>muh stronk female character
>muh ageing up
>muh edge
>muh generic revenge plot
>muh dude graphics LMAO
Add in some SJW crap and you've ruined the franchise GG naughty dog.
Last of us Part 2
What are you talking about? First game was extremely edgy and new one is going to be the same.
Did you expect Panty Quest?
>panty Quest
considering how rough old elle looks as opposed to QT. elle no thanks.
Enjoy nu-last of us
Revenge quest.
How she's killing the infected because she cannot get infected
I already didn´t like the first game even without all the sjws stuff so i don´t have any interest to buy the new game made by nughty dog
This webm looks even better when played with VLC.
>Muh Revenge plot
You are literally basing this on people's hypothetical theories you see on the internet. The game was announced literally 3 days ago and we know nothing about the plot.
How autistic do you have to be to get angry about something that doesn't exist yet?
great gameplay footage
This is literally the same person who posts these in every TLOU thread
>things that never happened
>Sup Forums has been in asshurt denial about TLoU ever since it's first reveal trailer
Delicious unending tears
I'm really disappointed that they chose "muh revenge" as a main character motivation (at least according to this trailer) but then again this is a game series in a zombie apocalypse, what the hell should I expect
This combined with the no men allowed Uncharted DLC makes me feel like ND finally made it official that they're developing solely to get praise on Neogaf.
The franchise was already absolute garbage.
Chloe is famous for being a slut with a fat arse
>Goalpostmoving race
>no gameplay
Elle literally says she is going to kill all of them. All I've seen is the shit trailer you massive fucking cuckold. It's also the go to story line when you have no ideas and the trailer seemed bland and unoriginal as fuck.
Well its the only game Sonyniggers have to rally over.
I liked TLOU but it doesn't replay very well. The game has so much padding with doing the same co-op platforming over and over. Also the last level is garbage and the ending was
>doesn't post his own opinion
Sonynigger detected
>first game has an actually engaging story with fun characters
>sequel has none of this
Last gen was mostly trash it didn't take much to stand out.
Goal posts where never set by this poster you sonynigger.
The lack of gameplay is telling.
Go be asshurt that you can't play as Sully's fat old ass elsewhere.
Happened to comics now games. Sjw won't be happy until they ruin everything.
Didn't read the comics, I also have the TLOU DLC but haven't played it yet. The fact it has that nigger girl in it offputs me.
Uncharted cucks pls go this is a TLOU thread
>tfw you don't give a fuck about American games
I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed that they chose to reveal the sequel with a trailer that was about "I'm gonna kill them all", literally "muh revenge", and also ghost Joel. It's a very bottom of the barrel choice.
Also, Ellie should step up her guitar game that shit was terrible
Oh I meant comic books in general. They have gone down hill with sjw injecting themselves into the scene.
Let me guess you also believe the Joel is dead meme too?
The nigger is annoying but the DLC is alright.
And no I won't leave.
Post was about graphics. Immediatley moves goalpost to gameplay.
>Goal posts where never set
Goalpostmoving race is in denial right from the gate.
But TLoU1 has all of that (except ageing obviously), why are you surprised the sequel does too?
>implying he isn't
god you're such an assblasted faggot it's amazing
There was nothing in the first one about revenge
Ellie was already a "stronk female character" in the first game, though.
So was whatever the other woman's name was, for some reason it escapes me.
Aging up isn't a proble, I don't know how it possibly could be.
Edge? You're worried about edge in fucking Last of Us?
We don't know enough about the plot yet to simply dismiss it as "generic revenge plot"
As for the graphics, who cares?
Its clear that the fungal growth on Ellies brain has started to have side effects that result in hallucinations about the late Joel.
>implying Death Stranding will actually look like this outside of maybe lighting and grafix-boosted cut scenes
just because it's "in engine" doesn't mean it's how the game will actually look like.
I'm sure Kojima Productions will make it look nice but come off it lad, it won't look like this
games never look as good as their trailers
>Ruined the franchise
But it was never anything special anyway
Literally just gritty uncharted with an obvious plot
What about Joel slaughtering everyone linked with the team who wanted to use Ellie for a cure
Why do you talk like this?
>If I don't believe a meme I read on Sup Forums about Ellie just imagining seeing Joel i'm assblasted
fucking lol
s-stop criticizing the trailer for my new game
assblasted af
>Anything in this thread
Shitposting isn't criticism.
Thanks vpol for turning any game that comes out that features a female main-character an "SJW game"
At least books will always be safe... Right?
>posts scripted bullshit from trailer that never happens in game
Can you read? Nobody is criticizing anything
Maybe in the last mission but the fireflies fucked him over pretty bad, remember the whole point of it was to get a shit tonne of guns and he didn'r even get them. Until that part the goal was to get Ellie to the Fireflies
>sjws injecting into comics
This is why I only read manga now, i'm not supporting landwhales in comics.
At least your on topic now
I reply to posts I want to say something in response too. Only saw the trailer today I'm interested in differing opinions, y'know discussion you autist.
Last Jap game I was interested in was Star Ocean 5 and apparently that was garbage. I still haven't upgraded to a niggerstation 4, I'm on Pee-cee till enough good games come out.
>not even posting TLOU
I can tell your a shitposter
Oh-pee here, yes there is a lot of critisism.
>Sup Forums
They see videogames as degenerate it's us and reddit that do this and if your pretending pandering to SJW cucks doesn't happen I have bad news.
I had one guy cower and beg. It didn't happen exactly like that gif but close enough.
Hopefully. Books are pretty good about catering to both sexes with separate series. Long as they don't start injecting into ongoing stuff, we should be fine.
I think there's just too wide a range to inject identity politics into every book. Unlike comics/games which have two very specific audiences who don't exactly have elsewhere to turn.
Ya, that really happened. Totally. Ask my mate Dave, he was there. Dave's out of town for the week though.
>I can tell your a shitposter
>Moves goalpost again
Holy shit can you even look yourself in the mirror without punching it?
Show one instance in the OP where I set any 'goalpost' you fucking autist. You need to learn how discourse works.
>Holy shit can you even look yourself in the mirror without punching it?
nice projection
when did you break a mirror in disgust?
did you cut your hand?
>muh stronk female character
Well, weak characters aren't exactly going to make for capable post-apocalypse protagonists, male or female.
>muh ageing up
Yes. That's what people do.
>muh generic revenge plot
TLoU never had a strong plot. It was more about the characters.
>muh dude graphics LMAO
Just a reveal trailer. I don't see why it's the fault of the company to make a reveal trailer look pretty, as long as it's not intentionally misleading about the nature of the product.
You've let the buzzwords take over your arguments.
Are there people here unironically defending this?
Nothing you say is going to change its status as a GOAT GOTYAY to just about everyone including Sup Forums
>lol i eat up your alt right rhetoric then vomit it back out with absolutely no nuance, insightful commentary, or literally anything to differentiate it from what has already been said by thousands of others. i am not a human being. i am a golden retreiver. i fuck niggers and dogs. please love me :(((
We don't have that movement in my Country. Try again Burgerfag
>lol i eat up your anti essjew rhetoric then vomit it back out with absolutely no nuance, insightful commentary, or literally anything to differentiate it from what has already been said by thousands of others. i am not a human being. i am a golden retreiver. i fuck niggers and dogs. aren't i pretty? please love me, i am boxxy
>considering how rough old elle looks as opposed to QT. elle no thanks
Fucking retarded weebs and their loli-shit. And then they wonder why people think they are literal retards
>not an argument
Its not a Japanese game retard
Liked the first game enough, story was interesting and kinda fun to play but wasn't anything that special. I'm not interested in this at all.
I'm probably going to sell my PS4 fairly soon; haven't played it in months and all new games getting announced for it look like boring shit.
>Its not a Japanese game retard
>implying I am saying the game is japanese, not that the poster is an obvious retard-tier weeb
I see you drank your retardium quite a lot today sir
>Its not a Japanese game retard
This is why you should have to pass an English test before being allowed to move to this site
can't make any game nowdays without faggots like you crying SJW
Ignoring the almost guaranteed SJW shoehorned nonsense, why would I want to play this twice? The gameplay wasn't anything special, the story was good the first time around but that's it, it was nice to explore the world and the multiplayer was great.
Why does this need a sequel?
welp I didn't play it and I'm glad I didn't
TellTale did it better. Fuck this edgy shit.
Nice samefagging also
>somehow relevant to non-Japanese media
Your argument is still invalid
Learn to read I didn't say it was SJW
This, the story was good first but it clearly was meant to be self contained.
I'm sure they won't drink the cool aid now right?
Go back to your own country you dumb fuck
>Go back to my Country
>on the Web
I'm already at home Burger-cuck, shouldn't you be worshipping a reality TV star about now?
>tfw the only games you spent any time with this year or are remotely excited for are both Japanese
Well, it finally happened. I won't be joining you weeaboo fucks, the games are Dark Souls and Naruto, but holy shit the western games industry is a great big pile of poo poo right now
>enjoy nu-Last of Us
I absolutely will and I sincerely hope that my, and others', joy upsets you.
I know that you're trying to do a funny bit right now where you pretend to be retarded, but the "i am on several levels of irony rn bro!!" meme stopped being funny about a year ago.
>"Well its the only game Sonyniggers have to rally over."
>Doesn't even deny that they go into every TLOU2 thread to shitpost the exact same shit every time
Keep this shit out of videogames. For fuck's sake.
I still can't believe GG somehow made Sup Forums even worse than it already was. Genuinely impressive accomplishment
This place isn't reddit.
>Sup Forums loves this shit
>Muh Graphics!!!
It's shit but you guys will say it's chocolate.
>Replaying TLoU on higher difficulty
>mfw I know the hotel basement level is coming
GG was just the reaction to the bullshit that was already going on and hadn't yet reached its climax. Doesn't help that Sup Forums's been more active than it's been in years. Whenever there's one culture, there will always be a counterculture to push back against it.
So, what's SJW about this exactly?
Does the thought of someone that's been on Sup Forums for a while not agreeing with you scare you or something?
Never bought a naughty dog game looks like i never will buy one
Not really.
But the idea that "GG RUINED LE SECRET CLUB" is a pretty retarded concept. Like, their was plenty of shit Sup Forums has done before, just GG ended up grabbing the medias attention.
Nothing at the outset, but there's a very high chance there will be since it happened with Uncharted 4
What they really should of done is had you playing as Joel again and Ellies whereabouts are unknown. Like shes run away for some reason or something or other and Joel is obessesed with getting her back like shes a daughter or something.
Reddit calls kid
Japan isn't doing any better right now
>implying it will release before Playstation 5 is announced
This is the first TLOU2 I've been in, well I made it so I don't know what your on about m8.
Yeah the fact that cuck mods kept deleting threads really did show this place going down the shitter
Oh boy I think we are gonna see a lot of this pic
KIA is that way newfag
this. The idea of a young girl and a white male teamed up was already problematic so they aged her up to be a stronk independant woman. It reeks already.
You're misunderstanding my thoughts. I didn't think GG brought in a bunch of normies or something, it just killed what little discussion still happened on Sup Forums for that retarded crusade and the place never recovered
It's a bit generic but it's better than the revenge schtick
GG was literally banned on this site, anyone who claims otherwise is either a moron or a newfag.
>Japan isn't doing any better right now
Maybe video games are coming to an end, or at least entering another dark age. Well, at least for console gaming anyway. The PS4 will probably be my last console.
>so they aged her up to be a stronk independant woman. It reeks already.
>tfw I'll never be so paranoid I'll post something like this seriously
Your world must be super fun
>Like shes run away for some reason or something or other and Joel is obessesed with getting her back like shes a daughter or something.
They did an entire level dedicated to that concept. A whole game would just get hilariously tedious.
I reckon of someone was smart about it it would make for a good plot.
You could get given options about fighting for her or chasing after her or leaving her be. Player decides if treating her like an unruly child or as an adult. Player decides if Joel is a good guy or insane from grief, etc.
She was taken and wanted to be with Joel. I'm saying she leaves on her own and Joel chases her anyway.
I'm still on Pc, there's nothing here either but at least I can emulate, play old shit, and laugh at autists in Arma.
I bet you think U4 isn't full of SJW bullshit either Less so then a revenge plot I bet, they could get reuinted like 1/4 of the way through and show a different dynamic since Elle had to be on her own
I don't feel like it'd be TLOU if that happened
That also happened. Ellie left the dam, Joel and Tommy chased her on horseback.
>Less so then a revenge plot
Who wants to bet she wants to get revenge on a comically evil WHITERU MAREU? I mean, they kinda already done that with what's his face, but rape and cannibalism are too triggering so it'll probably be some dumbed-down bullshit.
What "Little discussions"? Everything back then was always "You're retarded" "I don't like this, so it's shit" "Feminist are ruining my hobby, fucking retards?!" "Fuck off back too tumblr/reddit/pol/!"
The only difference is we just add GG to some of those phrases.