Worked at Nintendo (of America) from 2007 - 2014

> Worked at Nintendo (of America) from 2007 - 2014
> Seen some shit
> Dealt with pre-Kimishima bullshit that'd make some gamers' blood boil

Ask me anything.

Elaborate on #3

Why did they fire you and how SJW infested is it.

Reminder if you love Nintendo, then love their products.
Do NOT love them as a company unless you have more mental issues than normal.

What's the most rage inducing situation you've found yourself in?

>worked at one of the most prestigious entertainment companies in history
>now shitposting on Sup Forums
dreams do come true

Why did you leave

Why don't you make a trip?

What did you do? How cancerous is treehouse, if you ever interacted with it.

Why are you such a faggot?

Why do you have so many fucking children?

Just say the shit that makes us angry

Why ain't you on Reddit?

All I want to know is why they censor. Why is there region lock. Why is there a fear about any game reaching the eyes of a child. Why do are you biased toward censoring JRPGs but not Bayonetta, Devils' Third. Please explain to me what logical explantion they had justifying Fatal Frame, an M rated game to be censored


why did you get fired?



Also, you're a faggot OP

I know that good, old Nintendo is dead, but how bad is Neoshitendo actually?

In a nutshell, upper management from Japan being extremely out-of-touch and afraid to confront the issue, as well as upper management in America being afraid to call Japan out on it.

Long story short, Nintendo let NVIDIA take the reigns when it came to R&D for the Switch, so they let go a few people in NOA/NOJ who worked in product dev/industrial design.

Nintendo was almost close to finalizing a plan to revitalize the Wii U in the same vein that Sony did with the PS3. A price drop, rebrand, redesign, and higher focus in advertising. The final product would have been amazing. Upper management felt like the main reason the Wii U was a disaster is because "we need to understand how to better utilize the GamePad". That sentence was a MANTRA that everyone got tired of hearing.


Also, where at Nintendo? NoA, NoE, or NoJ?

Also, what were they thinking with the Wii U?

>In a nutshell, upper management from Japan being extremely out-of-touch and afraid to confront the issue, as well as upper management in America being afraid to call Japan out on it.

Bullshit. If anyone is out of touch it's NoA.

Will the Switch be region free

>Nintendo was almost close to finalizing a plan to revitalize the Wii U in the same vein that Sony did with the PS3. A price drop, rebrand, redesign, and higher focus in advertising.

Assuming this isn't all bullshit, talk more about this plz.

>The final product would have been amazing
any pics/sources of that?

Thoughts on the Switch?

Why did Nintendo decide to drop the Wii U rebrand over their new turd?

Also, agree with the others about making a thread on Reddit, if what you say is true, spread this like fire so their new gimmick machine dies as it should.

You should take a look at project hammer

NoJs seniors are documented to be batshit

Are you expecting things to improve under Kimishima?

This is almost believable. Why aren't you on plebbit?

Why arent you? Fuck off.

>In a nutshell, upper management from Japan being extremely out-of-touch and afraid to confront the issue, as well as upper management in America being afraid to call Japan out on it.
Fake and gay. Not this statement, but that you're saying what Sup Forums has known and said word for word for years means you are just a roleplayer. Good day to you, sir.

Why does Nintendo repeatedly make bad games and blame their fans for the fallout?

Why is it so hard to make a Metroid Prime 4, Sunshine remake, or revive FZero?

Do they seriously have that much contempt for their fans?

Also... do you think they have made any attempt to filter through social media criticisms and fix this in some capacity?

>all these retards unironically suggesting plebbit
what the actual fuck
how about you worthless cumrags fuck off and never come back

>Nintendo let NVIDIA take the reigns when it came to R&D for the Switch


Kill yourself you piece of shit, get the fuck out from this site.

They could never get their own OC so theyve always had to steal from Sup Forums.

Hes clearly from reddit though he cant even greentext properly. Fuck off.

I've probably been here longer than you, m8. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

If you have any info regaring the Nintendo Switch, Feel free to post it on Reddit, as many other have stated in this thread.

since the infromation poster there is much less volatile than on Sup Forums

if you post it on /r/NintendoSwitch, The mods can post for you to stay anonymous

Ive been here for 12 years and never been on fucking reddit, why would you even suggest it.

>Nintendo was almost close to finalizing a plan to revitalize the Wii U in the same vein that Sony did with the PS3. A price drop, rebrand, redesign, and higher focus in advertising. The final product would have been amazing. Upper management felt like the main reason the Wii U was a disaster is because "we need to understand how to better utilize the GamePad". That sentence was a MANTRA that everyone got tired of hearing.

So they were going to make a new console, yet keep the Wii U name? Or just some Wii U Slim Edition shit? Because either one of those would have been a DISASTER.

I agree that the fucking gamepad obsession is idiotic, but the mindshare of the Wii U was fucking gone, and Nintendo doesn't have the pull with 3rd parties that Sony does to help prop up their consoles.

I'm skeptical of the Switch, but if they actually do manage to unify their software development for only one platform, I'll be happy.

Also we'll finally get a Monster Hunter that isn't clinging to PS2 era assets.

>Nintendo was almost close to finalizing a plan to revitalize the Wii U in the same vein that Sony did with the PS3. A price drop, rebrand, redesign, and higher focus in advertising.The final product would have been amazing

That sounds like a load of bollocks. It's not like that many games since they stated they'd focused on using the Gamepad even came out.

What redesign and games would have revitalised it?

>Take your story from a japanese owned site to our american jurisdiction
>Get subpoenaed by NoA

Seems legit

Come on, give some proof if you're going to be saying shit like this. But, since I'm a bored faggot at work, guess I'll bite anyways.

Why the fuck have they not made a new F-Zero? I mean, other games that aren't considered heavy hitters like Pikman are getting weird amounts of attention, but much more adorned games get kicked to the curb. Why do they have this mentality? I mean, outside of monetary concerns and marketing bullshit, if there are any.

>half the thread begging OP to post on reddit instead of asking questions
Jesus fucking Christ, this place sure has changed.

>I've been coming here since the site opened up
You sure don't act like it.

I've been coming here since 2006, and have been on Reddit, and think you should chill the fuck out, as both site are essentially the same these days newfriend.

Fuck off to shitddit and stay there

Nah you are just a disgusting normalbastard
No self respecting user would ever go to that site

F-Zero and Metroid are B tier franchises. And the stupid Wii U didn't have fucking analog triggers, so wait for the Switch for that.

>nintendo year olds are reddit posting faggots

Now it makes sense why this board is so shit.

Is it true NOA has issues with Hasbro to the point that they would no longer allow any games directly published by them to appear on Nintendo consoles?

>Nintendo let NVIDIA take the reigns when it came to R&D for the Switch

>been here since site was created

Well you must have made a lot of OPs because you sure found like a faggot

Half are desperate plebbitors trying to bring attention to their subforum

The other half are Nintendo employees trying to bait OP into breaking NDA and take legal action

Assuming this is legit of course...

If this was the good old days mods would permaban all the retards that suggested reddit to OP

Do I want to work at Nintendo? I currently work in the video game industry in IT in a non-entry level position, so I could probably get a job there if I wanted...but is it worth it?

>> Dealt with pre-Kimishima bullshit that'd make some gamers' blood boil
>In a nutshell, upper management from Japan being extremely out-of-touch and afraid to confront the issue, as well as upper management in America being afraid to call Japan out on it.
I still don't get it. Confront what issue?

B-tier or not, they would be far better than the shit were getting now.

Are you 12?

What did you make of Miyamotos confusing joke emails?

They were nice for a while but I got tired of them after a month and had to just delete them when they came through

is sakamoto as insufferable as he comes across in his interviews?

Are you? Is that how you argue in your upvote forum shit?
Get the fuck out

>you will never have a top loader Wii U Mini with wired controllers

>I still don't get it. Confront what issue?

The Pro- Skub or Anti-Skub issue

>Ask me anything.
What do you get from lying on the internet for free?

People are saying to post on Reddit for more exposure for Nintendo's shortcomings. It has nothing to do with Nintendrones, it's literally the exact opposite.

>OP already gave up on the troll thread

Why even start it?

I worked there for 3 years in Richmond, localisation. Were you there for the cringey WiiU pitch?

>It's like the DS, but on a larger scale!
>Third party big budget games will outnumber our own games by 5:1!

Absolute delusion

Well, that was fucking nothing.

Post something that proves you worked there.

The issue is that making those games would take too much effort and money for what they sell. In fact, Federation Force was their attempt to make Metroid more popular by introducing online play. And you know how that ended.

>nintoddler employee

I remember it to a tee. The GamePad would have been more compact and thin, Amiibo/NFC would be under the screen (like the N3DS), its battery life would have been improved, and its maximum supported range would have increased.

The console would have had (a small amount of) extra RAM to make browsing the menus and loading faster. The prototype I saw was matte plastic, like the Wii Mini. The goal was to sell the console for around $279.

It's all about money. The goal is to make games that appeal to as many people as possible, so they'll get as much money as possible. Metroid, F-Zero, Earthbound and other half-dormant properties, at least to Nintendo, won't "wow" everybody as much as Mario, Pokemon, Zelda and others.

As for remakes? Nintendo makes remakes so they can get used to new hardware. This is the case with Super Mario All-Stars (which started out as an SMB3 remake when first developing SMW), Ocarina of Time 3D, Wind Waker HD, and others.

Nice try. Redmond and Richmond are two different cities on two different sides of the country.

That's not a sign of them being out of touch. Stuff like Paper Mario Color Splash is and still it's so much more worse for NoA to be doing poor localizations and censorship because NoA can help a bad game be better, but too often they make games worse.

Sure it would have worked out 1000x better had they included worthwhile MP again in Prime

Even when you bring up costs it makes no sense to invest what they do on some of their projects that might not even make it, but a B-Tier would get $750,000+ at least. Two gens ago their titles would break 1m repeatedly. Now theyre throwing darts at a board of crap ideas.

>Calling Nintendo's main division NOJ
>When the proper initials are NCL
Fake and gay.

What are your thoughts on the Switch, m8?

Almost believed you there
Good to know you're making this shit up

IIRC NoJ seniors didnt care about gameplay and literally wanted "muh art direction"

Remember when Reggie spent 80% 2014's advertising budget on a Donkey Kong shaped blimp that he had fly around the Antartic to promote Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze?

Question: What was the deal with Mother? Why was NoA so adamant on staying away from it for so long? We could easily have Mother 1+2 on the virtual console back in the Wii's heyday without the music licensing nonsense, what was stopping them?

Extra question: Why is NoA so cancerous? Is it Bill? Reggie? Someone behind the scenes we don't see?

Is this the Wii U Slim your talking about? I remember seeing this thing in some tv commercial but there was never more information about it.

What are Nintendo employees suppose to do and what are the requirements to be hired?

If the cafeteria good? Bill looked super fat at the VGA.

They own it.

The things that worked 2 gens ago do not necessarily have to work now, though. You also have to factor in the limited user base the Wii U had, and wonder if they're the same fans of those 2 franchises, or if they would had moved consoles.
In any case, the Switch will get a new Metroid for sure. And GC on the VC.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about that.

Why do you think Nintendo won't buck up and create a platform that would be successful for 3rd party support as well as 1st party support. IE dropping the gimmicks and making a system that is at least comparable to it's competitors in terms of hardware power.
Are they just hoping for another success of the Wii? I don't think it's going to happen.

You just described the Switch.

I need to know this too.

OoT3D was outsorced you retard
its not like you tried hard in the first place but way to fuck up man

>dropping the gimmicks

No I didn't, who wants to play call of duty on that stupid controller


Just gonna preface this by saying I dont hate Nintendo. I love them. Maybe a bit too much even. I however believe you are thinking backwards, not forward.

>The things that worked 2 gens ago do not necessarily have to work now, though

There are things that work because they are proven formulas. Do we really need to reinvent the wheel especially if said wheel makes millions?

What about the franchises that DO need the attention? That could use a new coat of paint? Theyre not getting what they deserve.

In my crafts I can be very critical of my work and keep retreading on past work. Most of the times it does not make things better, it only gets worse. Like plastic surgery.

>You also have to factor in the limited user base the Wii U had, and wonder if they're the same fans of those 2 franchises

Consider that the fanbase was so small because they were all that remained of the prior fanbase. There wasnt a huge quantum shift, just subtraction. Proven formulas would have retained more fans.

do you think n3ds will continue to receive mario/pokemon releases after the switch?

user, a controller doesn't make for a bad gimmick entirely in itself. The gimmicks were initially annoying because they had a major impact on game design in places where they weren't needed. The Switch doesn't have anything that'll force us to learn a new universal control scheme.

Is the infrastructure of Ninty's HQ good? For example Riot's HQ is pretty cool

You're literally retarded.

And your proof is?

shut the fuck up

Who decided that Pokemon Stars should come to the Switch, did Nintendo force GF hand or was the initiative GF's?