Are you a reformed gamer, Sup Forums?
Are you a reformed gamer, Sup Forums?
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shit thread. KYS
don't be toxic in my thread please
I mean, I kinda agree. Just the delivery of it (the whole 'Approved E-Sports fun!' kinda thing is really gay.
Most people can't tell the difference between banter and toxicity, and the pic is a pretty good summary. Banter can also take a toxic edge, which is primarily where the best banter lies.
TLDR: Americans can't banter and never will be able to.
>banter can have a "toxic" edge
>unironically using the word "toxic" in this context
how's the wife's son
>babby's first vector
jesus christ
This is just some pretty gay tone policing
>literal piece of trash
>using "literally" as "figuratively"
He's just fine thank you. he enjoys browsing Sup Forums :)
actually getting offended by that Hitler thing is fucking retarded. the 'piece of garbage' thing just feels butthurt and makes the person saying it sound e-mad.
I do agree "kill yourself" is bad and I don't say it because of shit like this
>Sup Forums
uhh, newfart detected. the correct depiction of the board's initialism is Sup Forums
e.g: Sup Forums was a toxic manbaby board but luckily gamergate lost and now is a reformed safe space for all
I think it's sad that gamers need infographics to learn how to be polite human beings, but most of Sup Forums will defend being as crappy as humanly possible despite nobody liking cawadoodle kiddos shitting up group chats.
>Don't be that guy. Take care of your teammates.
Uhm, hello, it's 2016?
Why is it
>Don't be that guy
Shouldn't it be
>Don't be that guy/gal
>nu-male faggots raised around women and similar effeminate touchy over-sensitive faggots who never learned how to banter or just ignore people
the kill yourself remark is just lazy, good banter and (((trash talk))) involves spontaneous creativity and an implicit level of trust in each other where you know the guy on the other end doesn't really mean it
>caring about people you don't know
Literally why?
I think it doesn't matter, humanity it shit. Unwad your panties
Do normal people actually get upset when people shit talk?
Maybe I'm warped because I work 911 dispatch so I'm used to hearing all sorts of fucked up shit on a regular basis but even when I was a kid it never bugged me.
What the fuck happened to 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!?' Where did this ridiculous idea that mean words need to be stopped come from?
>mentally ill trans faggot kills himself
I don't see the problem.
You're crazy, fuck that job.
even if my comment is just a small part of it, I don't want to have contributed at all to someone's suicide
I understand not wanting people fucking up your onilne gaming experience if they do shit like call people subhuman nigger apes if they hear a black-sounding voice
But "I would abort you but not Hitler" is too over the top to be offensive unless you're a baby
>What the fuck happened to 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!?'
It's not about being able to brush aside mean words anymore. It's about safe spaces.
in team games having a bad attitude can lose you a game. you'll start an argument and your team won't co-operate
trash talking the other team is perfectly fine though
there are cool trannies out there imo
and even if they're not cool I don't want them dead cuz I'm not an edgy psycho faggot
It's not about wanting them dead or not.
It's not caring about them dying.
Better times, not that long ago really.
But we can all agree Bobobo is great. Right?
Maybe it's on cahoots with self-esteem shit, and video games not kicking your ass anymore and deriding your failures.
Like, as video games got easier and started sucking player off pat on the back "wow u r such a hero" they get all special snowflake, and can't handle banter when join multiplayer and they find out they're not so special
Got any fucked up calls to share?
>there are cool trannies out there imo
You're entitled to your opinion 100%, but you have a shit fuckin opinion.
I don't care of some random person dies but I don't want to have contributed at all to bringing someone over the edge
a lot of nerds are sadbrained and suicidal
Hey, user.
Kill yourself.
Rampant individualism fueled by corporate greed to turn people into absolute fucking pussies that cannot think for themselves.
Probably why AA games tend to have better multiplayer communities. Less weaklings, unregulated banter.
I make 60k a year with benefits for talking on the phone to ~15 people a night over a 12 hour shift.
I literally just read books and play my 3DS.
I fucking love this job.
it's not gonna work on me but then I'm not a sadbrained tranny
You types are like children and the main reason mankind will never evolve past hating and killing each other over nothing.
>I make the world a worse place, don't see the problem
Monkeys, all of you.
To be fair, you only say shit like the "unapproved" banter if you are an edgy fag. They are just trying to hard and make you sound like an idiot
That's awesome user, really. Sounds like the perfect gig aside from all the craziness you have to hear. Do not have the will power to listen to some of that shit, too dark.
they think they're making the world a better place if they get trannies to kill themselves because they assume disagreeing with a life decision someone made makes them inherently terrible people incapable of making any positive contribution to society
>implying I play games with chat
libshit leftie democrat scum
someone that thin-skinned is likely to kill themselves anyway, literally no reason to try and make an anonymous imageboard more sensitive.
What a weird thing to say. All collectivists are cowardly pussies pretty much by definition.
>muh contrived sense of belonging
But I'm a nice guy, user. I guarantee you'd love me.
I just don't fucking take the internet, especially Sup Forums, as serious business.
oh yeah because the other side are so much better
>man i fucking hate white people they're all so racist and mysoginist and terrible i'm gonna mass immigrate a bunch of violent fucking refugees to destabalize and ruin their countries
>Take care of your teammates
So just the teammates?
Aight, I guess telling the opponent eat shit and die is still fine then.
someone needs to end the reign of terror of PHATDOG #1reasonwhy
>be gamer
>don't want to hear online harrassment
>mute other players
>remove headset
>play game as you see fit
Seriously. How have these thinned skin fucknuggets not figured this out yet?
>I'm gonna impregnate you with triplets and make you have a very late term abortion.
Just because I used the words "rampant individualism" doesn't mean I'm a collectivist.
>the "other side" is as bad as I am if I construct a ridiculous strawman that is essentially projecting my own psychology and immorality onto them
Nothing is more annoying than playing Dota or CS
and getting some frustrated teenager on your team that spews insults everywhere and only tries to start arguments all game long.
So in those cases the OPs picture is correct.
Well yeah, rape calls and stuff with particularly gruesome scenes are rough but those are pretty few and far between. I've had about 30 fatality calls in the last year, working 4 nights a week.
You get funny shit too, like this crazy guy who used to call 3-4 times every day to report dragons flying above the city. He'd describe them by color and general shape but he talked in a very weird way so it was hard to get a good idea of what the dragons looked like.
I think they looked like this from how he described them.
I'm not an American or a BR/Slav, so I don't say anything like this while playing. I'll simply say "that was a very good match," and if it's a lan event or something like that, shake their hands. Why is it that Americans must act like vulgar children when engaging in any sort of competitions? Never left the high school stage of mental development? Too much influence from loud, violent subhumans?
>student groups and public marches with dozens of people shouting FUCK WHITE PEOPLE aren't real because they don't advance my ideology of PC
Of course I would choose someone I don't even know over mein Fuhrer.
>being such a loser that you actually kill yourself based on people being mean to you on fucking Sup Forums
And nothing of value was lost
>what is mute
And those faggots are hilarious to string along.
While all that is true, I think the best definition for numales is "effeminate bitches". Cuck would also apply.
No proper trash talking allowed
>people will still try to call it a real sport
How would I go about getting a job like this? Also what area do you live in?
>And those faggots are hilarious to string along.
if you like to lose games
muting doesn't stop the rest of your team from arguing and play badly because of it
>i'm allowed to construct strawman, but NOT YOU YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO, SO HERE'S A LINK TO THE PLACE I DON'T LIKE
I've pointed this out to you faggots before, but you realize disregarding something because of a fallacy is a fallacy in of itself right? Fucking idiots just call out STRAWMAN STRAWMAN AD HOMENEIN AD HOMOEION whenever you hear shit you don't like.
underrated post
>caring about people who aren't you
Literally why?
just leave it blank
backseat gamers are annoying shitters
>calling someone a literal piece of trash
toxic af t b h
That's more just having a bad player and not strictly being about the banter.
Well I got my EMD certification working at OnStar and then applied to Toronto police from there.
OnStar (Minacs) is a fucking awful company but they paid me to get training that everyone else pays for so I guess that was cool. Once I got a better job I told them to go fuck themselves and got the hell out of there. I hope that fucking building burns down.
no way. a dedicated faggot with a bad attitude can really fuck your team over regardless of skill
Pretty sure the red quote bubble is the current entirety of Sup Forums. so it's a question that answers itself really.
Some americans are uneducated, selfish, and generally narrow-minded. Not all, of course, but we tend to see and hear about the egregious examples and outliers on the internet.
Sup Forums thinks arguments are literally "spot the fallacy to win". They forget there is over 300 fallacies, including a fallacy of pointing out a fallacy. They forget that literally EVERY argument contains a fallacy.
The act of pointing out a fallacy?
1. Fallacy Fallacy; using a fallacy as a means to discredit an argument
2. Appeal to Definition; appealing to what the fallacy is defined as
At a stretch you could also put in strawmen (attacking the made up argument by pretending there is only a fallacy there) and possibly appeal to authority over the fact that the fallacy has a definition created by somebody so by pointing it out, you're appealing to somebody 'smarter'.
But that last paragraph is where the next problems come in, people with a terrible understanding of fallacies and the fact they aren't 'argument winners', they're simply things which should be noted in your mind, but not used as the sole purpose of your refutation.
>I will infiltrate a space I never enjoyed or belonged to and demand it's participants change.
You are the reason no one likes you, or the movement you associate with.
As an American myself I can safely say that it is "most" from what I've seen.
Every argument isn't a fallacy, that statement is a fallacy though.
Why do these safe and friendly phrases involve you telling your team they sucked and assuming girls are worse awpers
pol is probably the least intelligent bunch of people alive and high on the list of worst people alive. They are wrong about absolutely everything and every post they make contains more lies than sentences. These aren't strawmen, they're facts.
People who hate whites exist, but they aren't "the other side" from the perspective of an inbred Sup Forums sociopath. Claiming liberals who possess a basic conscience have some malicious ulterior motive against whites coming from a pol shit poster is textbook projection. You're garbage people who have some insidious agenda and a desire to harm innocents behind everything you do or think and you project that onto your political "enemies" to vilify them. It would be hilarious to you too if you weren't a fucking retard.
did this ever matter?
>Sup Forums kiddies making canned insults
Over the past few years, all criticism has devolved into just stringing buzzwords together over things people know nothing about. Just look at how many criticisms of games are just useless ""opinions"" such as "it's shit" or "it's weeaboo" or "it's autism" without any elaboration beyond that, and often without people having played the game in question. These people don't care about being creative anymore. They just want to pretend to look smart. What's worse is when you ask them what they mean when they say these things, they'll go "heh, if you have to ask, you don't need to know" like this is a red hot chili peppers song.
I'm American as well and I initially wrote 'most' and changed it. While I do think most of us are morons in my experience, I can't really speak for 400 million other people. Settled on 'some' instead.
>Take care of your teammates
No boundaries on telling the opposing team to get cancer though? Cool!
Thanks dude!
calling someone a faggot or something is fine, but spending the entire game just complaining is where you cross the line from trash talking to being an annoying little bitch
I've been in games where some dude was just on tilt the entire time, kept screaming on voice chat about how we were losing because of everyone else, told individual players to kill themselves/uninstall the game several times a minute, and so on
even then it's not so much "a bloo bloo bloo muh fee fees been hurt, mummy give me cummies and tendies," it's just fucking pathetic and annoying. it's like going on a military deployment and having some faggot who constantly complains about how hard the work is.
No, every argument will likely contain a fallacy in itself as that's how humans work. If you can think of it, it's covered by a fallacy. I doubt you could list me the 300+ fallacies right now, but they are all covered.
They're real but they don't represent your opposition to hating people for no reason. If anything they're the same as you, just brainwashed differently growing up.
the passive aggressive talk at the bottom hurts my feelings more to be honest
>that abortion line about Hitler
kek, I'll try to use that in the future.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Almost everyone has a conscience by definition, including the vast majority of liberals and conservatives. When you say things like this, you're projecting your fringe lunatic world view onto enormous groups of people even though even basic biology/evolutionary psychology/logic proves you wrong.
>my strawmen aren't strawmen but YORUS ARE BECAUSE I SAY SO AND IM MORALLY SUPERIOR, and I'm morally superior because I say so
>allow me to continue cherry picking, making sweeping generalisations and just generally be the person I seem to have a problem with
I'm American and I'm not sure how to answer you. I am pretty sure that there are as many jerks-per-capita in most countries as in mine, but there's definitely something else going on. US culture enshrines the individual more than most liberal democracies or rich countries, and many people take this as a license to assert themselves in any way they can, as long as it's easy and carries no risk to them.
It's a very common idea in my country that anything and everything must be gained at the expense of someone else, especially status. This isn't a far-out idea for capitalists to have, but our romantic self-image makes it more pronounced than in, say, Europe, where it seems that even many asshats recognize how civics and society benefit them. Here we're all "self-made."
Jesus christ user.
He said fill it in with trash talk not make them commit suicide
It's just bantz m8 :^)