Brb smoke break 5 mins

>brb smoke break 5 mins

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at least he's not a vapecuck

>brb smoke break
>last online: 73 days ago
What happened?

>brb piss break 5 min
>wait for 20 minutes
>still not back
>kick and find other group
>finish instance and he's still afk standing there
>"you ok dude?"
>no reply
>log off, next day he's still there

>announcing smoke break
>not just disappearing without warning and letting your team figure it the fuck out

It's a fucking video game, I don't care if we win

Room-smoker > vaper >>> brb-smoke-break.

Smoking is serious bussiness don't judge

>smoking in the house/apartment
where does this even happen anymore?

Probably Jakarta or some other shit house city

wait are you complaining about the courtesy?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

Smokers, everyone.

How stupid do you have to be to fall for the cancer-stick Jew in this day and age? You get so many goddamn warnings now, you have no excuse.

>lol see u guys I gotta go get on dialysis for my cancer

>Last online: 1,943 days ago

Rip in peace

Have you ever considered that people are fucking idiots?

I smoke in my room. Reeks like weed. Who cares?

, he says while nomming on ritalin

>Try out smoking back in high school
>Head feels a bit light but otherwise it's just shit
>Ask if that's the whole appeal of smoking
You get the same effect by laying down, closing your eyes and quickly standing up while taking a deep breath. Smoking is so fucking stupid.

>lol, u butthurt
>lol, u mad
>lol, u salty
>lol, u tilted
What's next?

I care user. Fresh air is good for you and living a healthy life is what I recommend to you.


I'd rather keep it clean but the cold ruins the high.

How do you even fall asleep with the awful smell? Are your nostrils just fucked?

I hate cooking fish because I can smell the faint stank at night even after opening every window and it keeps me awake for a couple extra minutes.

mfw I deliberately rip my bong into the microphone

At least smoke at the window. It'll give you an occasion to say hello to the neighbours.

>announces piss break
>is back in 10 seconds
What are the odds that he bottled it

I'm seriously considering trying smoke, does it taste as good as people claim?

>fresh air is good for you

lmao that's why the mole people live 20 times as long as us right? All the fresh air in their tunnels.

Your nose is fucked mate that's not normal at all. You grow acclimated to smells, you smell it for the first 3-4 seconds you walk into the room and then it fades.

Why do you want me saying high to my neighbours?

>smoking inside a closed room
>not going outside, a balcony or a window to do it


Depends on the brand. If you smoke Malb or Winston, you're better off huffing an exhaust pipe.

No ya dummy.

I quit, don't bother. It's pointless and a waste of money.

>brb gf wants attention

No user, I think it's your nose the one that's fucked. If you can't smell anything while falling asleep, when you have nothing else to do but try to fucking sleep, then you have issues.


You realize your house has a certain smell you can't smell because you live there, right? Do you know how maddening it would be if your nose didn't start ignoring smells?


Taste isn't that great and soon enough you'll not taste it at all.

i like da pussy

Not really, he is right, you shouldn't constantly detect a smell that is surrounding you, same reason why you can't smell yourself.

On a related note, falling asleep while high takes basically 10 seconds and then its a blissful uninterrupted dreamless sleep until the morning, someone could probably fart on my face and I'd sleep through it.

Yes, I don't see how that makes you ignore the smell of weed though, unless you literally smell it the same amount of time you smell the natural aroma of your house, or even worse, they're both indistinguishable form one another.

Because he smokes it.
Smokers have little issues being in a room filled with smoke, people who don't smoke don't understand how that works, but its pretty obvious at this point.

Your nose gets ACCLIMATED to the smell and you stop smelling it. If you have ever smoked weed you'd know this, you can't smell it after the first few tokes.

>brb smoke break
>never comes back

>consuming substances that damage your body

>u vexx, m8???

I don't think anybody here was old enough to drink back when smoking was still allowed in bars, that's the only way I can explain the retardation in this thread.

>can hear police sirens over the mic
>'brb gunshots'
>comes back 20 minutes later
>'it's fine, I went to get some food'

East Euros are spooky.

StraightxXxEdge for lyfe!!1

>drinking alcohol
Fucking degenerates

Yeah, culture shock
Also general stupidity.

>brb need to grab a kebab from the place up the street, take a 10 min break
>"Away 7 hours."
>"Offline 17 days."
>"Dude where the FUCK have you been?"
>"Man I got stabbed I'm just out of hospital."

your nose only detects changes in smell

I can smell weed for the entire night, in my breath, clothes, general area where it was smoked if it isn't well ventilated... it's a disgusting smell and the main reason why I don't bother with weed unless I want to get wasted quick and there's no Vodka and clean water available.

Also you do realize just how popular weed is? If I bother talking about it is because I've had first-hand experience with it, though this is Sup Forums so I can understand assuming the worst from everyone.

Yeah there's something wrong with your nose user.

> stank

fucking nigger ebonics

>weed does not leave residual scents
You're probably missing a few brain cells.

>waking up to the smell of cold tobacco

Nah man. I used to do that, every morning was awful, so I forced myself to smoke on my balcony instead. The little break becomes a pleasure afterwards.

Waking up in a clean-smelling apartment is so much nicer.

Thats your singular problem user, enjoy being 'blessed' with an overactive sense of smell.

I'm probably sitting in weed stank right now doing my job and I couldn't tell if I wanted to.

Probably but brain cells have nothing to do with smelling.

It leaves them - but the person "wearing" those scents shouldn't be able to smell them.

I meant that as who I plefer to play with. Smoke breaks are disrupting my immersion/concentration.

>back in an hour, gotta eat

Hold on let's pause for a minute.

I don't care about the video game aspect, but if you just complained about the courtesy of at least telling your team "going afk" then you're a special kind of asshole

He ate your mom's pussy lmao

> u triggered?
> u need a safe space bruv?

>willingly giving yourself cancer
>giving other people cancer because you feel the need to get some cancer
>acting like a cunt
>leaving without saying something like a fucking fag

Typical cancerfag.

Bet you also don't answer questions and sit there quietly and have me ask you the same shit three times before giving a vague answer.

Tastes like breathing gaseous cardboard really.. if you want a decent taste, smoke a cigar. Saves you lung cancer as well.

Bars have smoking sections where I live.

>your brain is a computer that decrypts all the information sent to it via the various nerve and sensory systems
>the brain has cells and uses them to do its job
so you're missing more than a few

I smoked for 3 years and quit last year.
The usual advice as always: don't bother, it isn't worth it.
If you just want to blow smoke out your mouth then try vaping, it isn't addictive as smoking is.

Smelling is an extremely basic function and if you had enough brain damage to effect smelling you wouldn't be able to type user

I know it's still around some places, most US states and European countries banned it in the 00s though.

I used to live in Austria and they still have it, it's going away in 2018 though.

>make friend create a steam account that he never used
>last online 500 days ago
>haven't spoken to him in years
>suddenly he's playing CSGO all the time at strange times
>try and message him twice but he never responded
How likely that he sold his account to/was hijacked by Russians?

>one of your best friends online suddenly deletes his profile and you never hear from him again
why do this?

Typing and smelling are in different parts of the brain, you dumb shit.

Or a good chunk of your piriform corext is fucked, fucking retard.

You're so stupid, to damage your smell you would need brain damage all the way to the center of your brain, the Thalamus, destroying the cerebral cortex making it impossible for higher thought.

Netherlands here, dunno if they're banning it or what.. don't smoke myself, just like the hazy atmosphere it gives the bar.

>See you tomorrow
-Me, 4 years ago before I uninstalled Skype, to a 10 years online buddy

whyd you do it champ

Clearly you're one of those people.

It was more than one 10 or more years online buddy I left behind, they were all on their way to normiehood and I couldn't follow. Being around them felt a lot worse than not being around them.

>Autistic because of Sup Forums
>Most of IRL friends are normies
>Have them on steam
>Have to act like a normie because of friends

Wiki says it's banned in Netherlands but it's possible that some bars just ignore it. Also when I visited I got the impression that some bars were opening up the fronts of their buildings so that technically the inside area was outside.

Same here, as long as it's not that smokey I think it gives places a GOAT tier atmosphere.

he ded

in my house because it's my house and i don't give a fuck

Have you ever put out a cig in your vagina?

From experience you probably did the right thing.

10 and even more years is an assload of time, don't you miss them?

What behavior is "acting like a normie on steam"?
So you don't play furry and weeb games on it or something?

dUUUUUUUUDe xD come play some FIFA ahaha bro BF1 is so much better than CoD damn daniel

>smoking indoors
disgusting, just go outside and do your thing. your PC/console components will thank you.

So you are now down to zero friends or something?
I had my RL friends go off into normalfaggotry but I did not cut contact with them just because of it.