
I've heard that this was due to EU legislation, something about requirements on the chargers of mobile devices required to be standard. It wasn't clear if that would affect items like a 3DS or Switch, but Nintendo was playing on the safe side and using a standard connection.

It's apparently also the reason that the New 3DS didn't sell with a charger: they wanted to be sure there was no problems when the EU law went into effect.

Other urls found in this thread:


So will the switch come with a charger or not?

Glad they finally made the Switch

I assume this means weak battery life, because this would make it easy to charge the Switch on the go, like on the car or a plane (just like charging your phone)

Seems like it probably will, as a standard USB charger rather than some specially-made thing that only Nintendo can sell.

It would be extremely foolish for Nintendo to release the Switch and not give a way to plug it into the wall.

the dock will be the charger.

You can see that it does during the trailer.

About time they dropped the proprietary shit. Battery life shouldn't be a problem to me since I have a 20100mAh power bank for my phone

USB-C hasn't been around that long, dickhead.

More things need to start using USB C. The only thing I have that uses it is my Pixel. The problem is just how available the old USBs are.


And it will also have a charging jack to just plug the cable and connect to an USB port.


That doesn't explain North America or Japan. Hell, Europe even their respective game with their 3ds' (Majoras mask edition, Fates, etc) Just say they are jews. Makes things easier.

You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


that's USB A, retard

I don't think you do either. USB-C is new standard that only a very small minority of phones have adopted. Its not 7 years old

What benefit does USB C provide?


I don't think I've actually seen anything with that kind of USB before.


I hope not. that would help lower the price and everybody already has like 5 of those chargers already

>7 years
that's your age right?

>everyone has USB-C

No. Why would it? It'll come with the dock already.

i need to find my pc port chart

it's marginally smaller

So much for Muh Nintendomination Switch more powafull than da PS4 and Xbox One suck it Sonyggers and Xbots HURRRR!


Are you a complete fucking retard?

>calls a thread shit
>shovels GETshit on top of the shit in a petty attempt to backseat mod

its more durable then those shitty micro/mini B cables found on every phone, its also reversible which is nice

found an outdated version but good enough

Are you a fucking imbecile?

Then what about people who want to charge their Switch while not at home? They're not going to carry the fucking dock with them. Just a simple cable charger and bam.


People can now connect it on their first try.

usb 3 micro trigger me deeply.

I think the Wii U Pro controller and NES Mini are the first Nintendo devices to use standard and widely available powe ports.

Their whole philosophy is about using cheap tech so it's weird to see them actually using it now.

user i posted for the sake of posting

unlike most of the people in this thread im not retarded when it comes to this shit

3.0 B gets me more. Cant stand the look of it and it upsets me deeply

Fuck you. If you want to charge the thing without using the dock, then buy a cable yourself. It's a universal one and everything.


Why the fuck the unholy abomination that is Micro type B even exists?

>the usb Cuck meme

I hope you enjoy "the VR future" as well

>last 7 years has done

USB-C wasn't even released until 2014 you stupid fucking retard, and phones didn't start adopting it until 2015


>noooo I don't want to pay $5 for an USB cable!

USB-C supports quick charging.

People are saying the Switch's battery life is bad, but if it has quick charging (can charge from 0% to 50% within 15 minutes), then that won't be as much of a problem.

buy an external hdd with usb 3.0 support. almost guaranteed to get that shit

the issue is due to the 4 contacts (pins) on it, and 3.0 standards needing more, so they had to find a way to add more contacts (pins) and the results are fucking awful. they do the job but its just plain awful

i just replied to all the posts comenting on the types of USB.

still, there are a lot of benefits from USB-C that apparently Sup Forums doesn´t know about, and much more when related to a mobile device.
40Gbps- means possible eGPU
100W means fast charge and possibility for overclocking the Tegra while not bottlenecking the power.

it can fast charge and send datta at the same time, so you can overclock, charge, display and co-gpu with one single port, which is very impressive.

My external backup actually uses USB type B.

I hadn't seen it until then and now I know what its called.

>(can charge from 0% to 50% within 15 minutes)

holy fuck I remember when I had to leave my phone overnight to charge 100% from 0%

i get that youre listing benefits for those that dont understand, but you dont need to user
spoonfeeding them will get them nowhere.

its also called cancer

i would rather deal with parallel ports or scsi ports instead of usb b

3rd and 4th are both micro B. The wider one is just the USB 3.0 variant

Faster charging, reversible port, just overall an upgrade from micro usb 2.0

Backwards compatibility with micro B cables.

Man, this all sounds way too good to be real.

I don't want to be disappointed now that I know these facts. Guess I'll just hold my breath until next month.

Don't confuse the 3.0 protocol with the physical plug. My tablet has a typeC cable but it runs at 2.0 speed.

What I wanna know is how Nvidia/Nintendo pulled off the dock overclocking the system. How did they make it hotswappable with no problems (that we know of)?

what about people who want to charge their new 3DS at home? Just buy one yourself.

>fast charge

goodby battery life

I don't think it will be over clocked. I just think it will be underclocked when you take it out of the dock and stock clock when in the dock.

So, Nintendo's bringing back the Turbo button?

its not an overclock on the dock, it'll be an underclock off dock. That's how Apple pulls extra battery life on all its products, scale back performance to about 60-75% on battery.

it can always be user removable.
i dont mean swappable, but removable after a year and a half- two years. like with many phones nowadays.

that´s just how batteries work in real life

>when your husband doesnt beat you
I love my husband

You can buy them at the dollar store for a buck nigga. They're literally universal now-a-days. Just don't buy the fashion ones.

what other user said. itll be exactly like the psp, underclocked when on the battery to make it last, and regular clocked when charged

people thinking that nintendo has somehow figured out how to get better vastly better battery performance from the graphical expectations people expect is retarded as fuck. whatever trick they pulled off would be worth billions licensing to every other company for literally any device with a battery, and to think they l-i-t-e-r-a-l-ly tossing it out for exclusive use to a single console?

>hey we have got more power, out of the same amount of battery, at the same price point
>huh, think we should license that to the 83 BILLION dollar electric car industry?
>lol nah

i think it´ll be a combination of both. underclocking and overclocking.
leakers stated that the "switching" between dck and handheld took a few seconds to change the display, so this might be this change in power consumption profiles.

Nvidia stated that is a "highly scalabe" tegra processor. so we might see some new interesting tech coming from them.

We don't know anything about the dock and we won't know till January.

So can we please stop pretended as if anyone knows the docks capabilities.


but then you wouldnt have to buy a new console. if youve been paying attention to all the major brands, the ones who can get away with it, dont

Nintendo = Counter Intuitive

Seriously, it's one of the most common cables out there right now, I have something like 6 already, I don't want another one.

Nigga we've known that it uses USB C for a while now.

along with faster charging and reversibility that others user have mentioned, it has a higher bandwidth.
Basicvally to have full reversibility it has more +/- coupled cables inside than a normal USB 3.0, so basically it has the same bandwidth of a display port/HDMI/PCI, meaning you can connect screens (DP to USB-C cable are being negotiated between the two standards planner, and most interface chip will support the reconfiguration of USB-C to DP-like connection).
Also when it finally will see higher adoption, we will drop the old A/B plugs since C is both host and device side

USB C's design is a mistake. The classic is perfect, it's small enough while also retaining a very sturdy build that makes bending the tips very hard and damaging the ports even harder.

Type C looks like a flimsy piece of shit like micro USB.

If the dock is just a charging station, what's stopping me from just plugging in a normal usb-cable and trick the system into not underclocking itself?

Because that's not how it works.

>being this ignorant


>“When the system is connected to the dock by USB-C, the system’s components will run at a higher clock speed to facilitate 1080p resolutions on the TV. Both video and power will be transferred over USB-C when docked. Plugging the system into the dock will also activate a small additional fan to help with cooling when run at that higher clock speed. This fan is in the rear of the dock, and there is a gap in the back of the dock to allow the system’s inbuilt fans to vent when docked.”

cause it will melt

>type c
>rare as fuck that no one uses
>b-b-but you can plug it in up or down
DOA confirmed.

that's not how it works. A charging only cable can be detected as such. Annd inn any case, if you connect to something like a PC, the USB will enter in full-speed mode, but then the switch will ask the PC for it's identifiers and upon finding out it's not that it won't configure itself in HDMI-out, and possibily not switch off the power saving mode

>this being literally any different to the nintendo ds`s proprietary cord

some of that shit didnt even come with the cable and THAT bullshit sold like hot cakes

well, nothing. nintendo however will specifically design the software to detect the difference, theres likely to be some sort of chip inside the dock that itll look for, so they can force you to buy their dock.

same thing with the older iphones. nothing actually stopped you from opening them up, desoldering the connector and replacing it with a regular usb...UNTIL they changed the software to detect it and reject it. on those older iphones, if you turned off the device and plugged it in, the cable worked, because the operating system hadnt had a chance to detect and reject the cable. now its one of the first things the system does, before the os runs.

so, half and half. nothing actually stops you besides nintendo wanting you to only buy the dock

Parallel processing, my dude.

>nintenshiteaters thanking their corporate overlords who decided to not fuck them raw for once


USB Type C is all the rage, hell, Samsung may remove the headphone jack for it.

>mfw you enter an airport and on the safety announcements the note 7 is literally specified as a safety hazard and you can actually get fined for not telling a flight attendent
>mfw 10 billion dolla loss


>just like MicroUSB except retard-proof
I mean I get it, why the hell not have a cable that works with both sides, but it's such a small thing. Does it have any other benefits?

It has better transfer rates.


Why is he so angry?

I was wondering if a Note 7 would cause a plane crash. As much as I didn't want something like that to actually happen, it still sounds hilarious. "Plane crash due to exploding phone, all passengers dead."

because his teeth are yellow.

brush your teeth Sup Forums

Ok. mom.

>New 3DS
Old 3ds xl did not have a cable in EU either.

Nintendo actually using an industry standard instead of their own trash technology?

It must be snowing in hell.

Actually there have been several air plane crashes due to exploding batteries in the cargo hold.

The FAA forbids the transportation of batteries on passenger planes now.

They were forced to.

If they continued using their own proprietary chargers, they'd have been forced to ship their products without the chargers as per the N3DS due to Euro statutes. The uninformed would have then accused them of not packaging the chargers simply because of stinginess.

>Flash carts

Gonna pirate until Nintendo goes bankrupt!

All the new phones are going USB-C.

It always takes time for a new standard to catch up to the old.

Doesn't that only apply to batteries with a charge?