What is her name?



trash tier waifu of a dead trend.

Cum Bucket

livian hames?



looking for this?



dead meme


She's the last hope for true gamer's to rally around.

gamer gate is dead. your waifu was only in a shity mobile game.


okay here's a quick shot of the bio. Its not the whole thing.

Name: Vivian James (a play on the words vidya games)
Age: 14 to 18 (give or take a few months)
Parents: Sup Forums (father), TFYC (mother)
Extended family: a few of the board-tans
Friends: a number of board-tans and other people
Enemies: Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, SJWs, /d/, Sup Forums, /r9k/, and people who hate vidya
Favorite foods: Mountain Dew, Doritos, and just about anything her Aunt /ck/ can cook.
Known Aliases: Vivian-tan, Vivian-Chan, Dat gamer girl, the anthemia of ?ism, Daughteru of Sup Forums, that bitch (Zoe Quinn)

Conceived from a drunken, three day tryst that her father Sup Forums had with TFYC, Vivian spent most of her younger years with her mother due to worries that SJWs may seek to harm her. Zoe Quinn apparently tried to have her killed when she was still a baby. Sup Forums was mostly absent but did spend some time with her when she was a baby and a toddler before he wandered off to fight the hordes of SJWs that Quinn had sent after him and the child. Years later when Zoe Quinn began to surface once more with Anita Sarkeesian as an ally TFYC sent her to live with her father so she could be better protected and learn more about the world. She already had a strong love of video games by this point.


>Hides becuse some one may hurt her.
so she is a basement dweller.

I wonder what would have happened if we just made her a boy.


Literaly you forgot the entire part where Sup Forums came in the Cathedral of Misogeny (Sup Forums) and exposed a plan to destroy the common enemy, SJW.
The plan was to fund TYFC and use a femminst group to attack a femminist group.
An user sent even r34 Vivian Concepts and developers were okay as fuck even if it was porn.
An user made even a flashgame platformer since people were complaining that's not "videogames". The same people who also makes Filename threads, Waifu threads and E-celebs shitposting by the way.
The flash game was cool, i hope to replay it.

and well then all died when "we won".
I don't understand how we won since Kotaku is still alive, femminism is still alive and everything was okay or whatever.
But seems like we won.
Oh and if i'm not wrong M00t sayd to janitors to ban everyone who talk about GG, one of the janitors was also a SJW, because some irl friend killed herself.

Am i wrong, anons ?

>remember gamergate


>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sweet this unashamedly right-wing blogger guy supports us, haha he complains about feminists all day long, he is so BASED!!!
>but the important thing is no agendas are being pushed VOTE TRUMP
>haha milo is so right about trannies being insane VOTE TRUMP
>the only reason I hate all these SJWs talking about games is that they don't even play videogames!!!
>haha milo wrote a game review for a game he never played and made fun of SJWs haha BASED
>milo also wrote an article after a shooting where he blamed videogames
>haha it's fine though there's no way milo is just an opportunist looking for clicks because he's not like the SJWs
>haha milo so based, he even knows the memes!! xD

is shit is so right that hurts.


it's funny because is true, goobergate was a mistake

OP image was still the most cringe Sup Forums ever was

it's funny because trump won

liberals can't stand people listening to right-wingers and diversity of opinions

Vivian is a 9 on the scale I'd say, the 10 was that massive e-celeb THE DAY WE WENT TO WAR image they had for the OP

Think that one legitimately gave me cancer


then succumb to the cancer and fuck off and die

Yes we should all be more open minded like right wingers are

exhibit A of why Trump won

Milo is fucking based though

A lecture on how to argue correctly in the form of a strawman mspaint comic

Literately tumblr for the other side of the coin

Vivian has cute feet!