Do you hope it's super gay, too?
Do you hope it's super gay, too?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is super gay
>Sure, the gameplay sucked
I hope the next Zelda is nazi as fuck. I hope all enemies are gays, handicapped and juice.
time to get the luger
What shithole did this come from?
>Games have sexual preferences now
I don't understand.
Please just turn TLOU2 into a yuri fantasy Naughty Dog
But Japan already did that
Nice try shill
Movies don't have gameplay usually.
Seriously. What is wrong with some people.
LOL. Somebody on Sup Forums is writing articles now.
This kind of person needs purge from existence
I hope its HARD GAY
This. Stop giving these faggots attention holy shit I hate this board so much.
>Letting women write articles
that tweet was pretty retarded desu reminds me of the cringey msi commercials
We are worse than we were in the 90's.
Anything even related to sex causes outrage in this country. Unless of course it's interracial or gay, then it better be plastered everywhere.
>No serious action/rpg games where the main charecter is a female version of Gerat that tries to get with every female in the game
>Points to gender issue in the tech/gaming field
>Doesn't encourage more women to enter it but instead just bitch on social media
>I didn't like the gameplay, BUT I LOVED THE STORY!
This is the future of videogames. At least for AAA westerns games at least.
Expect even less gameplay in the sequel
that's the one
>Danielle Riendeau
Not surprised.
I hope you're super gay.
>Never had an issue with fags
>Suddenly developing an issue with them
That's right. Identity politics is your path to salvation.
The gameplay wasn't awful, it was just kinda bland which is what sells now.
OP is super gay
>I didn't like Joel
>I didn't like shooting mechanics
>but hey, queers
Thank God we still have Japan.
I never played the first one and I sure as hell won't play this one, so they can do whatever they want with it.
The ending got me.
Press F to rub muff? Hairy armpits? Subaru DLC? Sign me up!
Why can't we all agree that video games should simply be super good?
Because it gets you banned.
>iffy shooting
Fuck off.
Because that would require actually working on crafting decent gameplay.
>1 hour long cutscene about lesbian sex
>flashbacks about ellie having underage lesbian sex
sounds boring
NeoGAF: The article
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm not anti feminist or shit but this kind of article pisses me off so much
>Daniel Riendoh
Shit thread get to rolling
What the fuck is Queer? I'm tired of this ambiguous , fantasy, sexuality bullshit.
What other games are super gay?
The only game I can think of is DA:I.
It's literally only okay when big Western AAA games do it
That bodybuilder game on the Wii.
As a gay person, I'm really annoyed by the sentiment that gay characters' sexuality should just be a "sublte" trait that "doesn't define them." My sexuality absolutely friggin defines me. I think about the fact that I'm gay literally every single day. It defines who I love, the TV shows and comics I find myself drawn to, how I relate to society, what my politics are, how I view myself- my insecurities and my pride. It defines how people treat me. And It defines the community I find myself in, who my friends are and what my dating pool is- and our communities absolutely come to define us as people.
And this idea that our sexuality shouldn't define us is also a bullshit double-standard, because straight characters are allowed to have their sexuality define them all the time and nobody complains about it. straight people in the real world too. Straight people talk about their sexuality *all the time* and yet nobody complains that they are "letting" it define them. The only reason straight people don't realize how much your sexuality defines you is because you're all surrounded by people just like you. And when I see people say that gay characters like Ellie can't be too in-your-face, that her sexuality should be "sublte" like some kind of footnote in the textbook of her life, all I see is heterosexuals being uncomfortable.
Srsly tho how is ellie supposed to have time for scissoring when she's too busy with her quest to KILL PRAXIS?
Shut you cock hole faggot
>Being so beta that this actually pisses you off instead of making you laugh at how ridiculous it is
The Last of Us 2 will be garbage anyways and Naughty Dog is already pandering to SJW's so who cares?
Now i want a noir game made by cd projekt red
>2D yuri is the greatest thing ever
>Most 3D lesbian are the biggest cancer in the world
Some are alright, but god damn most are disgusting.
They see me rolling...
Where'd you pick that one up at.
Swear to Christ if I roll snakepenis again
Welp... roooooolling...
Super duper kys
Average TLOU fan right here
Yeah I hope all characters are gay and also black and also female and if the main villain is not a white male I swear to god
Not that I was going to buy the game anyway. Fuck Globalism. Can't even touch ND knowing who is behind the code.
I'd probably like this a lot more then the witcher.
I hope there's an Ellie schlicking scene.
No, massive faggot.
Natural selection.
I hope ellie gets fucked with a strapon
As an asexual person, I'm tired of both gay and straight people throwing their sexuality around. Whether you pound pussy or ass, it's all a bunch of "muh dick" to me.
straight people who talk about sex all the time are just as annoying. Fuck off faggot unless you got a nice boipussi to post.
rolling for snu-snu
>Jerk-Dadness of Joel
What did she mean by this? Like I can sort of understand what she means but this phrasing comes across as something that would be a page on, but there is no page for this.
Regardless, who cares if Ellie is gay. Why does this need to be a big deal. The Last of Us was able to portray a gay character in way that felt natural in the first game. Sure, they called attention to it with the gay porn magazine but it didn't feel like some dumb joke like DUDE BILL'S GAY LMAO. It was some lonely man beating off to a magazine because his partner left him.
rolling it
IS that person a tranny?
>even the retarded SJW admit the gameplay is shit in TLoU
rolling for allah
no, just a lesbian who gave Gone Home a 10/10 because she's friends with the guy who did the music
Do it quick, mudslime!
This, if they really want to be progressive, they'd include this.
I think you're super gay
So, how about making games stand out for their gameplay? If I play a game, I'd like to have an enjoyable experience and the gameplay usually contributes to that.
>LGBT game is gonna LGBT
May as well be a rainbow flag on the case cover. This is how I view anything that comes from naughty dog. Which is to say, I see it at face value as "gay people shit"
>this isn't marketing
>sony knows that queers are the future games
>pay no name SJW's to write articles
>buzzfeed level cancer and click-bait as fuck
Do you even know how to market?
ah right, looking up pics of her, she has yuge arms plus what looks like a 5 o'clock shadow
Allah be praised
please save me from this mortal coil
does super gay mean lesbians
because I hope it means lesbians
am I late to this party
PlayAsia did the same thing when they blamed SJW's for not localizing DOA. Anita played GamerGate like a damn fiddle, got her money and now she's disappeared.
>that's gay.
>"It's not a bombastic, ridiculous, melodromatic thing, it's a scene that feels understated and, for a lack of better words, real."
Yeah, it's not ridiculous that out of nowhere, two young girls go from having fun playing on the job in a mall to a fucking random romantic song and dance scene. I don't care if they rub carpets; it was so fucking sudden and random that it killed the mood.
She wrote about sonic porn for Polygon.
That's really gay my nigga.
Did she ever finish all her videos?
anything but op.