Hitman Christmas Special mission coming out next week, free to everybody

Hitman Christmas Special mission coming out next week, free to everybody.



And then there's this guy again. Don't you have anything better to do in your spare time? Kindly fuck off from these threads

Alpha as fuck

Collorado is actually the best mission, it has this Anathema vibe to it, and 47 going all in, cuz you don't want to fuck with the agency..

>he doesn't realize that panic spreads gradually and that all those npc's have just ran to the nearest guard to inform him what's happening
>he wants it to be like blood money where one lone guard in the corner of the map sees you do something suspicious then every single guard on the entire map suddenly knows you're a murderer

Is this a temp thing or a permanent mission available?

Since it's a whole new mission I'm going to assume it's permanent.

If you'd have used instinct, you would have seen that every NPC in the room has turned orange and each guard is turning orange each time they are being told what's happened. If you'd have left the next 10-20 seconds of the webm in then you'd have seen that every guard on that floor knows what you look like and is actively looking for you.

I don't get it, what's wrong with this WebM?

he posts it in every single thread because he's upset that the guards in the other rooms didn't have their wall hacks on and open fire on him through the wall

>literally made 2 days ago

>reading comprehension

>Unfamiliarity with Sup Forums memes


Please tell me this isn't more timed shit.

I don't understand the colorado mission.

If we only have to get intel on the shadow client.
Where do all these targets come from?
We just have to kill them because the ICA wants them dead? No clear reason?

Pretty much. You're going there and the ICA wants you to to a bit more.

Did they fix gun distractions or can I still unload a full clip in a crowded room so long as nobody is looking at me? Game suffers from too much developer patching.

Sean Rose was an already registered target. You're basically killing two birds with one stone.

That, and they knew about Soder's involvement with Providence.


I did all this Suit only run to the basement shelter, and now I have to go all the way back to get Sean's face.


how did they know Soders is not the shadow client?

wish it was the playboy mansion from hitman blood money

that mission was comfy as fuck

just distract him into the basement next time it saves a lot of time

Holy fucking shit!!!

The shadow client is... is... a clone ?


How I do that?

when he inspects the clock go to the door at the top of the stairs throw something in the door way, run to the bottom of the stairs and throw something down there when he goes to check the door. same goes for the woman. its what i did for sa/so fiberwire

He just gets in the house after a while?
I killed him with an explosion in the very beginning.

after about 6minutes he will head to the house which fits in nicely with your run

How come there is a 74?

Is this explained when I end Hokkaido?

im pretty sure its one of the bonus missions so yeah its perm


fucking NICE

not really no, though there is some info about 47 hinted

It was just a stupid joke user.





Diana better drop that shit. Or work hard to erase the 47's past. We all know how fucked it got in Blood Money.

Holy shit

Who /got50hours&haven'teven finishedMarrakesh/ here?

if you get stuck i can link my video of it if you need some help

Bring back newspapers IO...

Got 33 hours but i havent began to learn italy through to america.

Great game i cant be arsed to even try suit only in that american level

>mfw +200 hours and haven't even started colorado

It's ok user, this is very helpful, I'll be able to do it .

I failed to get SO/SA challenge, because they found a body, but I was certain they were all killed in accidents..

This time I will get them all in the house, now that I think about it, except Maya, they all get in the house at some point, and it's the best place to put them down.

Thank god guards don't have wallhack but they still have radio, right? It's just stupid make their reaction so slow/random

when the guy in the mask comes back his assistant from the shed will come looking for him and enters from the side entrance with the camera

i put my dick in there once

Diana is a qt.
What a milf...

But I hid him in the locker.

Quality SFM porn when?

that also works

How? Even if you do practically every challenge on every level, that's insane.

penelope graves and yuki models when

And that sensual voice when she briefs you...


I'll leave you to prepare

I want it

Escalations, contracts, just fucking around on the maps etc.

Im bad at the game

Is that the nervous slut on colorado?

thats okay agent smith

what did she mean by this?

They should do all of the hitman girls in an sfm


it means get that tissue box ready

i saw one last week with 47,new diana and victora

nigga there's no guards at the show, they're all elsewhere. The other npcs are the ones that run to them tell them what you did.


Sapienza is god tier. I have to admit I don't like paris as much. The environments and costumes on Sapieza are so much more varied

I want yuki too damnit, even if she is just a target

>not posting the neckbeard

prove it fag

also i know this is taboo but in absolution with the necklece why does dexter want it if it only works when you undergo the experiments?

I could be wrong about that last part but it would be interesting for the necklace to return

He wanted to start creating super soldiers like almost every main villain in the Hitman series.

the necklace is what causes victoria to be a hitgirl
so if he controls the necklace he controls a better version of 47. or im wrong in which case just call me a dummy

Where is that old lady in Marrakesh? Cant find her

ok i figured it just created a reaction with what ever they put in her

she starts where the headmaster would be normally

She spawns at that balcony where the school headmaster is.

She starts on the roof where the school's headmaster is, and then she walks around the market, she stops near that VIP bar for a little bit every so often.

Holy shit.

fuck you


Because Soders was working for Providence, and all the targets the Shadow Client had selected were Providence members. Basically, the Shadow Client was using the oblivious ICA to fight a proxy war against Providence. If Soders was the Shadow Client, then why would he be targeting Providence? The people he was working for? The people he was hoping to get a heart transplant from?

Post some fun contracts if you made some, fellas

I don't know why the webm is choppy as fuck but this is what he didn't want you to see. Why do anti shills try so hard to put down a game they aren't even interested in?

Terminus suit looks bad

Summer suit with gloves looks just as bad. I almost wish I could give it back.

>tfw didn't get winter suit on time

Why did you have to introduce this feel?

blood money suit best suit

I never liked the stripes. As abhorrent as its origin, I quite like the Absolution suit.

they are, but the level design in paris is better

Holes in gloves are fucking shit, makes him look poor

t. plebs

Someone made/is making them, check on some tumblr.

Not poor, but 2edgy school shooter/fedoralord-like

It'd be too much effort to ask for free content but I was kinda hoping it'd be a remake of You Better Watch Out.

I want to look like a pro hitmans with no glove holes, not like I'm getting ready to drive miss daisy to market

me too.