are pushing for full on democracy. I.E. riots against Trump are sponsored by Soros and alike.
No economic system works the way it's written on paper. Welcome to economics 101.
A country without government would be anarchy, as everyone would just be doing whatever they want.
Based Pinochet knew how to deal with commie scum.
Why would you want this?