Which PS1 trilogy was better?
Which PS1 trilogy was better?
Syphon Filter
I don't like Spyro, but Spyro
Crash was just a weird perspective 2D platformer
Do you even have to ask? Spyro.
they are equal
>PS1 Era: Spyro, though this is close
>PS2 Era: Crash, no contest
>Spinoffs: Crash
>Modern day: Crash
Can we agree on this front?
i only played spyro on gameboy, it was a really fun game but i guess its a mini game compared to the Ps1 version.
Crash was mediocre even back when it was released. Like seriously, I'm going to love it when people play the remaster and find out that nostalgia is a bitch.
Gex 3 was the shit.
Ratchet and clank
Spyro, Crash was bad other than CTR.
Croc was better
Neither have aged that well. Crash had no movement physics so it feels like shit and Spyro was a casual collect-a-thon but to its credit played and looked nice.
Rayman 2 and Tomba 2 were the real god tier platformers.
i would prefer if you would be quiet
>>PS2 Era
>Modern day
wait for spyro remake so they add in more Strungfemale bs
Spyro, duh.
Crash is normiecore.
Fuck off Tawnafag
I like that jump.
Crash usually had the tighter gameplay, but I liked Spyro's aesthetic/characters more (also I liked YotD's minigames. ). Hard to say honestly.
Gex also made for a good middle-ground.
Really like them both. I remember loving Crash Warped because of the tiger on the cover. I fucking love tigers That being said, I think I played WoC on Gamecube more than the original Crash games save for Bash, only because I remember it more. I remember playing Spyro on PS1 and loving it as well, but didn't care much for the newer ones. Solid games either way.
Crash without a doubt
Sport is charming but it got boring pretty quickly
>crash and spyro
>haven't aged well
There really is such thing as wrong opinions
Spyro was shit. Even Croc was better.
>Gex also made for a good middle-ground.
thank you
Crash > Rayman > Spyro > Gex > Bugs Bunny Lost in Time > Jersey Devil > Croc
>level design
>no movement physics so it feels like shit
Only if you're too used to Mario. Crash's platforming works just fine honestly, if anything more instantaneous as a result.
It's not really a level. It's a side path after collecting all the gems.
Crash. After Spyro 1 Spyro became a shitty mission based and heavily dialog induced platformer with forced sidekick which there was a ton of on the GC and the PS2.
Crash remains unique even today. You can just pick it up and play it and it has tons of replayability. Crash is fucking horrible to replay with its tons of dialog and shitty characters.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
>PS4-quality Bianca and Elora
My childhood needs this.
This. It made the mechanics much more simple and easy to predict too. As if platformers without physics based jumps are universally bad anyway. Loving the new ignorant memes that Sup Forums keeps spitting out
Spyro in my opinion, I played both games last year for the first time & while I loved Spyro (beat all 100%) I sadly gotta say I hated Crash (beat 1 & got half-way through 2), it just simply wasn't fun & I hated the perspective. It sucks also since I really did want to like the games since I adore platformers & dig the character. I'm glad to see him coming back at least.
I find it strange that anyone can "hate" Crash's perspective. You realize it's the same perspective as mario 64 and spyro, aside from the 2D levels which are the same as all the old Nintendo platformers, right? Such an odd comment
wait are you trying to tell me there was a spyro trilogy?
>Bugs Bunny Lost in Time
I don't think I ever finished that one, I'll have to play it sometime.
Mario > Banjo > Rayman > Crash > Spyro > Gex > Bugs Bunny Lost in Time > Jersey Devil > Croc
I'm always surprised how there're so few good platformers out there. I had a time a few years back were I was really into platformers and I looked into every console and most PC games out there and I only found a couple of really good platformers.
I always find it curious how a real hidden gem barely exists when it comes to video games. Either the game has some cult following and is not really a hidden gem or it's mediocre or even bad but still gets mentioned for some reason.
I don't know how exactly how it's different but in SM64 & Spyro I knew exactly where I was gonna go when jumping and it never gave any issues, in Crash I had plenty of times where I undershot the jump thinking I was gonna over-shoot it (only platformer I've really had that issue with also), I think maybe it's the the camera is pretty much locked behind you on a linear corridor and the upward angle isn't always up enough to feel comfortable (which is kind of a pain on the few instances you need to go back), at least in SM64 & Spyro I could turn it easily in a big opened space.
Trilogy? Crash.
Individual games? Spyro.
The camera in Crash is on a track, in Spyro and M64 it's relative to the character
Yeah, I know what you mean. Crash has some problems with its depth perception. I feel these problems only apply to Crash 1, in the sequels you can feel you know where you will land after a jump.
You will be so butthurt when people say it's just as fun and enjoyable as it was back then, and this time with many new fabs on board.
No one takes people who owned Autistbox 64 seriously anymore.
Use the shadow underneath Crash for reference if the depth is confusing.
Crash, no contest here. I love Spyro 1, I think it's one of the very best platformers out there, but the sequels are clearly not as good, with 3 being really quite shitty in most aspects. Crash on the other hand is consistently good even though 3 has too many gimmick levels and not enough platforming to make it as good as the other two.
2 had supreme balance of challenge and ease, 3 was too gimmicky but the extra completionist stuff was nice, 1 was unpolished but a classic
They'd certainly be polished higher-res/poly models, yes.
3's completion requirements were too high to be fun. Not to mention you needed to do those extra challenges in the gimmick levels which was a pain in the ass. Time trial is always somewhat a pain and crash made it ridiculous by even needing to hit time stop boxes. The platinum was relic was ridiculous to get, you literally needed a perfect time, not a single mistake.
I will try it again in the HD collection but I won't try harder than gold relics. I think gold doesn't unlock anything either way.
Crash 2 is ridiculous fun to complete though. Perfect challenge, extremely satisfying. It's one of the most fun games to complete and only if you try to complete it the game truly shines. Similar like Super Mario World which is just ok if you don't find every exit.
Didnt all goldrelics give you the secret ending?
I meant to say platinum relics. I think you didn't need them at all so they don't count for completion purposes.
Spyro, without a doubt.
The correct answer
I always liked the games Spyro more
Crash was still fantastic though, especially CTR.
I didn't know jeans were fastened with a string?
I like the sweatpants. Makes sense, his movement gets less restricted than if he were to wear jeans.
They're board shorts, classic australian staple