This is a Japanese Swede (18)
This is a Japanese Swede (18)
Other urls found in this thread:
lolis are the fucking best
I honestly prefer tomboys
I prefer lolita tomboys
She's too white to be a Swede
I prefer gothic lolita tomboys
>not dark haired deliciously brown woman modestly covered in burqa
what heresy is this, filthy kaffir?
>fucking lolis are the best
That's not a loli though.
How do actual 18-year-old Swedes look like then?
She needs to get blacked right now.
You are my man.
At the curent year of our lord of 2016 like this.
>I need to get what now?
I, err, meant backed. So you get all the support you need, Marie-chan. Hahaha!
Gangbanged by strong black bulls, you slut. And if you refuse the Swedish police will arrest you for racist and force you to get black bred anyway.
>When you meme so hard you actually adopt the fetish you were initially mocking
How sad.
That's how laws in Sweden are, user.
>Oh, well, I suppose it is my civic duty to make the 'refugees' feel welcome.
That's what I thought I hea-
Um excuse me?!
>McMichael claimed this post was a joke
Now go to the closest refugee center. Those poor refugee children have their balls full of cum. You'll have to take care of that.
>I have a friend over in Germany who helps out at the refugee center. She's a medical student and she's so smart!. Haven't heard from her in a while though. Maybe I'll give her a call when I get back.
To anyone who doesn't know, this is a reference to a German girl that got rape-murdered recently by a refugee
Before you feel sorry, she was part of a organization that helped illegal immigrants and her dad was (I think) the founder of it
So for once the suffering went into the right address, thank god it wasn't anyone innocent
Marie wont die. She'll become a cumdumpster for refugees.
Guys, i know you all like black dicks but what if Marie is pure?
>You're gonna get arrested for spreading such foul lies about the poor, misunderstood refugees!
Can Sup Forums pls stop sexualizing Marie? She looks too young.
Swedish women cant be pure. They exist to get black bred.
What did he mean by this?
There aren't even many blacks in Sweden. Mostly kebabs and desert people.
Hence the sexualization.
She's old enough and clearly wants the D. If you want to stop her, you're a sexual oppressor.
Justice tbqh
You lot have a strange idea of what justice is. Death is all that satisfies you.
>bring evil upon the world
>fall prey to it yourself
That's not justice. She was too young to form her own opinions on shit like that and lived in an systematically cucked country. She never had a chance.
If it was the guy who did it that'd be a different story. I swear all Sup Forumstards are just edgy kids.
Who is "you lot"? I personally believe those who help the murderers should be treated as badly as the murderer himself
I also believe in eye for an eye
So when we add those two beliefs together, it's pretty logical that because she was part of an organization that helped her murderer, she deserved to be murdered
Hope that clears it up a bit
It could have been anyone, but luckily it was one of the only people that actually deserved it
I also don't mind it when criminals kill each other
Hope that clarifies my moral ideology a bit, but I still don't know who else you're referring to by "you lot"
Well maybe not justice, but definitely karma. You reap what you sow.
>all this Sup Forums bullshit
Marie is a cute 2D girl. Go talk about refugees and other nonsense on your containment board.
Marie is a swedish slut who gets cultural enriched every night.
Gothic lolitas with cheerful personalities are the best imo.
Where my discord fags at?
But Sup Forums cant live without the epic "Sweden yes" maymays. Some of the retards even believe in them for real
It'll be interesting to see what happens to the murderer. I'll bet he just gets a slap on the wrist and let loose again while this news story gets buried.
It's real though. Only people living far from Sweden think it's just a meme.
Oh you poor soul. I live in Malmö and how I wish all that stuff you read on Sup Forums was fake.
Stop projecting your own desire for black cocks on other people, user.
Besides, she's a dom.
You can't claim it's not real when it's obvious you aren't Swedish.
>He thinks they're just memes
>Allows people she believes are innocent victims into her country to give them a chance at a better life.
>Turns out most of them are savages and she gets raped and murdered for trying to help people.
>eye for an eye.
You're a retard user.
He's right though.
fuck off back to tumblr
No way that headline is real
I live in sweden you retard. I can tell that you dont.
Fuck the refugees but not even 10% of what those memeing sheep on Sup Forums say is true.
Inb4 you post some retarded ultra right "news article".
Just look at this meme picture. Sup Forums photoshopped all the blacks in here, right?
is it and was you can look it up
>Actual sources on this article
Fake as shit. Go back to Sup Forums stormnigger.
Do you get paid for this?
Dumping Ayane till polfags get out
no I just like waking normies up
Do you live in Malmö or some other area completely infested by sandniggers?
Is she full sweede? or is she one of those "1% japanese characters so we can justify her existence in japan" trope?
Chairs all over. Yeah i bet they just hang around like that. WITH A CHAIR user. Not like they are having some retarded african event/protest or w/e. Nah bruh. This is 99% if sweden nao. Fuck off kid
As a Swede I do think there's some truth to it. The political climate and media have made it pretty socially unacceptable to question the constant surge of migrants, as you'll be suspected to be a supporter of Sverigedemokraterna (our version of Trump, pretty much). The debate has effectively been shut down this way and the silent masses can only keep the complaints to themselves and anonymously express on the net on what the media label as "troll sites". Pretty sad development.
You mean pushing your fake agenda with cherrypicked pictures on a videogame board?
Shoo Ahmed, don't you have rapes to commit?
Anime Sweden =/= Real Sweden
Marie lives in whatever country the DOATEC Towers are in and serves a French mistress anyways.
Post more in this outfit
Why didn't Japan vote for me?
>mfw marie fags ITT are having their eyes forcefully opened by Sup Forums
kek. Ayane is best girl anyway.
What's wrong with based Breitbart?
>your fake agenda with cherrypicked pictures
oh you innocent bastard
Rösta på Sverigedemokraterna.
Ut med de jävlarna.
Cap looks good on Nep.
I don't know what effete means though.
Far right anti-islamic wingnut. Totally not biased
Nice argument 'murrkuh. I think we are done here
What does jävel mean? I've heard you also call finns that. Doesn't sound very offensive.
holy fuck you really are for real, aren't you
Just on the frontpage of that speisa website there's an article called "Sweden likely to be split in two - one islamic". Do you realise how fucking stupid that is? You're not even linking the absolute scum tier newspapers like The Sun or The Daily Mail. You're linking something worse; glorified "news" blogs with an obvious agenda.
Being this innocent and naive..
next you tell me the new years eve sexual abuse in basically every bigger city in europe was just a call for hugs and the 1400 raped children in Rotherham are just lying.
>le fat virgin spouting alt-right bullshit on non-political boards from his mothers basement is the epitome of masculinity
>user claims it wasn't real news
>Provide more then one link
>Faggots still triggered
I got more links too. Wither you like it or not that is news in Sweden and the EU.
Easy translation:
De jävlarna - those fuckers
Din jävel - you fucker
Ut med de jävlarna - Out with those fuckers.
Jävel means devil in swedish but used as a curse word just like shit doesn't mean feces when used as a curse word or fucking as the act of intercourse.
t. Angry 15 year old neckbeard
Jävel = devil/demon.
Jävla = demonic/devilish.
It's used like a milder version of "fuck". As in "you fuck" or "you fucking idiot"
New Years sexual abuse was in like two cities in Germany only.
It's still a big deal but you need to dial it down a little.
Holy fucking shit, you provided more than one link, that means it HAS to be real
Nope it was in sweden too moron and in austria and several others i dont even care to remember congrats on exposing yourself as a know nothing pleb.
I have more if you want them
>marie thread
>anti marie fags try to derail the thread with Sup Forums shit
please post more marie.