How did kojima fuck this one up so badly?

How did kojima fuck this one up so badly?

>Game opens up with a trial and error timed bullshit camera tutorial even though you never have to use the camera ever again.
>Worst map by far consisting of about 10 unique rooms that you go back and forth between all game.
>Worst bosses in the entire series (aside from the last boss)
>Raiden has literally no reason to kill solidus, solidus has no reason to kill raiden, the AI's have no reason to want solidus or raiden dead, the AI admits this all to you and says raiden will do it anyway because hes kind of a stupid retard.
>Raiden does it anyway because hes kind of a stupid retard.
>The entire plot was you talking to AI and all plot development with his wife is retconned, and then all the lessons raiden learned are also retconned when he decides to become a fucking cyborg because his wife doesn't cook eggs the way he likes or something.

For fairness sake, I didn't mention the massive bait and switch ad campaign, or anything about raiden as a character because some people arbitrarily like him.

Okay, anyone got some good points for this game?

Muh postmodernmetacognitivedissonancedeconstruction

MGS2 is great and should have been the end of the franchise.

What about it is great?

>how did kojima fuck this one up so badly?

same as he did with TPP. tore it down and reworked it too many times and then pushed the deadline so an unfinished product was stitched together and released. the only saving grace for Sons was the writers and that cannot be said for TPP.

>Raiden has literally no reason to kill solidus, solidus has no reason to kill raiden, the AI's have no reason to want solidus or raiden dead, the AI admits this all to you and says raiden will do it anyway because hes kind of a stupid retard.

Solidus needs Raidens nanomachines to pinpoint the location of the Patriots. There's no way to extract them without killing Raiden.
Raiden needs to defend himself.

The patriots had a bit of a gambit on either outcome, but favoured Raiden for the sake of the simulation.

>>Worst bosses in the entire series (aside from the last boss)
>When peace walker bullet sponges and MGSV exist

mgs2 wouldn't have enough ammo for bullet sponges. the games work in a different way

Did you say nerd?

no, NODE

OP is a literal retard.

Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

No I am not Venom and neither are you.

this desu

Its my fav mg game.

why do you even give a shit?

is this your crusade in life?


>giving him (You)s
please stop

sorry. i couldn't help myself.

just another failing wave of jap shit pushing down into the endless hole of obscurity.
japan is so out of touch now, its hilarious how many autists from the 90s still cling onto their legacy

Because faggots like to meme and I'm here to end it

>giving him (You)s
Please stop

my favorite love story of all time is Venom and Quiet.

such a great backstory and build up to true love.


This. It's one of the few good things about TPP.

>memeing like a true faggot

Please stop this, Venom didn't care for or about Quiet and she was left to die alone like the sad loser she is while Venom lived happily ever after, listening to Paz's humming before he died eleven years later because who remembers Quiet lmao, no one.

I can't tell if you and the "he doesn't love quiet" user are actually the same anons, using your persona of duality to bring about much thread shitposting and confused conflict that would make operation: "burn down the reichstag" proud.

Exactly, Venom getting revenge is pretty sweet. Because no one cared about Quiet.

if you don't have the mental capacity to understand venom's love for quiet, i suggest you leave your basement, form some real life connections with people and come back in a few years.

We're not, I have a way I post, factually.

He's just shitposting for some unknown reason

I'm outside right now working, afraid to give me (You)s because you know I've been right this whole time, Venom has no love for Quiet, he was autistic never felt any feeling of intimacy or of a sexual nature or caring nature whatsoever.

Snake didn't like her



if you don't have the mental capacity to understand venom's love for quiet, i suggest you leave your basement, form some real life connections with people and come back in a few years.

(You) are retarded and clearly did not read my post, just because Venom may have not wanted to kill Quiet anymore, doesn't mean he didn't care about her.

exactly. he did care about her.

freudian slip there bud.

Have you ever asked yourself, why you want those (you)'s you seem to crave so much?

It's a meme. It's time to end it.

Except, he clearly did not. Actually play TPP and you'll know I'm telling the truth.


i've beaten every Metal Gear Solid game.

Vemon was deeply in love with Quiet, and she with him. he was emotionally stunted, just because he couldn't easily express it doesn't me he didn't love her.

Better performance than MGS3
Better voice acting
The story is relevant today
It's not MGS4
Giant step up from its predecessor in gameplay and graphics
Substance version added tons of content that can keep you playing for a long time
And most importantly it's FUN, people who came to the series late shit all over the controls but if you can get past it it's one of my most replayed games for a reason


The only reasonable complaint I've seen about this game is that the setting itself is repetitive as fuck (which is sort of the point, it's exceptionally mundane because it's camouflage for something that is the exact opposite of mundane, but the complaint is still justified in a sense). The actual level design in the rooms and on the bridges and stuff is absolutely fucking on point.