Ace Combat 7


>As for the scenario, it has the image of Ace Combat 5, but the taste may be closer to Ace Combat 04.

>Ace Combat 04 is from the perspective of a young man, and Ace Combat 5 is a road story in which the player themselves is included. In Ace Combat 7, the scenario advances from the combined perspective of various characters.

>The theme this time is various “comparisons.” Unmanned and manned air crafts, older pilots and the player. The appearance of the F-104 will be of high significance to the story.

>The setting is the world of Ace Combat 04 and Ace Combat 5, ten years after Ace Combat 5. There will also be things for users who played Ace Combat 5. Of course, if this is your first Ace Combat, you’ll also be fine.


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Game is 50% complete.

I'm trying really hard not to get hyped.

I think this is the best Ace Combat game.

VR mode will be separate from the main campaign

>The fucking Starfighter is going to be plot important
Jesus christ. This is in a world where the Raptor isn't exactly a spring chicken anymore.


>Best of anything
Live-action anime is the worst.

The cutscenes were very well done.
The live action bits were simple and only provided narration

Anyone knows how good the games run on the PS2 emulator?

It portrayed perfectly how mysterious is the Belkan war, the only thing people know is that Belka nuked itself and the war ended, it also wasn't nearly as cringy as ac5

Come on user, you didn't enjoy becoming the Razgriz legend?

Any of the trinity are a good choice


You're not gonna believe this, Jean-Louis!

Don't get me wrong, I love ac5, I just love aczero more, demon Lord of the round table is better in my opinion

Are they using Infinities flight model or Assrizons DF mode or QTE's?

04 = Zero > 5

You really think they'll use Horizon's when they had Infinity after? Of course not.

>Kono-san also clarified that the protagonist is going to be more in line with the faceless ones in Ace Combat 4 and 5, as opposed to William Bishop in Assault Horizon. He will be basically a neutral canvas in which the player can imagine himself.

Well I'm glad to see they are going to stick with the series standard regarding the protagonist because I really didn't want another set character like AH.

>Give this man an award
also 0 was pretty good

>mfw this might become actually become the uncontested best AC, rising above 4, 5, and 0

> not assault horizon 2
into the trash

i am indeed hype for AC7
as well as Project Nemo

There was an attempt.

Absolutely disgusting


>The appearance of the F-104 will be of high significance to the story.
inb4 old vet absolutely reks with the old lawndart





Reminder that AC7 will have delicious /ll/

>there will never be another game with the true camaraderie of AC6, just because some people didn't like the cutscenes

>all this shitlords complaining about f104

Go dance with the angels!

Cutscenes aside it was a fine game, I liked how the missions were really long and has smaller objectives to choose from

AC04's story, ACZero's enemy Ace roster and AC5's campaign length and plane selection.

Completely different engine, fampai

My other problem with AC6 was the music became an "elevator" type music because of how long the missions were.

>Go dance with the Angels!
This still is the cheesiest thing i've ever seen in a videogame

The union with ground and air corps is shown again in Infinity, actually Infinity had really cool moments like the last mission, where you have a battle in the middle of a meteor shower with a badass remix of Blue Skies as bgm

I do not remember flying inside the SOLG.

The implementation of the mechanic absolutely sucked. AC4 and 5 had similar missions that worked much better.

It an alternative way to kill it, it is really hard to do it with anything bigger than an x-29

I thought it worked fine. I don't remember doing anything in 4 besides
>kill everything
>get enough points

>Ten years
Isn't that the same year as Skies of Deception?



Su-37 Terminator


Fuck you

X-02 Wyvern

That's a Su-35 tho



I'm getting star fox 64 vibes

This thread needs more buddy

I can't choose between XFA-27 and CFA-44


I'm boring, I know.


For me, it's the Arkbird


Good taste senpai


4 had a a sluggish flight model to get into, especially after playing 5 and Zero first.

This is all excellent news. Maybe they will be able to restore the series dignity after the AH and Infinity catastrophe (for Infinity I'm talking about the pay model)

>The whole game isn't playable in VR
What a fucking blunder

Are you fucking retarded or what.

vr is a meme familia

They literally promised it
Turns out it's a separate mode. The retardation is on their side.

>you'll never rescue Nagase in the middle of a snowstorm in VR

Will it still have the on-rails dogfight mode from assault horizon? That was the best!

Good, I want a great game, not a half decent game with VR

So, why aren't you emulating AC5 and Zero right now?

Good. Fuck VR. And fuck you.

So you wanted a dumbed down experience because of all they would have to sacrifice to keep up with the absurd processing requirements that VR demands?

I'm glad they didn't listen to people like you.

Are you retarded? That's not how it work.

Ace Combat 5 is one of the first video games I ever played. It's amazing that out of so many shit games out there I played one that is so fucking good.

I never really get impressed by big spectacles in games because nothing was as impressive as flying inside the mountain base, fighting the arkbird, and flying INSIDE the fucking SOLG.

Because emulating is for plebs. I'm actually playing 5 on my PS2.

I still have a functioning PS2 and kept my copies of 4,5, and 0 in great condition. Probably spent $30 for the trinity

Because of the lack of pressure sensitive controllers and emulator issues. Isn't it still bothersome to do it?

There's no need to sacrifice anything. You're an idiot who doesn't know how videogames function, like most of Sup Forums I guess.

I will eat your fucking head.

>not wanting to be able to play in HD

have fun begging for that HD edition, boys


I need AC7 in my life, I don't think I could live without playing it. Erusea and Osea going at it sounds great, and absolutely amazing potential for the story

No. Are you?

but it is

am I allowed in this thread


What a cute little wrong argument. Do you know why every VR game uses stylized graphics? Is because they can't do too much, tracking is very demanding, rendering both screen is very demanding and the high stable framerate is super demanding.

HAWX was fun

I already have a ps4, so if it does come out, I'm good. Besides, the holy trinity looks pretty good already.

If they do more than make the game prettier, like add wingmen commands from 0 to 4 I may be tempted.

VR games need to run at high resolution and high framerate with no frame drops by required standard so yes, it is quite demanding.

if this was PC exclusive theres no telling what they'd have to sacrifice, if anything at all

its just the better of a game it is, the less people will be able to play it

and thanks to everyone being consolefags dumbasses who think graphics dont have anything to do with gameplay, it'll be a long time before good VR games really take off

>all that Arthurian legend/Norse mythology lore combined with an arcade plane fighting game in an alternate universe with absolutely crazy ludicrous shit that somehow manages to feel totally sensible in the game itself
honestly I'm not a weeb but I just don't see any western developer having ideas as batshit insane as these

That's nice, but the game isn't coming out on PC and since they can't dumb down the graphics as that would cut down sales by half it's is simply impossible to actually do it, unless they downscaled the maps, reduced the number of enemies and did a bunch of shit that would ruin the game.

i wonder why the chinks never made a legit dualshock2 to usb adapter compatible with pressure sensitive buttons

is it a limitation of directinput? xinput?


does it have to be a real plane?

fake planefu is shinden 2

real planefu is probably a typhoon

Is Rena the best girl

> nothing was as impressive as flying inside the mountain base