Nost is releasing Dec 17. Let's have a comfy vanilla thread and talk about what we look forward to on the new server.
What class will you main user-chan?
Nost is releasing Dec 17. Let's have a comfy vanilla thread and talk about what we look forward to on the new server.
What class will you main user-chan?
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Probably one of the like 9 specs that are actually viable in Vanilla
>vanilla wow
I look forward to playing Legion for free since gold is a joke to accumulate now and laughing at all the people too poor to afford even 1 month of sub and the base game.
Some class specs might be better than others in Legion, but at least you can play anything and still have fun assuming you aren't gunning to be like top 5% of players.
And one of you fucking idiots on here are top 5% so don't bother arguing that.
>Play Vanilla
>Don't roll an Arms/Prot Warrior, Rogue, Frost Mage or a Holy Priest/Paladin with some warrior's dick to suck.
I've been playing a Priest on Kronos II. I don't know if I'm going to switch over or not, the server is going to be swamped for the first couple of weeks.
Speaking of Frost Mage I know what Im rolling
>not waiting for elysium for the fresh start.
Should I stay on Kronos II or switch to the new nost user? Im afraid Nost will kill Kronos and desu I want more Vanilla servers than just nost to stay alive
Couldn't tell you, I'm barely level 13. I can't even talk in the main chats yet. I don't really care which one survives, I just want to play Vanilla again.
Don't know if I'll try it out again, I quit my paladin at level 45 or some shit because I could barely kill a normal mob without die
You're absolute shit at the game then, paladins can pull 3 mobs and barely take damage, it takes forever to kill them but you shouldn't die
>What class will you main user-chan?
I have my 60 NE hunter from Elysium that I'l try and find a guild for, then I'm thinking of making a mage or rogue for the fresh server.
>I could barely kill a normal mob without die
Have an SPriest already. They are fun.
>there will never be a big vanilla server that actually bans chinese players
And not ran by garbage admins who let the servers go down for 4 weeks and when it comes back up the lag is 3x worse or let people freely trade characters
>tfw Nostbull near me
Pretty sure he died of boredom watching paladin wave his stick for 10 years per mob
>play warrior
>take ages to get to 40 because you get HUH'd and MMMMRMRRGHBBLGH'd to death every couple of minutes unless you actually have a friend
Oh, that was a good one.
Do different quests instead, dummy.
>Want to play rogue
>Afraid that nobody will need you because there's too many rogues already
>want to play WoW as I remember it
>mained druid back then
>remember that druid didn't really get fun until 2.0 and feral got buffed.
guess I won't be playing Nostalrius.
Being a healing bitch just wasn't fun.
They won't especially on the old server when there's already pre-raid and raid gear rogues everywhere
>NOSTKEKS think this sever will survive against Legion
>tfw warlock
>tfw leveling is a breeze and partys will always need you
Dwarf Hunter and Human Warrior, most likely.
>against Legio-
except there's no real overlap: they're two different games.
Any word on when fresh start is?
>The general date is estimated to be around 4+ weeks MINIMUM from today. Posted 29 days ago
You can find their faq here