How come there are no transsexual characters in vidya Sup Forums?

how come there are no transsexual characters in vidya Sup Forums?

Because gaming companies use it to pander to insignificant consumer minorities and overall sacrifice the overall game quality for it. Ever heard of Bioware?

Why do trannies want tranny characters? Why cant they just play as the gender they trannied into?

because vidya doesn't represent transsexuals well at all. we as gamers have to have equal representation in vidya, whether it be race,, sex, gender, etc.

Hiding your low quality bait thread in the catalogue. Have fun!

How do you know there aren't any? Maybe the character just doesn't like to talk about it?


but there are

No we don't. They're fucking video games. Go outside.

>have to have
im not against transexual characters or representation for transexuals but you arent entitled to get it

>equal representation
I like realistic representation, so less than 1% of video game characters should be trannies.

literally canon

Just pretend the characters you're playing are trannies. If you can't do that because characters actually look like their genders, you're revealing that sex change operations are essentially failure and essential part of being a tranny is being unconvincing as your gender.

also what about Posion from final fight?

No we don't.

We need games to be good games first. The characters depicted in them are irrelevant.

If representation ever actually becomes important, It becomes less "look at how quick I can get through this section of level", to "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE MEEEEEE I'M IN A GAME OMG OMG OMG."

And THEN, it becomes a case of "this well planned, well designed platformer game only won because muh heteronormative story" vs "this rushed artsy looking clunker of a game didnt sell because CIS scum fags hate women"

Do you see the problem yet?


Faggot op

what's the best game with traps?

Dark Souls 2


Diversity is not automatically good user

Gwyndolin is from DS 1 tho??

popplio line

Don't worry less than 1% of videogame characters are trans so it is realistic.

In Technobabylon, the main character's partner (who is playable in 3 chapters) is a male-to-female transgender named Max. Being a sci-fi game set in the late 21st century, it's not really much out of place.

There was one or two in Watch Dogs 2 tho

wow I can't believe how sexist and transphobic Sup Forums got, all because Sup Forumstards think they can run around and shit up other boards now that there loud mouth cheeto leader won. if you need me, I'll be on Reddit

Why are most trannies MtF?

because trans people are less than 0.5% of the US population, and much less elsewhere.

Do best girls (male) count?

I know this is bait but why would a company pander to less than 2% to a demographic that could honestly care less about Vidya. If anything a trans character would appeal to an incredibly small percentile that it just isn't appealing to the creators.

We have Samus Aran and R. Mika.


Why can't mtf faggots look like this? I'd be the first on the barricades for LGBT rights

90% of trannies are niggers and 90% of the others look like chris chan

Used to be canon.

because masculinity is now toxic


what's it like being a cute trap?

the character

Because who the fuck wants to be a guy by choice

Based Gig

Who the fuck wants to bleed out of their snatch once a month

It can be very stressful because you have to stay in shape and care about your appearance and manage the various social circles you're part of and that in itself is walking on a mine field because you want to make everyone happy, but the clothes are very relaxing and you have more fun playing videogames with friends so it sort of balances out.

>but the clothes are very relaxing
Like what?

You say that as a joke, but a male's inability to do feminine things due to social backlash is precisely why MtFs are more prevalent. An FtM can just quietly pass since a girl doing boy things isn't out of the ordinary at all.

>we as gamers

Oh fuck me not this shit

im legit transsexual and i don't want this

Because a condition that only affects .03% of the population does not need that much attention.

Post butt

I've never been presented in a video game in my life. I don't give a shit.

Why do normies these days need to fucking identify to game characters? This concept is flawed and retarded. This isn't like a fucking movie.

At least they have a snatch.

Fuck off your time has come to pass you degenerate kike.

Thigh high socks feel really good, specially if you wax your legs. Panties may feel a little off at first but once you get used to walking in them it starts feeling nice how they cup your privates a little tight, like someone is holding them in place. Arm warmers feel nice for the same reasons as thigh highs and wearing matching combinations is cute. Plus, they're warm like the name suggests.

Tops also feel nice in the way they tighten your chest and sort of force you to assume a posture that exposes your weak spots a little, and skirts add to the combo because it feels like they direct the air flow under them. Plus it's an extra layer of clothing so it feels a little more normal to wear girly clothes which makes me a little more relaxed.

Color combinations matter too. You feel in a whole different mood when you wear something mellow.

It's not really clothes but I love thinking about stuff while twirling my hair, it's nice to let it grow a little big.

Kanan is cute.

Post pics

>and manage the various social circles you're part of
>tfw even transsexuals have better socials lives than me

You can't just leave us hanging like that, laddo

There are transsexual characters in video games you just don't know it because they're passing
If you disagree then that means that you think that transsexuals can't look like the gender they're transitioning into which means your bias is showing

>put a spoiler image
>don't even say what you're going to spoil

I never understood this

But there is plenty of mutants in fallout though?

Would you rather suck dick or have your dick sucked?

>Ctrl+F No Kain
Plebs, the lot of you.

Also pic related, 100% trap, no other way around it.
Also God hand where hard to tell who was trans or gay or attack helicopter but one thing is sure, no one was straight.

You mean Kaine?

That's a hard question to answer...

Nothing will beat your imagination, plus...

I'm not a transexual. I'm not doing hormones or anything. I just crossdress and take care of my skin and stay in androgynous shape because I like how it feels. Sooner rather than later I'll look like a crackwhore and that's when I'll stop doing it, but for now I'll have my fun.

>I'm not a transexual. I'm not doing hormones or anything.
That's what I was assuming. Actual trannies are mostly uggo. Now post pics

post feet

>That's a hard question to answer...
Don't lie

What about that disgusting antagonist from Watch Dogs 2? Whatever that thing was.

How come there are no waifu representation in vidya, Sup Forums?

Rude and uncalled for. Also, I'm pretty sure the black dude is the protag

Because it's not the norm

Unless it's a sex game it would have no relevance to the game at all.

I think I see what you did there.

>we as gamers have to have equal representation
I know this is bait but you should fuck off either way.

is Otomaid Cafe worth playing

>have to have

Latin motherfucker, kill yourself.

Pics of:

Face, dick, tits, butt.

Please, my dick is already in my hand.

But if you're a transman, shouldn't you identify with male characters already?

>we as gamers
yeah this might be bait but equal representation doesn't make sense when they aren't equally distributed like men and women (which games are steadily getting better at).

Mental illness doesn't make for a good hero archetype, nor a good character. Also, having a character too self centered on their sexuality makes them a "that guy" kind of character, they want to avoid cringe thankyouverymuch. Good thing fags are avoided in vidya beyond BioWare. Straight people don't make a big deal on sex.

This. Or else we also need representation of the people with Down's Syndrome which might be even more people than transgenders and even more affected by their disease.

I'm MtF trans and I don't want trannies forced into every fucking game, I don't want trannies to be the next cliche on the diversity checklist to be shoveled into every game.

I don't mind a trans side character like Erika if it's not done in a SJW idiotic way, they handled it nice in Catherine and it actually added a little something to the story, like Erika getting the dreams all the guy characters had.

I wouldn't mind a game with a trans protagonist though, as that's hardly forcing it in just to force it, but good luck ever getting something like that that isn't total dogshit.

>create a game with tumblr-tier character creator
>allow choice of skin color, skin condition, sex, gender. romantic orientation, and sexual orientation
>make the choices in your character design affect the gameplay
>best build is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, heterosexual cis-male

I thought Lucina was transexual?

>Straight people don't make a big deal on sex.

no really. you dont see straight people complaining that tetris dosent have enough straight relationships or that racing car sim 2016 dosent have enough intercar threesomes

>you can only get the best ending as the genderfluid, hermaphrodite trans-ethnic nigger-kin

there are loads of traps in vidya
but not many trans characters
because crossdressing is cool and good
but degloving yr dong and turning it inside out is less so

The vast, vast majority of trannies never chop off their dicks and never plan to

There is one in The Secret World

Those aren't trannies those are glorified crossdressers
you're not trans unless you go full retard

>hasn't devolved into an argument about Poison again


>take hormones for years
>voice practice for years to sound like a girl
>laser on my entire body to remove hair
>legal name changed to a girls name
>gender changed on drivers license
>don't want to fork out 50k for an ugly fake vagina that doesn't work and kills my ability enjoy sex and can't even get pregnant
Guess it was just crossdressing, silly me

>Mental illness doesn't make for a good hero archetype, nor a good character.

you are stupid as fuck

Soul Nomad

Are you cute though?

Because games are not inherent, political tools so they aren't required by any standard to include tranny characters if the dev doesn't want them in.

Seriously though, identity politics is a poison which has recently been polluting all forms of media. It limits creativity in order to be politically correct. How hypocritical of SJW to oppress devs from expressing what they truy want to create by filling their games with undeserved pathos towards trannies.

>not knowing who Bridget is
I'm gettin too old for this shit

Still crossdressing senpai
shoulda kept it as a hobby or gone full retard

>the /bridget/ board turned into a tranny support group

I'm really getting too old for this shit.