How did Zarya go from being the most disliked to one of the toppest tier girls in Overwatch since its release?

How did Zarya go from being the most disliked to one of the toppest tier girls in Overwatch since its release?

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Because in traditional "ESPORTS" fashion, people like characters that win games, regardless of their design/balance issues

because her design and her sexuality is not the entirety of her character unlike most characters that are designed like her.
In many ways she is the total opposite to what people think she is.
Racist (if you can call that against omnics)
and Nationalistic/Patriotic.

>looks like a massive SJW
>is actually pink hair donald trump

When i first saw her i thought her design was ok. I liked the whole gravity thing and how her suit looked as something that is made to keep her in place and protected of her own power.

But when i played i liked her personality too, somehow i find her lines pretty funny and there is something adorable in her too that i cant actually point out.

in this universe omnics are capable of free will and all that jazz so i think that counts

bastion legitly has robot PTSD and the other guy is a buddist monk

Because instead of being a tumblr dyke like her design seemed to imply, she turned out to be proud "Russia Stronk!" Omnic hating patriot.

If you mean the people on Sup Forums, they loved her because REMOVE OMNICS

Also they wish to be dominated.

Blizzard didn't fall into the same trap that every other western dev did where they think stronk independent woman = obnoxious angry cunt.

Zarya is pretty fun and endearing.

>her sexuality

I don't even think she's gay, why does everyone think she's a homo? Because she's into weightlifting?

They just pandered to muscle girl waifufags instead of sjws.

It was mentioned in one of her profile things i think

That Australian chick with the same hair.

No it wasn't

Have you ever been to sanfran or saw photos and saw a butch lesbian?


the game is about tropes being pushed to the max. we get angsty war veteran, edgy xXultrakiller69Xx, tips fedora cowboy, and just to mix it up, beefcake who is all brawn and no brains...but with a vagina.

it's funny how neither the angry ones or the happy ones get the whole point of zarya. tumblrinas think she's some godsend to the special snowflakes, and neckbeards think she's blizzard's way of pandering to sjws.

when in reality, she's just a genderbent stereotype of pic related.


She isn't wearing a plaid shirt tho'

never judge a book by its cover.
shes one of my favourite tanks to play

Would you guys like Zarya to have a cute outfit for a cosmetic, like a dress?

>post yfw the girls that brought everyone to play ow (tracer and widowmaker) are the worst

She's sexy.

I've hated them both since before i got the game.

Because Sup Forums sucks. Real Sup Forums would have rioted until a nice loli was included in the game. Now it is full of posers and SWJs as everything else.

>because genji, winston and players cannot deflect or stop them ass melting lazers from raping them.

>because mouth breathing morons keep shooting her or the player she popped that over-shield on thus making her ass melting lazers stay relevant and deadly.

> her shields are answers to mostly all the ultimate moves other characters can throw at her

> russian strongman meme overtones

The tanks alot brawls made me realize how powerful she really is if left unchecked

But he's not.

a) she's strong as fuck (I mean in-game)
b) Zarya players are always bros
c) she hates omnic scum


Only disgusting degenerates thing this is hot.

Kek Zarya sucks dick now, her pro usage has dropped 32% since her nerf. Shitters relying on an OP character BTFO.

>The worst

Stop being garbage


Now this is hot

Sup Forumsddit surely loved her

>Buff enough to lift you and protect you
>Big squishy belly to squeeze and blow raspberries into

Strongfat is the most patrician fetish.


This is literally the only good kind of thick. Shapely, curvy, but still toned as fuck.

It's a neo-Sup Forums thing, they unironically like tumblr art and praise a woman that literally looks like a muscular man. And no, I don't mean a cute muscular woman, I mean a straight up man.

She really needs to more skins with normal hair color.

I'd like more outfits to cover up her disgusting man-face. She looks like one of those repulsive cuntboys you see on shocker sites.

>posts worst one of them all
D.VA is probably a tranny desu senpai. People that play here constantly think she needs buffs. Also no tits, not ass, she is the lightning of OW.

Zarya has nice eyes.

>tfw Зapя main


Because she wasn't a trashy skank

Because the sound of her 100% beam is pure sex, also cucking the enemies form kills and being able to solo carry a team in pubs is great.

Basically what means
She gets her job done really well and it feels great.

Post more

all weightlifters are gay, male or female, thats common knowledge.

Don't forget the sound the beam makes at 100% while nano boosted

come on penis
we have to draw a line

>Shapely, curvy
>cankles as thick as her calves

>Make her look like a tumblr dyke before release
>She ends being the based thick slav of omnic removal


>Chubby climatologist with a strong theme of ice gets a fire fighter costume
>Muscular Russian girl gets a long winter coat outfit

Am I the only one who thinks this should be the other way around? Zarya is the fire fighter type. She can protect you. She can carry you out of a burning building.

She became best girl when the olympic skin replaced her hair with a blonde ponytail. Unfortunately artists don't use it.

Honestly her short hair is fine, any other color would be preferred though. Also

>those puffy nips
I want to taste them

She hits on McCree. How is she gay?

Because you can't hack these guns



Have you ever been in turnout/bunker gear? I'm guessing not because of what you've said.

Bunker gear is, obviously, designed to keep heat out; however, because it keeps heat out it also keeps heat in. This is because the gear isn't simply just a coat, it's a coat with an inner and outer shell that create the aforementioned atmosphere.

To put it in perspective: wearing bunker gear in direct sunlight adds, approximately, 10 degrees Fahrenheit to your atmosphere.

As for carrying people out of buildings, that's a common misconception TV/Movies like to pull to make us look more heroic. The only people that get carried in arms are babies, small children, and some pets. Most people are dragged, since firefighters like to stay close to the floor (heat and smoke both rise, so being near the floor allows for more visibility and survivable conditions).
I've also seen girls ~110-120lbs standing at about 5'0-2" wearing full bunker gear (about 35 lbs) carry 150lb dummies roughly 50 feet walking backwards. It takes a lot out of them, mind you, but they can do it. They weren't overly muscular either, they just had proper technique and kept moving.

In all honesty, Zarya would probably melt in bunker gear, unless she does cardio. Though it was my understanding weightlifters don't do cardio or do minimal amounts. Less fat means less reserves to burn in trying times.

Then again this is a video game so who really gives a fuck.

Shut up Adachi

Because people played the game and found out that she isn't the total SJW that she looks like at a glance. Instead of battling the patriarchy, she acts like a caricature. She's stereotypical Russian strongman personality except in female form. She still has two of the worst costumes in the game though. Her military alts are cool but the cybergoth ones are fucking abysmal.

Help me out, friends. I've never really played Zarya, but I feel as if Blizzard wants me to. I got the same Summer Event legendary for her 6 times in a row, and she always annoys the shit out of me.

But I don't actually know how to git gud with her. Are there any tricks to playing her? any veterans with her that have learned how to play her effectively?

Prioritize right click over left click unless you're finishing someone off.

Use shield against instant kill bursts like D.Va's self destruct. Be sure to shield your friends.

Enemies breaking your shield makes your gun better. Be sure to make it so enemies have no choice but to break the shield on yourself or your allies.

Have you? As far as I know they think Olympic weight lifting is a way for the patriarchy to oppress them and they're hamplanets

Awesome, thank you. I think I'll try her tonight.

real life zarya

>Liking the meme-character

>she hits on Mcree


It was better when TF2 did it.

Overwatch in a shellnut

That would actually be hilarious seeing her meliting opponents while wearing a really girly dress that clearly doesn't belong on her frame

She literally doesn't, though.

She got a good skin.