Using mod support as a pro-PC argument

using mod support as a pro-PC argument
Either reddit, underage, or both. Mods have never been worth a shit unless it was a Source game in which case it usually got it's own release if it was popular

I personally dislike PCs for gaming because of the amount of upkeep. I have a job and other hobbies that are time consuming and I'm absolutely fine with buying a new gen console as long as it has a handful of games I'll enjoy

Ok then

Thanks for the info man :D I really was curious about your views on PC gaming. When will you update us next?

I was gonna buy a new PC but I'll guess I'm getting a PS4 instead.

When I repost this pasta in around 30 mins

upkeep? the fuck?
I got one PC and havent changed shit.
If you mean system updates, consoles do that with every game instalment, atleast my ps3 did

>upkeep? the fuck?
Its what happens when you use your PC for more than just gaming and a Facebook-fueled masturbation station

it's not my fault you're using your computer incorrectly then

I can use my computer to be a productive member of society AND fuck up your favorite image board

>only games worth modding a source or bethesda game
>PKEKs when they get a port which wont run good on their shit system
>b---bbuT WE CAN MOD

>Mods have never been worth a shit unless it was a Source game
Doom, Quake, Unreal...

user keep this up. You're making my day here with these kinda posts.


mods used to be good enough that they spawned entire series but these days the only shit you get out of mods are dick shitting nipples and other crap like that, not to mention a lot of games straight up don't have a modding scene because the game just doesn't allow for modding

it sucks but that's the nature of pc gaming these days

Thank you, good sir! *bows* May I inquire your username so I can make sure to upboat all your posts regardless of their quality? x'D

Those scenes are dead aside from DOOM which is admittedly pretty great. I enjoyed that Metroid one

>implying I play ported games

after his post gets approved by Sony/Microsoft :DDDD


What sort of upkeep are we talking about here?


Yes, and? What do you use your PC for? Nailing shit into the walls or something?

Engineering shit, usually. Intensive software simulation, building emulators in C or x86. Too much stuff overclocking in general

From the top of my head: Warcraft 3 maps (I still come back on Garena to play custom maps), all Bethesda games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Might and Magic Heroes 5.5, Dawn of War Soulstorm, Civilization, Titan Quest Soulvizier (waiting for something similar for Grim Dawn), Legend of Grimrock Master Quest.

But what upkeep do you mean? Getting new hardware to increase productivity or do you mean dealing with hardware failure?

No one cares ascot those titles

>tfw too poor for pc, console, etc

Devil may cry 3
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Costumes in fighting games
Fallout series

I can name a shit ton more of non source games

Mostly hardware failure but I think a lot out that has to do with going with AMD since I later found out from a colleague that overclocking literally melts the CPU

nice blogging faggot



>Mods have never been worth a shit unless it was a Source game in which case it usually got it's own release if it was popular



I literally have a more well developed intellect than you