You Senpais enjoying Let It Die? What floor are you on? What's your favorite weapon?
You Senpais enjoying Let It Die? What floor are you on? What's your favorite weapon?
There's something so gratifying about using a hot iron on someone.
I'm taking it really slow like I do with all games like this. I'm still farming and grinding in the floors 6 to 8. Defeated the laser lady yesterday.
My favorite weapon is still the Iron Hammer.
Im on floor cantplaythegame because it's not out in Scandinavia yet.
Have they said why its not available in a bunch of countries yet?
I can't seem to find this game on the store or online on the playstationstore.
Was this released in every region?
It seems fun.
Ive been moving a bit to slow, only on floor 4 with two maxed characters
What happens when i get mushroom stew?
I love it, just got to 13, fists.
Already dropped it when I hit the infinite grind/paywall. The game is fun but once you hit a certain point it becomes fucking unplayable. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess. Oh well, on to the next thing.
>shit gameplay
>cringe edgelord humor
Why does Sup Forums likes this game again? I thought Sup Forums hated these things
>that jump in money required after 10th floor
Rarer decal.
Because both of those things you listed are opinions, and not everybody shares those.
You get a random premium decal instead of the standard ones you can buy.
>le paywall
Whatever you want to think man. You could have just said you don't like the game there's no need to meme about it.
I also don't understand the appeal of this grindfest.
Uh huh. Let's see if you're still playing in a couple weeks.
Because you're irrelevant
Have fun grinding for 3 hours in order to do basically fucking anything. Playing after the 10th floor takes superhuman patience or $$$$$.
Games get harder the farther you get it's not some grand scheme to get you to buy continues.
Enjoying the hell out of this game senpie! BEST GAME EVER MADE! Probably..
welcome to the roguelike genre
Because fear of dying, do I lose my blueprints after I die?
>but buying micro transactions gets you stat boosts
There are no fucking statboosts in TF2.
>and items that free players can't get
All functionally different items are droppable
>On top of that it's randomized
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, here's what you're correct about.
>people who pay the most
If you buy items through the cash shop you're a literal retard, scrap trading from metal from a single key is enough to last you until heat death of the universe when items are the only thing you're concerned about.
>are even more likely to have a huge advantage
huge advantage rofl, most items are barely a different flavor and stock (ie. default) loadout is widely considered to be the most reliable and well-rounded, just look at all the autists with Hale's Own csgo tier fancy versions of the stock items. The only item I would argue is essential is Kritzkrieg on defense side.
>the people who bought the game got fucked over big time
Refer to above.
I can't play because like usual, The Netherlands are the only country that probably gets it two weeks later because Sony thinks we are Sweden. Our store pages are often in Swedish too. We also didn't get RE yet. Happens constantly.
How are you supposed to deal with the bullshit level 24-27 haters on the first floors?
Just buy back your dude at the freezer. Its cheap to do so.
webms when?
Are there boss battles in this game or do you just fight endless normal guys also is it possible to reach the top i heard the tower keeps growing and changing.
You get a decal that you can reuse on other characters
Floor 16 costs 30k
Don't let them scare you, the fall victim to the same problems as AI bad guys, wait for them to attack then pound that pussy
Rage attack with your iron
The steam cloud stuns them
W-what freezer?
There's a freezer in the lobby where you can use youre past characters and send them out to kill other players...
Near the storage and rewards box theres a white door
Its your character select screen
It's where you store your characters. In the waiting room, kinda looks like an elevator.
I'm guessing you haven't died yet. When you die you get offered an instant revive for a death medal. Probably not worth it but it does put you right back where you were at full health. But if you go to the freezer you can buy back the guy and all the stuff for a price connected to the floor you're on. It's cheap as hell if you're in the early stages.
At Floor 6. Two maxed out rank 1 all arounders. Metal Bat and machete are my two favorites. Iron and buzz saw come in close seconds.
Thinking of creating a rank 2 fighter and leveling him up.
Also I have a kidnapped dipshit that has 5 hours left before he's mine.
If this piece of shit was a western game Sup Forums would be shitting on it
Porn of the VIP elevator woman when?
How do you check the map of all the locations?
if it was a western game it wouldn't have the same stupid aesthetic and over the top style that separates it from other games
the tower would probably represent some kid's shitty cancer and every time you died that represents another dead kid who didn't get help in time because of greedy people not donating enough money.
There I just made you the indie game of the year for 2017. a dark souls roguelike with cancer metaphors.
Ebin strawman
How do you pay for mushroom stew when it requires 50k coins and the max coins are 40k?
Played for the first time last night for about an hour and a half.
Love the humor this game has and Uncle Death's slight Japanese accent. Also the consumables item menu is cool since I never seen that much use out of the touch pad even though it's just swiping and clicking. The left hand/right hand weapon mechanic is really interesting and provides a variety of weapon combinations.
Quick question: are the haters you encounter people online playing? Or are they just a character someone sent out to kill me?
Otherwise this barely feels like a free to play game and its funny how they encourage you to buy it. The Luxurious Huge Elevator with an attendant you have to pay real money for, or a small metal elevator with the caged door, loving the game so far.
Yes it clearly is
Also, how do you get characters with higher level caps?
I thought UD has an eastern european accent. He's some crazy hyper slav leading people into a demonic maze of abandoned warehouses and subway lines.
Defeat the first mini boss, then talk to the death train guy in the lobby area, you can upgrade you max money and lithium along with doing/being invaded.
Have a blast sempai
When your fighter is in the freezer you can pick someone to have the fighter go and try to fight.
You unlock them as you get higher in the tower.
Go to Tetsuo, select Waiting Room, buy more shit.
Using SPLIThium you can upgrade your bank and shit.
Some haters are developer characters some are players
Most developer characters have names like Deol-0Ninjaqq or something like that
Player haters are naked most of the time
Sup Forums is shitting on it. Go into any thread and ctrl+f "paywall" or "P2W"
It's just, as usual, Sup Forums doesn't have a great point.
Uncle Death's accent is fucking Finnish
I've just got Found an assault rifle blueprint, too.
Just need some vegetable oil.
Did not know that. Thanks Senpai
I don't really like the progression in this game so far. It seems like you're always going to lose characters. My character I feel is sacred.
How much space I need to install it? I don't think I have lot of free space left.
Just under 25GB
Anyone know what that song that plays during the Jackal intro is?
Trying to find this shit is frustrating
You need to make a new character anyways if you want them to have higher levels
Grade 1 max level is 25, grade 2 50?, grade 3 75
Your gonna loose them eventually as you need to make room for higher tier classes.
Haters are "player phantoms" (similar to Nioh revenants if that helps), just dudes that died there or sent a hater after you
If you find the place you died at you get to kill your own version of hater
>tfw had to fight by level 21 hater while being level 6
Shit was tough
The point of the fighters is they are disposable nobodies.
If you're in EU download it from the UK store
If you're in south america download it from US store
It's that simple. It also isn't available in my EU country, you can still play on your main account so there's nothing to lose.
Speaking of retrieving your fighter. I died in wontan, the first off the main elevator path area, and he ended back up in Ikagawa 2.
Anyone else seen this?
Just started, if you lose a character do you have to start over completely? I haven't got the patience for that
Think my Striker got to 13 or so before getting shot up by some freak.
Bought him back, retrieved the new recipes I collected, and upgraded to a two star striker. I've just been fisting anr dropkicking everyone so far. I have tons of free inventory and don't worry about breakage.
It's up to you. You can salvage their inventory and get a new fighter or go find the hater version, defeat and retrieve the fighter. You will need to choose the higher rank fighters eventually.
You can buy him back with Death Coins or go kick his ass to bring him back home.
>going off on side paths
>main path only reached floor 4
>up to floor 9 on side path
>Tunnel full of MK 1 robots
Damn that was scary. Is there just a lack of elevators on side floors? I haven't found any after the first one, Wanoki or something.
You get the inventory and fighter back from salvage.
You can revive them for in gave dosh or cash shop money, the characters are disposable anyway, as long as you store important stuff and start collecting blueprints and resources you'll be fine after an initial small slog.
What is the best way to farm hateraid?
>tfw only just beaten COEN and working on higher floors
I might be further along if I didn't have to deal with finals week
Thanks user
I lived under a rock for months, left Sup Forums until the game launch, afraid of spoilers.
I like the combat system.
When do you unlock the class with 30 slots in em ? If theres any. I just hate having 20 slots on top of equipped gears.
elevators only go up in a straight line so your map will tell you which areas will have elevators
>game has virtually no marketing
>these threads have posted 0 .webms or .gifs or images
Sounds like a lot of boring grinding so far.
I took that path and eventually came to floor 5 of the main elevator path. Couldn't go anywhere off of it. This is my biggest problem right now is deciding which paths to take.
I found 1 elevator that I never connected to anything else on a side path, so I'm not really sure.
wait so if I buy a new character that character now has a higher max level than my previous or do I have to do something else first?
It's fuckin confusing to start.
You have to reach certain floors to unlock the next rank of fighters. Uncle Death sends you a mail when you unlock them.
It's "senpaitachi"
You unlock higher tier characters by going up the tower
Floor 10 unlocks tier 2
Floor 15 unlock tier 3
Pretty sure 20 or 25 unlocks tier 4
When do I unlock anything other than the all-rounder? I just beat COEN.
it is a little suspicious but who cares if the game is good
I'm in the same boat, though it may also be me just taking it slow an constantly farming the lower levels
People talk about the game in lieu of spoonfeeding some youtube skits.
You sound like a boring individual. Dont like it? Go to other threads.
It's a pretty much a rogue like, so theres not much grinding. Honestly the worst part is back tracking through hoards of assholes.
Metal bat machete combo is life. That metal bat Goretastic is the stuff of dreams.
After the boss on floor 5 I think
>posted at the same exact time
>I'm such a pr0_gam3r I cleared weeks worth of gameplay in 2 days!
Ahh thanks any good boss battles yet?
It absolutely 100% is just boring grinding. These threads are full of people who just haven't realized it yet.
I was thinking the same thing, fellow weeb.
Coen the mini boss is an absolute joke.
>ceading romprehension