>needle in a haystack: the game
Defend this.
>needle in a haystack: the game
Defend this.
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't want to have to work for anything.
If the Temple of the Sun is making you butthurt, you might want to give up now, or at least become dependent on guides. It's only going to get worse.
Hint: Get the fucking Grail already, it makes the game infinitely less frustrating.
Nothing to defend, Mulana was genuinely terrible game with terrible design and insane artificial difficulty.
It is intentionally copying MSX platformer design. But I HAAAAAAAAAAATE those kinds of games. It's all obscure bullshit. I ran around the first dungeon for hours. I looked up a guide and found that in one room I could go through a wall. How the fuck was I supposed to know that? I check every wall by wacking them but I never tried to run into them.
I played that game and gave up on how obscure the puzzles were. Just recently I watched full LP that showed all the hints and visual cues and how they explain the puzzles and came to realize it's not AS unfair as I thought.
Some of them especially towards the lategame are still completely fucking bonkers though.
>all the hints and visual cues
The hints are super cryptic. It's bullshit. And the in game maps are useless as they're just squares.
It's a niche game that's not for everyone. Your fault for not reading even one review that would have told you how obtuse the game can be.
There is actually a hint, it just isn't a very good one. If you scan the skeleton right next to the wall gap it says something like 'the rooms are all connected!' or something equally obscure.
The game will give hints if you dilligently scan everything, but trying to remember it all is a fool's errand and the in-game text-recorder is pathetically limited. If you want to beat the game without a guide, you WILL have to write down everything yourself. Make yourself a fucking Excel spreadsheet and organise all the tips, that's straight up what you'll need to do.
There is a map upgrade that makes them a fair bit better, but you can't get it until after at least the first few bosses.
brainlets, when will they learn
back to overwatch you subhuman mongloids
>The hints are super cryptic. It's bullshit.
Yes, partly. Partly not. I mean I can't really say how I far I would have gotten had I tried it myself a second time instead of watching an LP but a lot of them did make more sense to me afterwards.
Where I quit the game in particular was after I had looked up that you needed to enter those completely dark ruins and then attack a very specific wall to get an item. At that point I just thought "okay if this is the level of puzzle I'm dealing with here I might as well quit now". Looking back at the hint now the game actually eludes to that fairly well I think.
>being smart is going through levels attacking every wall
No, that's just being super thorough looking for needles in hay stacks.
La-Mulana 2 when? I can't wait. Will it release before summer 2017?
Got a link handy?
Current release date is spring, so probably.
>The hints are super cryptic.
That's why it's a hint, and not "Go here for [things]" specifically.
>And the in game maps are useless as they're just squares.
So long as they give a vague indication of where you are in relation to the rest of the map, you can navigate your way around.
Otherwise, more practice on your end is required.
I have yet to come across a hint that has any meaning. It's not vague it's useless. In fact I'm pretty sure all the "clues" I've found are just giving backstory to the game, not explaining any puzzles.
>In fact I'm pretty sure all the "clues" I've found are just giving backstory to the game, not explaining any puzzles.
Then you would be entirely mistaken.
Describing the dungeons as "work" does not do the game any favors
Is one of those games that starts pretty alright, sweet music and platforming, but the puzzles quickly become a chore.