Who are some celebrities that are big gamers?

Who are some celebrities that are big gamers?

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>sent from my iphone

The big show is a HUGE destiny fan like a proper 1% of the game and he hates Titans

Who or what is AJStyles

>"big gamer"
>"Unchartes series are easily some of the best games I've ever played."

don't know if the stories are true, but Vin's a cool guy

How low is this bar for celebrity that this literal who is considered one?


Isn't that illegal? He didn't put #ad at the end.

Sony = AJ Styles
Nintendo = Kevin Owens

Do people like uncharted? Shit was boring

Who cares? Celebrities aren't your friends, they are the footsoldiers of the neoliberal culture war for your mind. They keep you dumb and complacent, acting out the petty dramatics of their "real lives" as incompetently as their movies and situation comedies. They are paid clowns on screen and off. When the day of the rope comes they will hang as surely as the bankers and politicians.

Celebrities are the enemy of the working man and the disenfranchised.

Long live the revolution!

Robert Williams loved Zelda enough to name his daughter after it, and he used to play a lot of Battlefield 2.

ugh, Sup Forums is out of their cage again

Ironic Sup Forumsposting is still Sup Forumsposting.

>uncharted series are easily some of the best games I've ever played
>"""big gamer"""

At least you'll be able to get their autograph before you're shot for collusion, dogs.

>You have minutely advanced the Liberation of Night.
One day, we will break the Great Chain that imprisons us all.

>kid circus clown

Been a while since I read that.

>Big gamer
Good one OP.

Based big sales sony working the obese nintendorks into a frenzy

huh, the sonygger landwhales usually go for PC, why the sudden switch to nintendo?

No one posted our boy Terry Cruz?

Eh? PC+Sony is masterrace, Nintendo is for kids. Has been since the Wii.

The best pro wrestler in the goddamn world.

grow up, it's all fake



You're on a videogames board user, perhaps you think that Godhand was a documentary?


Pick one


So are video games you dumb shit, it's all entertainment

Xavier would have been a better choice as far as being an actual gamer you know

Come on Kevin doesn't deserve that. Sure his run is shit but that's only because they're desperate to make him the Miz for some reason.

Meanwhile on the superior show the Miz is taking his game to a whole new level.

He's been traveling the world stagefighting for like 20 years he doesn't really have time to play obscure titles user.

Yeah, I mean there's literal magic in it this is news to no one.

>I didn't like TLoU so now all Naughty Dog games are retroactively movies.

Go jump off a cliff user.

Andrew Dobson has pretty patrician taste

>He's been traveling the world stagefighting for like 20 years he doesn't really have time to play obscure titles user.
so he's not a "big gamer"

>watching a sport for the acting
Wow, wrestling fans are actually retarded.

Chandler (from Friends) and that awkward klonoa tweet.

Utter scumbag

>0 everything on every tweet he makes
He's nothing more than a joke and a knat at this point.

/ourguy/ confirmed

>playing a video game for any reason

Some people like things you don't, no need to have an autistic fit about it.


Jamie Lee Curtis is a big Street Fighter fan apparently.

>rainbow flag in the background

What is he talking about, the graphics are literally ps3 tier

He's not wrong.

Why wouldn't they be true? It's pretty well known he's a big D&D fan and he founded his own fucking game studio to make the Riddick games because the ones that were available sucked.

Also he only keeps starring in the Fast and Furious movies so he has money for nerd shit and making more Riddick movies.


Rob Schneider's wife absolutely dismantled Arin from Game Grumps in Mortal Kombat.
Arin is fucking pathetic.

Matthew Perry shilled Fallout 3.

It's what got him a role in New Vegas as Benny

All right lads I'll post the vids I remember, one of them might pleasantly surprise you.


Wrestling is soap opera anyway


>Arin freezes opponent
>runs and does crouching LK
Literally well below DSP levels of stupid.


Posted my problems with the Uncharted series yesterday. Will focus largely on gameplay and am largely talking about Uncharted 2 specifically.

The shooting mechanics are incredibly stiff, but not tight by any stretch of the imagination. The problem largely comes from the random bullet deviation present in Uncharted 1+2. The instant a bullet leaves the barrel there deviation introduced and the bullet goes wherever it wants rather than where you're aiming. This makes hitting targets in specific areas incredibly frustrating(like the head) and coupling that with the fact that enemies are general bulletsponges(especially 2/3's in the game when the purple men are introduced) it makes for some very unsatisfying moments. You'll also spend the majority of the game in shootouts, enjoy :^)

The climbing can basically be boiled down to "press X to win." You follow a linear path to the next shootout arena. All too often the game patronizes you by nearly making Drake fall, but at the last moment he catches something(wasn't that scripted event intense player? :O). There's also a guided jumping system in place that prevents you from falling unless you're REALLY trying. Many of Drake's movements and animations feel very clunky as a result.

Movement itself feels like there's some latency. Drake, because of his unnatural and jerky animations, sometimes feels like he's not responding or does the "Rockstar, Step too far" motion. It's not the worst, but when enemies start chucking grenades it behooves a game to allow easy movement.

The game's mechanics are incredibly mediocre and the only reason the games are praised is because they look pretty. When you boil it down to raw compenents, I just don't see the appeal. It can't be the story, there's a huge disconnect between Drake's ingame actions and Drake in cutscenes. He's a maniacal, smug asshole and despite apparently taking inspiration from Indiana Jones, clearly missed the mark by a long shot.

>tfw no new good Zelda games drove him to suicide

Why do you watch fake fighting you werido

Don't know who this "AJ Styles" character is, but he sounds like an idiot or a shill.

>wrestling fan
>calling anyone autistic

What the hell happened to modern wrestlers, anyway? In the late 90s, a wrestler caught playing video games was sent to the wrestlers court or bullied the fuck out / beaten to a pulp by JBL. Nowadays, you have man children like Xavier Wood playing vidya in the backstage.

Is he... dare I say it... our guy?

Who do you main?

I main #5 on row 2.

But you have to admit the series is fucking boring dude.

More evidence that every ps4 exclusive game thread are by Sony shills who should be banned,

Wait, she went topless at a con?

She's wearing a skin coloured top

Holy shit, this is fucking real? Oh my god Arin needs to kill himself asap.

Classic, never played it.

You're right. Fuck action /martial arts films.

So far with Uncharted 4 and their upcoming titles shows that's what they're aiming for.

We've 5 cents have been deposited in your account.

Thank you for helping make America great again!

This is true. This year has shown the celebrities for being the scum of the earth that they are. Trump just saved 1100 people their jobs in time for Christmas and all Whoopi Goldberg could do about it on the View was bitch and complain about it. These people are so out of touch with reality they might as well be from another planet.

Thank you for correcting the record :^)

These are the same type of people who are happy when a traditional Swedish symbol is portrayed by an African child.
You can't expect them to be reasonable or think critically.

I love how Arin is such a fucking socially inept autist, that Dan has to keep the talking going alone with Rob and his wife.
And Rob's wife murders Arin. It's beautiful.

Unironically true.

no he's not you brain dead cunts

>gay furry
to the gas chambers

Yeah that 1100 really makes up for the hundreds of thousands losing overtime pay.

It's quite fun if you aren't an aspie.

Hi newfag

Can't you just be happy for them?

There's this NFL player who's a die hard Sonic fan. He interacts with the Sonic twitter sometimes.

Le epic maymay anonamoose!!!! XD

I think Vin's more /tg/ than Sup Forums

I actually have no idea what jobs he saved but absolutely, that's very good news for those people.

She was at the Warcraft premiere with her son.

>never played it, classic
>siren... it's alright

>my videogames are real
>my books are real
>my movies are real
>my anime is real


That's some nice texturing on the inside of that cape.

>comparing storytelling mediums to sports
Sports have no business being fake. Idiot.

I still miss him so much

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

You're not wrong, you're just a gigantic fedora



the difference is that it's supposed to be a sport, but instead you get this ridicilous and cringy mess of a performance.


Dylan Sprouse although he's not that famous anymore