>bioware animation "quality"
>people will pay 60 dollaringos for this shit
ayy lmao
Bioware animation "quality"
>That disarm
Looks like SFM shit god
I didn't even realize it was a disarm until the fourth time through.
who gives a shit about the facial animations?
the game is supposed to be progressive, don't get stuck up on the details and look at the big picture...
it literally looks like some first-generation shit from garry's mod
I guarantee you they took people on purely based on race/sex quotas.
It's not "who is the best" it's "who is the right minority"
As such, enjoy your shitty inferior product. If anyone is stupid enough to buy it.
Holy shit this game looks bad.
>bad animation
>vague ethnic mutt characters that are no ethnicity at all, just NOT white
>cliche mexican standoff looking bullshit.
Still mad we'll never get a proper ME1 sequel
She has such a smug cartoony face
I'm a big ME fan, I even like ME3 but I'm not sure if this is going to be even worth pirating
I swear, this is the stupidest face to ever come out of modern animation.
Where does this whole "Bioware is sjw omg" thing come from? I don't really keep up with vidya news cause it's fucking cancer.
>threaten her with a gun but walk into melee range to do it
Time is even more valuable than money, user.
weightless animation digusts me
Do people still care about Bioware? They're basically a bunch of people wearing the corpse of old Bioware at this point
how do i disarm wep
Last 5 years since the blunders that were DA2, ME3, and Tor, Both Bioware and EA have been pushing a very progay agenda and have framed it around the idea that if you don't like/buy their games you must be a sexist racist monster.
Mind you EA was putting no energy into this campaign until the blunder that was Dragon Age 2. The wheels for it didn't start turning till projected sales of DA 2 were cut in half, to then even fail to get that half.
>minorities are people
fuck off back to ribbit you sack of shit, we president now
just a bunch of autists who get mad about anyone that feels like featuring a women minority or homo in a positive way.
Then they find something one employee says and flip out
The rest of us enjoy fun games, they bitch about not exclusively having white guys and look for anything to hate about the game
Once again those of us that aren't 100% insecure about ourselves enjoy games that are generally pretty fun
>rest of us
spotted the shill
>grabs gun
>rest of us
we're laughing at you
bought each of the earlier games for sub 10 bucks used, work in sales in the contracting/building industry, shill, sure whatever helps you sleep at night
>not $69.99
>+$39.99 Season Pass
>+$20.00Limited Edition Edition
I have literally never seen facial animations this bad before.
>literally never
what is kotor
a 50 year old game?
welcome to bioware: no original founders edition.
Imagine Valve without Gaben. That's what the shell company Bioware are now.
"literally never"
I know, just memeing about
Hah! Who pays 60$ for game when you can get Russian version for 30$
No one deserves 60$
>if anyone is stupid enough to buy it
Oh, there'll be plenty.
Excuse me, did you just FUCKING assume this person's pronouns?
Do you mean Tor or Kotor? Because a decade+ old game isn't a strong argument.
>TORtanic not a strong argument
is Tor a decade old you retard? You said Kotor which is a decade old. Tor on the other hand has some weight in the debate because it was awful as fuck even at launch.
You know, this is about on par with the rest of the Mass Effect games, which is sad because Bioware animation has barely progressed in 10 fucking years.
At least they finally got the sense to show you what your dialogue interrupts will do this time.
You are retarded senpai. You should call a doctor
You must not play Bethesda games then.
>60 dollaringos
80 canadia fun bux
there most recently added writer once talked about "virtual rape in gta" during a tv report
also they used to have their own forums that were more or less like tumblr
talking about privilage, racism, sexism and 200 million genders daily
I guess I'm shadowbanned on here
I thought this was ment to be a new system with new races? Why the fuck is she talking to a human with krogans and turian bodyguards?
>Telltale can animate better than Bioware
every fucking time
>while performing the "disarming" she points the gun at herself
Animation quality aside these homos don't even know the basics of CQC. I mean how hard is it to watch some special forces combat training videos on YouTube for references?
obvious redditor
cuz the left on an arc with races from all over the galaxy.
the real question is why does the mocap look like they hired a fat chick without knees to do the running animation?
How do we know he's not just trying to bang some SJW sloot with pink hair who works the front desk?
dat fucking head spin
this is a pre-rendered video and the character models look worse than final fantasy xv's do ingame
The nigger in the chair, look at her right hand (our left) when she's first on scene. For some reason it's shaking a lot.
This is fucking embarrassing. This is from a western AAA dev studio with the funding of one of the biggest third party publishers.
Simply eric.
Because Andromeda is actually just a soft reboot of the franchise to get it as far away from the fuck up that is ME3 as possible.
Here smile is fucking unnerving.
Who cares if the "canon" protag is a mulatto womyn when you'll be given a whole creation suite to use? You can create a white, blonde-haired blue-eyed Aryan ubermensch and lead humanity as a square-jawed straight male.
>I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit
I'm just saying, based on this guy's posts, this almost comes off as self-parody. Maybe Curry Thunder is memeing for (you)s to create publicity for publicity's sake.
SFM is better than this.
>Also completely drops the gun the instant she reaches for it.
I can't unsee it now. He practically hands it to her.
That doesn't excuse shit animation
dead emotionless eyes....
I had some hope for Andromeda. I mean, after ME3's launch, the hostility from the entire fanbase and the overall situation, must've taught them a lesson right? Anyone would see the problems, and work to try and fix them, right?
Instead of fixing the issues, the devs doubled-down on the ending, saying people who didn't like it were racist and sexist. They drove away their fanbase, instead of admitting their mistake. I was still hopeful.
Then Inquisition dropped. With that "game" they tried to rope in their old fanbase. But they attempted it with a mediocre offline-MMO plagued with the same, fucking, problems, ME3 had. Even then I was still hopeful, that they would learn.
Then this trailer, was shown, at the OFFICIAL FUCKING PRESENTATION OF THE GAME.
I no longer hace hope, and I was a fool to have any in the first place.
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
Video games are dead.
I wish I was too.
Maybe then I could finally make Tali real, and marry her.
Thanks, this always cracks me up.
He's a disgusting skit skin indian. Nobody is fucking that unless he's paying top dollar.
>60 dollars
I fucking wish OP, in leafland we'll most likely be paying 80 fucking dollars + tax for this hot garbage
And you just know there will be a $120 "digital deluxe" edition so you can preorder the seasons pass
That being said, I'm not going near this game, feel sorry for my fellow cuckadians who will waste a days pay to play this
>the devs doubled-down on the ending, saying people who didn't like it were racist and sexist
I won't pay a dime because EA won't include English subtitles in the game.
You are stupid
Kill me, Pete
seriously what this guy said... wat...
>Sith leaves an opening so wide that Helen Keller can see it
>Jedi decides the best course of action to clinch what should have been the easiest victory of all time is to spin away from the enemy. Twice.
>Jedi shows no signs of being attacked despite sith putting his weight in his strikes
>Greenfag reacts to getting hit twice
I can't go on. You could write a novel about how shitty this one scene is.
Kill me, Pete
They didn't do dick to fix the ending, and I remember at the time there were some more... outspoken members of the dev team.
Please, kill me Pete.
You're right. Bioware can't even get a sitting character right
kill me, Pete
>talking about murdering people
I got fired from my job for not clicking on a checkbox
This dude gets to talk about what's "class" when murdering people on twitter at work
>its another Sup Forums focusing on something bad while ignoring the good.
This video is 5 minutes long, that scene is 10 seconds long.
Mass Effect is a perfect allegory to the current US election cycle: facts, standards, and principles are irrelevant as long as what is presented appeals to emotions and irrational behaviors.
>its another Sup Forums focusing on something bad
Yes this is annoying
>while ignoring the good.
There nothing good tho.
they still choose that horrible scene for a presentation
also one of the lead writers left during the production with some other dev staff(production still hasn't ended)
almost none from the old ME team is in Bioware
I liked multiplayer in ME3, but I would gladly trade it for a better singleplayer
>Mom says it's my turn to play with the gun now :^)
Yeah this is like a 5 dollar whore. Not a classy 60 dollar one
That's not a man
and that's not even a women.
What in the fuck is that?
t. Manveer "Poo in Loo" Pajeet
why do you idiots keep having this thread over and over
An SJW's wet dream for the world: a place where everyone is a fat transsexual with about as much emotion as the wooden chair it probably identifies as.
Thats what humans look like in a hillary presidental future
Hey bullying bioware about animations is always fun. But this is getting really annoying with all that spam.