What went wrong?

>Draw distance very low
>Shadows low
>Textures low
>Population lowest
>Grass density low
>frame-rate 20
>QTE everwhere
>hand holding

What's QTE anyway

That's in a swamp, the air is supposed to look like that.

The graphics are supposed to look like that you dumbass pcuck, It's stylized.

Spent too many years figuring out how to unlinear their games, and now have to make two versions for an underpowered console and a tablet.


nintendrones, everyone.

why do i see this "time freeze" gimmick in so many webms? it looks like shit.

I literally can't fucking see shit is that a filter or did the source video fucked up wtf.

Wow, I didn't know they made a Zelda game for the Dreamcast.

yeah this looks like someone spilled coffee on my computer screen. jesus.

>making this EXACT same thread again

Don't bother replying people, sage

Sorry to disappoint you but that's a thing that's been around since WindWaker and you don't even have to do it.

>tfw probably getting a switch on launch
>tfw don't give any shits about Zeldarim

To me it just compliments the shill "BotW iz bushing duh limits of gayming" thread that pops up every 3 hours or so.

All the shit you mentioned doesn't really concern me outside of the frame rate. Good god damn, it looked horrifyingly bad. I'm assuming it was a rush job to get something out there to show people that it's still on its way soon (which I'm am super fucking doubtful of), but jesus, I would still be ashamed to present this to people after so many years of development.

Actually, it just begs the question, why not just show a trailer of the Switch version? Or, at least wait to show more footage when the media blowout for it starts. To me, this gameplay demonstration was pointless and only made me more weary of the Wii U version.

It's clearly in a hazey swamp/forest user

>that pop-in

>Actually, it just begs the question, why not just show a trailer of the Switch version?
The Switch specs are under lockdown until the reveal on Jan 12th

Are you expecting the Switch version ie. the handheld version, to be any better?

It's still shit.
Would you drink your coffee if there was a turd inside, even though you extracted it?

the trick is figuring out literally what zelda game hes talking about

>It a food analogy comment

Except that it's a completely optional move you can use.

If by better, you mead more stable, then yeah. Both pieces of hardware are laughably underpowered, but The Switch is still better on a technical level. At least I hope it's better. Though, judging by the progress, expect a delay.

>people not understanding that analogies, even food ones, can be correct
>literally arguing "you may be right, and im not disputing that, i just disagree with your type of argument"

Now if you'd just said the fog was fine I'd nod my head and say "I agree user, that's a swampy area and shit so why the fuck not?" However these here:
>Shadows low
>Textures low
>Population lowest
>frame-rate 20
Should never be intentional choices.

Every single of these points bare the QTE apply to every 3D zelda tho.


>>hand holding
Gee it's almost like nintendo games weren't aiming at kids

seriously i have been seeing people say this looks awesome or some shit but i mean, it looks like shit dude...

is THIS seriously what console guys like? because every screenshot i see of it looks terrible the only one that looked good was E3 or something.

everything since then including OP picture looks like shit, fast landscapes of fucking nothing, different shades of mudbrown and fog, everything looking slightly blurry. It seriously looks like complete and total dogshit.

>People complain about the Wii U because it's weak and has a shitty gimmick, which drives away 3rd party support

>Nintendo makes a console with fucking tablet hardware and an ever worse gimmick

No, it does look like shit. People just desperately want the game to be good so they have to lie to themselves.

It's more like you have the choice of adding shit to your coffee.

This is the Wii U version


>not realizing it's in a swamp

This board has the average IQ of a fucking potato.

I still think this game looks awesome, especially after the new trailer and footage they've released.

Enemies seem to do tons of damage and you
have to actually think about how you are going to approach a camp. Also, the quest giver gives you hints on how to find the shrine instead of just giving you a marker on your map.

The flurry rush (what people falsely refer to as QTE because it is just a glorified counter attack) doesn't seem to do that much damage on higher level enemies and you still can get hit while performing it.

The AI on the enemies also seems spot on, like how the big lizardguy just evaded the trapped bomb they rolled at him.

I'm now seriously considering getting a Switch just because of BotW

>foggy level has foggy visuals

What kind of graphics did you expect when the game is being developed for a small tablet?

you are disrespecting potatoes m8

I'm not a nintentoddler but come on, their games are for small kids who actully need handholding.

>I'm not a nintentoddler but come on, their games are for small kids who actully need handholding.
replaying to bait: most of you faggots cant even beat mario games

Just stop

they have cute Link and i want make him cum

>Implying anyone past age 12 can't do it

Fucking grass density man. It can make or break a game

Fucking buggy Sup Forums mechanics

What PS2 game is this? Looks like Shadow of the Colossus, but it's definitely not it.

The Switch version will surely fix the majority of these, and furthermore
>QTE everwhere
That's been there since Wind Waker
>hand holding
Bold faced lie, user

>t-t-the tablet version will be better

It's "bald faced" lie user.

Inb4 I was merely rusing