I spent the last few weeks playing this

I spent the last few weeks playing this.
I just completed it today, finishing B&W hours ago.

I feel sad and empty. Like when finishing your favourite series, only 10x worse. How do I fill the void?

Read the books.

You don't.

You don't

Play the Mass Effect series
After that you only feel anger.

Do what everyone else is doing, wait for the next AAA RPG and enjoy playing that one good game every two years.

play a better game, like Dragon's Dogma

Just started, is it a big deal if I play on Sword and Story? I want to spend my time looking at the beautiful world, not crafting shit in menus all day for an average combat system.

I don't know how to read

Play Diablo 3

The joke's on you, I haven't finished B&W yet for that very reason! I got it when it came out but nope, not going to finish it. You can't make me fall into the void.
Play however you want.

You try not to cry yourself to sleep every night

Unless you're too stupid to sidestep and dodge roll difficulty doesn't mean jack shit.

And now you play it again

irrelevant question!
the only question that matters is: yennefer or triss?

its obviously yennefer

Well duh.

Alcohol and tobacco.

Lift weights and this

>Read the books.

Then you finish it and feel even more empty.

Or go downtown and get a hand job


Two words, user - cosplaying hookers.


dark souls 3, doom 4, and dragon's dogma were pretty good games to pick up. dragon's dogma does feel VERY underbudget though, so be prepared for a lot of QUALITY.

Both DD and DS are different experiences beyond being third person RPG.

this tbqh

I picked Triss in TW3 because I never liked Yen in the books, same goes for the game.

Also it was a good bed.


Wait for the Cyberpunk 2077 which will never get released.

*tips fedora*

I know witcherfriends don't play many video games, but there's really nothing wrong with expanding your horizon. Both those games excel at what they're doing and you just might grow to love them :^)

I'm trying to play the original but like every dozenth door I open makes my PC just cut the power and restart. No bluescreen or anything. It has to be the game because this doesn't happen when I play other shit. What the fuck should I do lads?

It's as western as a Jap game can get.

I played it non-stop for weeks, but couldn't finish B&W.

Guess I got tired of it.

>not having separate runs for Yennefer, Triss and alone Geralt
You realize you can play through the trilogy more than once, right? And you should

You've reached the apex of gaming. It's time to stop and pick up another hobby, no other game compares to TW3.

took me a year to finish the main story

dabbled in the DLC's as and when they released

still haven't finished HoS

not going back to BaW until that's done

may as well kill myself when it's all over

Now you have NG+

Other user here, I actually tried playing Dark Souls before on PC but since I don't have a gamepad it's considerably more annoying to even get past the shitty camera and controls. Got bored eventually and quit.

Dragons Dogma is a festival of cut content or unfinished aspects, it has nothing going on for it besides the combat which is still rather easily exploitable, while fun.



Use the mouse fix or get a gamepad.

Maybe I'll download it again with all the fixes sooner or later when I'm bored, but I'm replaying other games right now too much to be bothered. And I won't get a gamepad simply to play one game, I'm not that dedicated to it

>commit to Yen after the djinn quest
>see triss' boobs in the vegelbud party and have to fuck
>go to kaer morhen and based Yen gives me one free pass and lets it slide

this is more intense than my japanese dating sims


When I finished W3 the first time I literally started again as soon as the credits had rolled. I played NG+ and did the DLCs that time through and enjoyed it just as much as the first time.

To be honest I still have to fight the urge to start all over again, I have too many other games to play for that shit.

DaS3 and DD both have the same sort of feeling of going on an adventure. i really enjoyed exploring the world of W3 just like the 2 games.

don't play dark souls on keyboard and mouse. it's horrible. also exploring in DD is pretty great, the world is kind of empty, but it's interesting at the same time. probably the definition of unpolished.

In the same boat, I did one playthrough on release, went with Yennefer, but then when both DLC came out I recently replayed it, 100% playthrough and went Triss this time.. racked up about 200 hours I think over past few weeks.

When I got to the end.. I didn't know what to do with myself, I was so fucking into it.

How long do I have to wait until I can go back to it now? I don't know what other options I could do, as I did the complete opposite on my two playthroughs for any decisions.

Now, take the feels that you feel and know that I started with the series in 2009 and have been playing the games, at release with Sup Forums since then.

Now you know the weight of the feels I felt that were too heavy for one man to feel those feels. Your feels that you feel, are but a meager portion of the feels that I felt.

Good bye, Gerald.

Play through the whole series back-to-back.

>How long do I have to wait until I can go back to it now?

Until witcher 4.

Just kidding, there's never going to be another one so long as cd projekt red exists. Maybe if they go bankrupt and EA or activision buys the IP to milk it dry.

That's what I did before playing Witcher 3 twice.

Oh. Well, I, I think is it, man. You've reached the end-game. Until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out you'll have to just find something different. I don't know what to recommend to you though.

Wait for CP2077 and pray it's good.

I just started W3 and it feels like Ciri was being groomed to take over as the lead for Witcher 4 but guess not, I'd have liked that but sucks thats its over

You jumped on the ship minutes from when it was at arrival. Witcher series has been on going as a video game for 8 years, about to be 9 in one month. The studio is dead tired of making witcher games, and you only have yourself to blame for latching on the bandwagon too late.

What a magical time to be on Sup Forums back then.

The girl that got away.

I want to fuck Geralt.

I want to be made sweet love to by Geralt.

Geralt's story is over, but not the Witcher games. At least that's what CDPR said in the past.

The Life and Times of Lambert & Eskel?

Most likely a Ciri-focused game.

Geralt is pretty damn overpowered in the first place anyway, had a first go on hard (third difficulty out of the four) and I can't think of a single encounter which I'd say was difficult in any way, as long as you can stand one hit and aren't terrible at videogames it becomes a matter of patience in a worst case scenario.

You can change the difficulty in the options menu at any time anyway.

>Good bye, Gerald.

You got me good right there, swallowed that bait hook right and center.

When are people going to stop shilling this garbage? It's so obviously shit on so many levels I feel like I'm going fucking crazy. I genuinely cannot understand how anyone that isn't a complete normie can enjoy this game.

But user, (You) are the normies.


You're the insane one.
Now that you've realized it you can start seeking help.

No, fuck you. This game is overly focus tested, commercialized trash. It is lowest common denominator swill. There are a tons of WRPGs that are way better.

I can see how it has some flows, but it's mostly pretty good.

I didnt like how your horse is kind of fucking shit because he gets stuck really easily, this gets REALLY FUCKING WORSE later in the game, in the isles.

I didn't like how the combat 5 minutes into the game is the exact same thing as the combat 20 hours into the game.

I didn't like how the quests are rather repetitive "look for clues with your witcher senses => talk to someone/kill thing => Whatever you haven't done in option 2"

But the game is mostly good and something I'd recommend

I can see the many flaws but the world, art, and music just is perfect and it feels like you're inside an 800 page fantasy novel. Nothing close to that detail is out there.

Feel free to make threads no one will participate in to talk about those games and let the vast majority who love w3 talk about w3 without your bullshit.

I bet you're going to kill yourself in a few years.

Witcher 3's design is closer to JRPGs than WRPGs. Main character is a dev self-insert, cinematic bullshit, tons of exposition, tons of handholding, dumbed down ruleset that is a sad parody of pen and paper. It's western only in name, although the polish are subhuman and shouldn't be considered part of the West anyways.

>dev self-insert
But he's a character from a series of books.

Same concept. No different than Jap devs making a RPG based on an anime or some shit.

>tfw everything feels so half assed after Witcher

What's the next potential GOTYAY in the near future? Will Cyberpunk even come out?

>read all the books
>read all the comics
>beat all three games

All that is left I suppose is gwent. Too bad I can't get in the beta.

maybe that's why it has some charm and originality even with its flaws compared to every generic western game i try to play

>boho I'm so special stop liking what I don't like cuz I'm such a special snowflake that I see what you all don't see normies REEEEEE

>it feels like you're inside an 800 page fantasy novel
>empty world full of copy-paste NPCs, POIs, and shitty dungeons
>immersion breaking dialogue/objectives (NPCs usually don't even give you directions when they ask for something, devs assume you're relying on the UI)
>800 page fantasy novel

>stop liking what I don't like
It's not a question of "like;" it gets so many fundamentals wrong. The whole game design is regressive.

They're not copy paste NPCs, that's my big point. Each side quest is pretty fleshed out compared to other RPGs like this I've played. Even random dungeons I've walked into had Geralt saying the lore behind it as I explored. And I like how characters bring up different quests or decisions instead of immediately forgetting I ever did them.

I'd rather have unique stories when I do talk to people rather than get the same directions from every single person like in Morrowind.

If you don't like the game don't go in this game's threads. simple? Apparently not.

You head further to the East and try Pathologic.

Tell me about Pathologic.

Three playable characters each a healer. You're in a town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, who knows when and a plague is going to ravage it.

You've got twelve days to find out what is going on, to bleed out your arsehole and to feel existential misery while wallowing in a mind fuck of a story.

If you like it you will become rabidly obsessive about it and what it tries to do.

If you hate it then your will REALLY hate it.

Hopefully there'll be another thread today. We've had some good discussion lately with the release of a teaser for it last week.

I've been bouncing between Blood and Wine and Pathologic over the past few days. Add some Planescape Torment into the mix and they each compliment one another well.

Prepare for equal parts comfy and misery.

Your first two lines sold me on it.

Yesterday's thread. There could be some pretty big spoilers so be careful, particularly in such a story heavy title. Enjoy user!

Thank you for expanding my horizons, user.

No problem, hope to see you on the Steppe.

As a side note its worth reading The Last Wish for more Witcher and as a long shot you may want to try the Gothic games as well.